
FROM July 2004

The Ed. In Sex

Convert “sex” to “sex ed” and you have cloaked yourself with presumably scientific legitimacy. This doesn’t mean we cannot benefit from both, of course.

The Ed. In Sex
FROM July 2004

An Addict Reveals

Hearing openness from someone having survived a sex addict affliction may not be what you’d anticipate. Addiction differs from love, as it turns out.

An Addict Reveals
FROM July 1984

Strip to the Lieu

Working as a noun or a verb, the simple word “strip” has a tendency to raise heartbeats on all its own. A “stripper,” though, amplifies that feeling with a particular flar.

Strip to the Lieu
FROM July 1974

A Pseudo-Bisexual Beat

It may be difficult to tell the difference between a Pseudo-Bisexual and a regular old garden-variety bisexual, but the goals differ markedly.

A Pseudo-Bisexual Beat
FROM June 2014

The Isotope Hope

You may never have thought much about isotopes unless you watch a lot of crime shows on television — so we decided to consider them for you.

The Isotope Hope
FROM June 2004

Humor Me

We know a bit about sexuality around here, although it may surprise you to know that humor ranks as the best aphrodisiac (allegedly).

Humor Me
FROM June 1984

Wayne Newton

If you know such a thing as “Mr. Las Vegas” exits as a title, you probably know Wayne Newton. Remarkable man, he. You do not often see this level of dedication.

Wayne Newton
FROM June 1974

Muhammad Ali

One of the first to fight for Muslim rights, Muhammad Ali was much more than a heavyweight champ. He reigns quite high in historic character still today.

Muhammad Ali
FROM May 2014

Millennial Madness

The Millennial Madness opinions of the author do not reflect the opinion of Penthouse in aggregate. Talk about getting touchy. … You remember pot and kettle, right?

Millennial Madness