
FROM April 2010

Tamar Geller

Penthouse has many favs having nothing to do with posing naked. Tamar Geller has held a special place in our hearts for over a decade now.

Tamar Geller
FROM April 2000

Johnny Wadd

It happens more with women, but the sad Johnny Wadd story demonstrates being known for a physical body part can be emotionally devastating.

Johnny Wadd
FROM April 1990

Oliver Stone

You do not get to be a world-famous director of often controversial films without having strong opinions. Oliver Stone fits that theory.

Oliver Stone
FROM April 1980

Average Sex

Want a keen indication of how much Average Sex in America has changed — or not — over the last four decades> Now you have an excellent chance.

Average Sex
FROM March 2010

Hookers for Jesus

Hookers for Jesus might seem an odd combination of personal philosophies, but it takes all kinds of people to make — and save — a world.

Hookers for Jesus
FROM March 2000

Title IX Spoil Sports

Intended to make everything fair for women’s and men’s sports, Title IX has done more harm than good as activists weaponize the law.

Title IX Spoil Sports
FROM March 1990

Mayflower Madam

Sex and Power always seem to go hand-in-hand (or other parts in other parts) as the Penthouse Legacy article Mayflower Madam illustrates.

Mayflower Madam
FROM March 1980

Loretta Lynn

In a roaming interview Penthouse shows why Loretta Lynn has remained a fascinating woman even 40 years later. Ms. Lynn has paved many roads.

Loretta Lynn
FROM February 2010

Broken Soldiers

Military conflict creates broken soldiers. Although willing to send people out to battle, we have been lax repairing the damage done to them.

Broken Soldiers