
FROM May 2004

Women and Porn

Bring up the topic of women and porn and you will likely stir a lively, and quite possibly distinctly uncomfortable, debate. We like that sort of thing around here.

Women and Porn
FROM May 1994

Sam Kinison

Many people may not remember Sam Kinison, but anyone who ever saw Sam perform definitely remembers the experience. Could be the most fitting tribute, that.

Sam Kinison
FROM May 1982

Jerry Lewis

Jerry Lewis was complicated man. Wildly talented, deeply caring, and chained to addictions that somehow shaped his life and changed our world.

Jerry Lewis
FROM May 1974

Knievel as in Evel

Should you never have heard of Evel Knievel, you might gasp a lot less if you remember this little talk happened in 1974. Even having said that, though … Wow.

Knievel as in Evel
FROM April 2004


Female athletes often find themselves unfairly in a role of secondary importance. With “Chickfights” we demonstrate the error in that kind of thinking.

FROM April 1994

AIDS … As Seen in 1994

It can be a bit sobering to look at an in-depth article from 30 years ago that still seems relevant today. AIDS research falls into that lonely category, sadly.

AIDS … As Seen in 1994
FROM April 1984

Steve Martin

When an interviewer really knows the artist, as would be here the case with Emily Prager and Steve Martin, everyone gains unusual insights. We love that.

Steve Martin
FROM April 1974

Sexual Dysfunction

High on the list of uncomfortable topics must be discussing Sexual Dysfunction. Yet without open conversation, we cannot ever improve our lives.

Sexual Dysfunction
FROM March 2014

The Whistle-Blower Lament

Few things in modern society can stir emotion like a whistle-blower, well, blowing the whistle. We either panic or choose to color them Chicken Little.

The Whistle-Blower Lament