Everyone wants to belive themselves a Badass, when the situation demands such demeanor. But how many of us really have the nature to draw such attention?
You never truly understand genius except in retrospect, so for those of you that somehow missed George Carlin, Penthouse will help you get started.
The more you learn, the more you realize you do not know. Have difficulty thinking a year in advance? Imagine a look forward covering five billion of them.
Far enough in the “modern era” to start taking a serious look at our historic preconceptions, ironically History will tell us if we learned anything.
People have been getting their Geek on for thousands of years. Compare today with the world 10 yers ago, and exclaim for yourself, “Age o’ the Geek, Baby!”
Decades before it became politically popular, Lucy Lawless lived the MeToo mentality successfully. Super heroes come in many styles, but not many are Xena.
No matter how much time passes, some battles continue to wage for the Magic Bullet. Penthouse relives the state of cancer treatment 30 years ago this month.
These days being associated as Disco Royalty may or may not be a good thing. Back when Donna Summer was the Queen of Disco, though, rule she did.
A decade ago Penthouse Animated Amor ran pretty much the same direction as it does today. Even with options, go with the classics when you can, we say.