Penthouse Pet of the Month March 2018
Height: 5’10”
Measurements: 32A-23-37
Hometown: Orlando, Florida
How did you end up in the adult industry?
I was working as a PA on an independent feature and one of the producers asked me if I modeled. I had already started building up a modeling portfolio, and then when I was asked about it, I decided to give it a try.
Were you nervous going from behind the lens to in front of it?
My only concern was whether being in the adult would affect my mainstream opportunities. I was going to film school at the time. Then I found out it didn’t matter and so I went for it. It’s not like I was planning to work with children in the future.
What was the first thing you did when you graduated high school?
I went straight to college.
You were a good girl.
I went to school in Orlando. I hated it. It was awful. Crazy shit was always happening! It was constant. I was so happy to get out of there.
Did you stay for your entire degree?
Yeah, but I got my bachelor’s degree in film in two years, not four. My dream was to work in big motion picture films. I loved the thought of being a camera operator and creating the image that appears on the screen. Honestly, there was nothing else I wanted to do but film.
Would you rather never speak or never hear again?
That’s such a tough one! But I would say never speak. I can always learn sign language, but if I couldn’t hear there would be no alternative.

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Subscribe to Penthouse MagazineA world without music. Think about that.
I know. Being on mute all the time.
What is your favorite movie?
Forrest Gump. Come on, it’s a great movie filled with history about a sweet man who just gets used his entire life — I mean, I hate Jenny. I hate her so much. But the love, the loss! I love it. The cast is amazing. Tom Hanks is my favorite actor, hands down. Who else can you cry over losing a volleyball?
You were basically a robot if you didn’t cry over Wilson.