
FROM March 1994

Jack Kevorkian

Depending upon your age, you may not even know of Jack Kevorkian, but you will almost certainly feel his quest on a personal level.

Jack Kevorkian
FROM March 1984

John Candy

We lost some genius performers so long ago that some people may not even know them. We bring back John Candy today in order to fix that.

John Candy
FROM March 1974

Eubie Blake … Ragtimes and Other Times

Eubie Blake survived a lot of life across a stellar career. Sometimes you truly appreciate today only by learning about yesterday.

Eubie Blake … Ragtimes and Other Times
FROM February 2014

Reverend Horton Heat

Should one dismiss Reverend Horton (feels the) Heat as a product of a fanciful author, one would miss the artistry and story of the real man.

Reverend Horton Heat
FROM February 1994


Space may end up being the final frontier, but Penthouse has been extolling the virtues of Cyberspace for decades. Consider it a nice way to spend time while we wait for real space travel.

FROM February 1984

The Metropolitan Horror

Images of “The Met” may instill strong emotions ranging from a sense of peace and freedom to romance and passion. One night, though, it was about murder.

The Metropolitan Horror
FROM February 1974

The Dolls

Playing with “the dolls” takes on an entirely new meaning in this look into atypical sexuality from half a century ago.

The Dolls
FROM January 2014

Aaron Lewis

Music fans from wildly different persuasions may know Aaron Lewis and may swear by his expertise in both the rock and country genres.

Aaron Lewis
FROM January 2004

Prison Censorship

Never even considered Prison Censorship? Your view likely reflects whether you think prisons exist for either punishment or rehabilitation.

Prison Censorship