
FROM October 1990

College Football History

Sport to some. Abusive to the point of near slavery to others. Near to religion for even more. College Football checks all those boxes.

College Football History
FROM October 1980

The American Dream

Either the American Dream has changed a lot since we first learned about it, or some people have some truly crazy dreams these days.

The American Dream
FROM September 2010

Danny Trejo

We have a bit of a reputation for good asses, but we do rather enjoy an exceptional badass every so often. We love Danny Trejo, for example.

Danny Trejo
FROM September 2000

Dixie Chicks

Three years before the Dixie Chicks figured out that music and politics rarely mesh like a beautiful chord, they had fun stories to tell.

Dixie Chicks
FROM September 1990

The Doors: Abre Las Puertas

People who have never heard of the The Doors could well be familiar with their music. An insider now opens The Doors for Penthouse.

The Doors: Abre Las Puertas
FROM September 1980

Uncontrolled Media

Years before even the launch of Fox and MSNBC we were talking about Uncontrolled Media. Seems like we may not have that fire contained yet.

Uncontrolled Media
FROM August 2010

Home Defense 101

It may not be intuitive to put bacon in your tool belt for Home Defense 101 techniques, but without a doubt we all want to protect it.

Home Defense 101
FROM August 2000

Christian Porno

An Episcopalian priest decides, in his own words, to “put in a good word for pornography” for us. You don’t see that every day.

Christian Porno
FROM August 1990

Dangerous Professions

They actually CHARGED PEOPLE $2/min to tell us about their Dangerous Professions so that we could put them in the Magazine. We had no shame.

Dangerous Professions