
FROM January 1981

Robert Altman

Many have a list of movie directors they think should have won an Acadamy Award by now. We think Robert Altman should have won it three times.

Robert Altman
FROM January 2011

Dave Navarro and Hot Tips

Ask Dave Navarro about music; he could probably answer while he’s asleep. Ask Dave Navarro about ANYTHING, and Penthouse can help you out.

Dave Navarro and Hot Tips
FROM December 2010

Gary Allan

The maverick singer-songwriter has almost become cliche in modern culture, but Gary Allan proudly leads the life in the real world.

Gary Allan
FROM December 2000

Paula Jones

The Ray Stevens classic “Along Came Jones” could well fit the real person Paula Jones in some ways. Bill Clinton might not agree, though.

Paula Jones
FROM December 1990

What Women Want from Men*

Sometimes the oldest and most simple sounding questions have the most elusive answers. What Women Want may be THE most confounding. To men.

What Women Want from Men*
FROM December 1980

The God Biz

Forty years ago we thought the God Biz scandalous. These days a savvy President could buy them all with income from a single email blast.

The God Biz
FROM November 2010

Morgan Freeman

Mention Morgan Freeman to ten people, and each might picture a different movie character in their minds. Oddly, each could easily be correct.

Morgan Freeman
FROM November 2000

Sisqo Siting

Think of it as stats quo with Sisqo, at least as it appeared 20 years ago. Reading celebrity forecasts two decades later can be fun.

Sisqo Siting
FROM November 1990


Presumably people define “danger” somewhat differently, but Neurosurgery does not seem like a stretch to include now, as it did 30 years ago.
