
FROM January 1983

Dan Aykroyd

It seems impossible that any movie fan at all would not know Dan Aykroyd, but you may not know him circa 1983, so we can help.

Dan Aykroyd
FROM July 2005

System of a Down

You might regret a System of a Down until you realize this would be a band name instead of something wrong with your procedure. Good to know.

System of a Down
FROM December 2012

January Seraph

Gone within 5 years of this profile, January Seraph left a literal legacy for our Penthouse “Legacy” section. We continue to celebrate her life, as we ponder her exit.

January Seraph
FROM December 2002

Male Stripper Struts

As it turns out, a male stripper may have many of the same thoughts, fears, and ambitions as the female version. Just different body parts.

Male Stripper Struts
FROM December 1992

Gennifer Flowers

The was a time when the name Gennifer Flowers could spark a lively debate almost anywhere. Now you can learn (again) how that happened.

Gennifer Flowers
FROM December 1982

Jack Henry Abbott

True Crime book fans may know the name Jack Henry Abbott, but an interview with the prisoner always adds insight, if not necessarily humanity.

Jack Henry Abbott
FROM November 2012

Gore Vidal

You may have opinions about Gore Vidal, or you may not. When Caligula reappears cut to the original Gore Vidal script, you might look him up.

Gore Vidal
FROM November 2002

Still with the Moonshine

Could they still be making moonshine? Might they still be running from those pesky Revenuers? Now you get to find out.

Still with the Moonshine
FROM November 1992

George H.W. Bush

Presidential legacies tend to be illuminated in a kind light, often perhaps unfairly. The George H.W. Bush era provides case in point.

George H.W. Bush