Penthouse Pet of the Month Januaray 2024
Height: 5’8″
Measurements: 36DD-22-36
Home Town: Alamogordo, NM
Fun Fact: Likes Animated Films
What is your favorite thing about your hometown?
The food — I love New Mexico’s style of Mexican food with very hot, fresh red and green
chilis. It’s the best.
If you could have any job in the world, what would it be and why?
Exactly the job I have now. I love being a model. I love what I’m doing because I love the fashion industry; I like the glitz and glamour, the travel. I like everything about it.
Have you done any type of modeling, camming, exotic dancing, or acting?
Yes, I’ve been modeling since the age of 15. I have never done camming, exotic dancing, or acting.
When you are about to be photographed in the nude, how do you mentally prepare?
I am comfortable in my own skin, and I don’t need to prepare mentally for a nude shot. The fewer the clothes, the better. I could run around naked all day. It’s natural. It’s normal. I don’t have any hangups about it.
What are your pet peeves?
I dislike arrogance, bad manners, and drama.
Where do you see yourself in five years?
I’d like to have visited the new seven wonders of the world. I see myself more invested in real estate, managing models and helping them in this industry as well as expanding my own business in fashion.
What is your favorite animal?
I like cats. They are kind of like me. They like to do their own thing, and they also like to eat and sleep a lot. I like their independent nature.
If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be?
I would go to Italy and visit the Colosseum.
What is the most exciting place you’ve ever had sex?
A treehouse in Tulum. It was two stories up and was a hut buried in some tree branches.
Describe your ideal date.
An excellent dinner at a nice restaurant followed by great sex.
If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
I just got back from Bali, and I loved it. I am thinking that might be my favorite place right now.

Penthouse Magazine Subscription
Should you wish to keep some Corrie Yee memories of your own, a Penthouse Magazine Subscription might be just the ticket. We have individual issues available digitally, but if you still like the feeling of paper in your hands, we can send you Penthouse or Penthouse Letters every month — right to your door, just like when Bob Guccione started this adventure.
Subscribe to Penthouse MagazineDid you ever play any sports?
I was in martial arts as a child and I was also a cheerleader for one year.
Favorite way to relax?
Cooking at home, chilling in some comfy, soft pajamas, and watching a good film.
Favorite way to get a workout?
I like yoga and weight lifting.
What is your favorite animal?
I like cats. They are kind of like me. They like to do their own thing, and they also like to eat and sleep a lot. I like their independent nature.
What do you sleep in?
What gets you in trouble?
Men and liquor. That can be a toxic combination.
Corrie is one the most beautiful women in the world. Can’t wait to see her pictorial.
Yep! Thats Why I Asked her To Marry Me!! and To my Surprise, She Said YES!!!
Yes, she is proof that there is heaven on earth.
Truly hope that there will be a print edition. Corrie is a rare beauty in the tradition of Penthouse Pets being otherworldly 🌹