We love self-evident truths around these parts, particularly when the same thing appears “evident” regardless of perspective. Think two CyberCuties are better than one CyberCutie? Yep. We thought so too.

Evolution: CyberCutie Duals

Since Publishing has gone from dual-Pet issues to quad-Pet issues recently, we decided we could follow up with an expansion of that theme and offer a feature called CyberCutie Duals which would highlight two of our earlier CyberCutie winners in one update. Twice as many must be better, obviously. To be clear, we have nothing to do with the model selection process around here because that kitchen already has way too many cooks in it, so we find it prudent to stay out of there — y’know, because we can’t stand the heat.

Therefore we cannot really offer any insights into why any specific model might fall into any specific category. If anybody has any written guidelines somewhere, we’ve never seen them, certainly. We say that to avoid folks writing in asking quesitons about why this or why that when it comes to the decision-making process. You can ask, but we’re just going to answer, “Good question. We’ve no idea.”

Consequently, save yourself some time and simply enjoy two CyberCuties from this time of year back in 2017. That was seven years ago now, and yet we still remember liking these two a lot. None of us will admit to a “score” even once in this case, however, so it must be a completely different four score and seven years ago that we’re thinking about.

CyberCutie Dual | Eliza Jane — CyberCutie May 2017

Stats: 34-25-36
Height: 5’4″
Hometown: Salt Lake City, UT

You have a pretty unique approach to opportunity.

Definitely. I have a tendency of going through life trying things that present themselves to me. Same with camming.

Camming presented itself to you?

A friend of mine mentioned webcamming to me. I had never heard of it before. I logged on to Chaturbate to check it out, and just found myself watching show after show. I watched cammers everyday for like three months and decided to give it a try.


I was addicted after my first time. It was my first time naked in public, and I just watched the room count go from the hundreds into the thousands. One guy tipped me and asked for a come show. I didn’t even have any toys. I ran to my room, grabbed a Pikachu toy, and started rubbing my clit with it. It was overwhelming to think of all those people watching me masturbate.

Real orgasm or fake orgasm?

Real. It was like a fear-orgasm — a huge adrenaline rush for me to come in front of all of those people. That orgasm knocked me out. I’m still chasing that feeling.

How do you deal with off-the-wall fan requests?

I will go out of my way to become whatever anyone wants me to be as long as it’s not hurtful or dangerous. I once filled a giant inflatable pool with as much olive oil as I could afford, and just slid around in it for hours. I felt slippery for days. The irony of extra-virgin olive oil didn’t escape me.

CyberCutie Dual | Marley Love — CyberCutie June 2017

Stats: 32-25-37
Height: 5’7″
Hometown: Mitchell, IL

I hear you’ve had some pretty strange requests in your chat room …

The craziest was when someone who was trolling my room tipped me thousands of tokens to get my attention. Then he asked me to put a turban on my head and write “Isis” on my tits.

Yeah, I’ll just go ahead and assume you didn’t honor that one.

No, but I did when someone requested a hula-hoop come show.

A wha…?

Hula-hooping while doing a dildo come show. I was working the dildo while hula-hooping with my foot.

Wow. Were you able to come?

I did! It took about 20 minutes and a lot of concentration. I have strong legs. I was pretty light-headed from the come-euphoria, but my legs were fine. My brain hurt more than anything.

Is hula-hooping a recurring theme?

It is. Burlesque-style dancing, hula-hooping, and my glorious toys.

OK. So these may not be amongst the most thought-provoking or controversial articles to show up on penthouse.com for sure, but we see nothing wrong with lighter topics as well. How many of us ever really thought about masturbating while operating a hula hoop, for example. Honestly we wonder how anyone even discovered that watching this particular activity really floated their boat, but odds are we may not really want to know the answer to that question. … We did discover there are actually “types” of hula hoops, but in the quick reading we did no one seemed to mention Marly’s particular use of the product.

If we would have thought about this at the time we could have had a CyberCutie Dual with an actual Duel too — not to the death or anything, more like to la petite mort. Feel free to look that up.

One thought on “CyberCutie Duals (not Duels)

  1. I guess two more would have been much better, other than that thanks, for the section.


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