Possibly the Most Important Vote of Your Entire Life … Ever

As you take a quick refresher course on the Pets this year, feel free to relax, consider carefully, maybe employ the benefits of a nice frosty beverage. Then tell us who really left their mark with you as most memorable in 2023.

You can vote every three days on this one, although executives have determined that we clamp down a little in order to allow you to do so. With technological advance comes great power in bots, you see. With great power in bots comes really super-irritated bosses. Consequently, depending upon how many times you visit this page, you may get one of those “prove you’re not a robot” from time to time. It should not be horribly onerous, though. … As has become our custom, with Vote 2024 nothing says you have to vote for the same person every time. Feel free to have some fun. Spend some time considering their Pet Videos … y’know, for science.

Thank you for your interest in Vote 2024, by the way. While making us happy may be of limited significance, making a Penthouse Pet happy qualifies as one of those gifts that keep on giving.