Behind the shocking headlines about child sex abuse lies an even more shocking reality—an organized conspiracy to encourage this terrible crime.

The recent torrent of headlines about child sex abuse has poured forth from all over the country. In Minnesota, 24 adults were indicted for sexually abusing children. The ages of the victims ranged from 2 to 17 years old; in some cases, they were the children of those charged with crimes. In New York and California, reports of sex abuse at nursery schools and daycare centers have started an outcry for greater regulation at such facilities. Also in California, a woman accused of running the world’s largest child pornography mail-order business was convicted and sentenced to prison. And from nursery schools around the country, young children—2, 3, and 4 years old—are overcoming their fears and are telling the world how they’ve been sexually abused by those who have been charged to care for them.

We are seeing these headlines almost every day. And further reports of the outrage are coming from sources other than the news media. In 1983, the Justice Department’s Office of Juvenile Justice estimated that more than 1.5 million Americans under the age of 16 were involved in prostitution or child pornography. The department also believes that thousands of unsolved murders of children were related to their involvement in the commercial sexual marketplace. Medical researchers at the University of California in Los Angeles have discovered an alarming number of cases of venereal disease among children under 5. 

The reaction of many to these stories has been almost hysterical. Parents have become frightened about the prospect of leaving their children in the care of schoolteachers and daycare workers. A woman in Los Angeles, shaken by the recent spate of child sex-abuse headlines, notified the police when her nursery-school child returned home from school with a sweater button missing. She was certain that her daughter had been molested. She was wrong, but who could fault her for being alarmed? 

On the other hand, there are those who fear that we are overreacting to the headlines. Stan J. Katz, a psychologist who conducts evaluations in child-abuse cases for the Los Angeles Superior Court, believes that the nation has become hysterical and irrational about the issue of child sex abuse: “The public impact of constant news stories about molestation has been greater than any of us would have predicted. It is this shock that has created a hysterical atmosphere and driven some people to go on witch hunts to find sexual abusers.” 

And then there are some others who have reacted to the headlines—the pedophiles themselves. Rarely as individuals, but often in the newsletters of organizations that promote and celebrate their sexual interest, child sex abusers have spoken out and attacked their critics. They like to portray themselves as the oppressed, the victims. NAMBLA—the North American Man-Boy Love Association—is the most articulate and best organized of such groups. “So, when you kiss the boy you love,” they have proclaimed, “when you fondle him in your sleeping bag beside the fire, even when you like [sic] naked beside a boy you have never dared touch, you have gone beyond the pale. You have placed yourself outside the normal protections of courtesy, civility, humane treatment and legal rights.” 

In April 1983, Penthouse published its first article on child sex abuse, “Close Encounters of the Worst Kind.” We investigated various aspects of the problem—child pornography, incest, pedophiles and their organizations, violence, and law enforcement—and discovered some shocking news. Everyone we spoke to, police officers, psychiatrists, victims, and victimizers, had convinced us that a widespread and underreported form of abuse was being perpetrated upon our children. A year later, the media began bombarding us with the current horrors of child sex abuse. Had the problem gotten worse? Is it only a problem created by the media? What we discovered, and what this article will report, is that the crime of child sex abuse is far more widespread than anything yet reported. 

The recent headlines concerning child sex abuse leave the impression that there is a randomness about the crime—a scandal at a nursery school in Manhattan Beach, California; allegations of child molestations 3,000 miles away at a daycare center in the Bronx, New York; adults trading children to other adults for sex in Minnesota. It is a misleading impression. In fact, millions of children across the country are sexually abused each year. Estimates by experts put the figure at 20 percent, or one out of every five children under the age of 16. And it is not a new phenomenon. It has been this way for a long time. 

Ralph Bennett is a man with a thankless job. He supervises the Sexually Exploited Child Unit at the Los Angeles Police Department. He has investigated thousands of child sex-abuse cases over the years and sees no end to the problem: “I don’t think there are any more people committing the acts today than, say, two years ago when I talked to you. No one knows the scope of pedophile activity, because it is a very much underreported crime. It involves children, and children in abusive situations oftentimes don’t come forward for maybe weeks, months, years, or never come forward. No one really knows the scope of it, but our work load here remains pretty constant….

“It just gets depressing at times, because the problem is always going to be here. I can’t really make that much of an impact on the problem. On an individual level, yes, and it’s encouraging to get some of these kids out of this situation and put these guys away. But it is so minuscule, what I am really accomplishing. I know there are so many more kids whose lives are being totally ruined. When you see this in young children, it is depressing.” 

Bennett’s feelings of frustration are justified. Pedophiles come from all walks of life. “I’ve gotten child sex abusers who were doctors, lawyers, just about everything,” a researcher and therapist once told us. “The only thing that I haven’t seen was an Indian chief.” At a visit to a sex offenders prison in New Jersey, we spoke with former policemen, clergymen, and doctors who were serving time for the molestation of children. They were from the rich, the poor, and the middle class. Yet this disparity among pedophiles masks the fact that many are organized and in constant touch with one another. These are not random crimes committed by deviants isolated from one another, but rather they are crimes perpetrated by individuals who often aid and abet—and in almost all cases, morally support—their fellow pedophiles. 

Furthermore, contrary to many people’s expectations, these criminals do not see their activities as antisocial behavior. Because they believe that what they are doing is positive and good for children, they have organized themselves as advocates for what they call “intergenerational sex.” 

The danger here, as Ralph Bennett explained, is not that they can convince the average American that they’re right. “The danger I do see in that type of organization is, first of all, they reinforce what pedophiles are doing. That, I think, is very damaging. Secondly, they do have some influence in getting laws changed, in a very subtle way. They don’t do it in a way that the average person knows what is going on, because the public doesn’t even know these organizations exist. One example is how hard they have been trying to lower the age of consent, and actually eliminate it.” 

Every statement made about pedophile organizations by Bennett is supported by evidence. A look at the literature put out by these organizations reveals just how acts of child molestation are encouraged in their writings. 

“Because of our efforts, the day will come, and come soon, when children will have sex freedom (provided contraceptives are used) of a bisexual nature with other children and adults. They will be allowed to happily participate in kid-porn activity.” 

This pronouncement was published in the bulletin of the Rene Guyon Society, named after a French psychologist who conducted research on childhood sexuality. The Rene Guyon Society is a pedophile organization that parades its slogan, “Sex by year eight or else it’s too late.” Although its spokesman, Tim O’Hara, denies its members engage in illegal sexual activities with children, the father of an abused and murdered child claims that the society’s 5,000 members openly admit to having “deflowered” children under 8 years old. The society spends a great deal of its time encouraging pedophiliac activities among its members. They have even gone so far as to instruct pedophiles on how to participate in anal sex with 4-year-old children: “Decade of Anal Sex Research Ends. One half hour after a bowel movement, no rectal matter remains in the anal cavity. The cavity is large enough at age 4 for boys and girls to painlessly hold an adult’s penis—an act they constantly desire from adult males they love.” 

Shockingly, there is nothing illegal about the material published by the Rene Guyon Society. As blatant and obvious as it is, nowhere do its writers actually tell readers to go out and molest a child. But this literature does demonstrate the existence of a nationwide conspiracy. Kee MacFarlane, director of the Child Sexual Abuse Diagnostic Center of the Children’s Institute International in Los Angeles, recently told members of Congress in a special hearing on daycare programs that such a network among pedophiles does exist: “I believe that we’re dealing with a conspiracy, an organized operation of child predators designed to prevent detection.” MacFarlane told members of Congress not to be deceived by the current headlines revealing child sex-abuse scandals in nursery schools. “The preschool, in such a case, serves as a ruse for a larger, unthinkable network of crimes against children.” 

The evidence is overwhelming that pedophile organizations exist to promote, organize, and encourage others to commit crimes against children. Is there any other reason why the Rene Guyon Society’s newsletters carry the blurb: “Children keep family sex secrets”? 

Recently an organization was put out of business for publishing a magazine called the Person to Person Directory. For years, its publishers were able to bring thousands of pedophiles from all across the nation together in recruiting children for sex and child pornography. Each month its publishers would run dozens of ads that read: 

“Man, 41, wishes to meet people with similar interests in girls 6 to 12. Desire letters from woman with young girl, or anyone with open mind.” 

“Lolita lover with 13 year old [sic] lover that looks 9, wishes correspondence with woman or couple with daughter 5 to 13. Meetings possible.”

“Young Married Couple 21 & 26 plan on having 4 to 6 children. Become friends now and ‘grow with us.’ Desire couples with children, photos, literature.” 

“Have Peek-A-Boo shots of Tomorrow’s Ladies. I’m interested in the little strippers of tomorrow.” 

When law-enforcement authorities finally closed down this operation, its subscriber list had grown to 10,000. Nobody knows how many children were sexually abused because of its existence. And the Person to Person Directory was not an isolated case of a contact magazine published to encourage and expedite pedophile activity. Last year, authorities disbanded a Colorado pedophile group that published something called The Broad Street Journal, which claimed to be “The Nation’s best and most popular ad listing service.” For one dollar an issue, men interested in young boys could scan ads that typically read: “Gay, young, male-33, wishes to hear from and meet young gays 11-15, photo a must.” 

There is little that pedophiles and their organizations will stop short of doing to promote and encourage sexual abuse of young children. The Howard Nichols Society, based in Austin, Texas, serves a dual purpose for pedophiles around the nation. Members and readers are constantly reassured that what they are doing is normal and in the best interests of children.

One of the society’s early publications discusses the question, “What is Pedophilia Anyway?”:

What ages of children attract pedophiles? 

Pedophiles are usually attracted to prepubescents, people from about age 8 to puberty, although many pedophiles have had enjoyable relations with younger or older children. 

Aren’t pedophiles interested sexually in all children? 

Most pedophiles are able to consider any child as a possible sex partner. 

But aren’t pedophiles afraid of or unable to sexually relate to other adults? 

Many do not have sex with other adults because sex with children is better: it can be more intense, more satisfying, more productive, and more fun. 

Shouldn’t pedophiles be cured or at least treated? 

Since there is no disease of pedophilia, there is nothing to cure. 

How do pedophiles feel about incest? 

Generally, there is no reason to prohibit families from sharing physical affection and sex. 

Don’t pedophiles exploit children by forcing them to pose for pornographic pictures? 

Many take pictures of their partners for the same reason others take pictures of their children: because they like them and have affection for them. Pedophiles will take pictures of themselves and their partners doing the things they mutually enjoy—going places, being silly, having sex. Children and many adults like to pose and clown for photos and they enjoy sharing the memories. One can see children’s faces reflecting intimidation, uneasiness, and embarrassment more often in family albums than in the collections of pedophiles. There is nothing wrong with taking pictures of good relationships, sexual or otherwise. 

After the Howard Nichols Society finishes reassuring and encouraging pedophiles, it then provides instructions in procuring and having sex with children. The examples taken from this “primer” show that pedophiles are not acting out an uncontrollable and unconscious sexual impulse. It is a deliberate, conscious, and conspiratorial activity. It is nothing less than the rape of children.

Here are some excerpts:

(1) The important thing about meeting kids is that it happens best when you meet in places or in doing things that interest both of you.

(2) You can get to know kids through your job. It can be tricky if you’re in an authoritarian role, such as a teacher, because it is hard to tell if some kids are being friendly (or rude) just because of your position.

(3) Friends are a good source.

(4) After you get to know each other and start having a sexual relationship, you can go to unknown and secret places. 

(5) How to Have Sex With Kids: Ways to start sex vary and it ought to be relative to the situation. Sometimes a kid will make the first move, sometimes the adult…. Sometimes a touch—and not always on the genitals either—or a word or two will be enough.

The network of pedophile groups and organizations extends internationally. London’s PIE (Paedophile Information Exchange) sends out its message across the Channel and the Atlantic Ocean. In France, pedophiles are encouraged by GRED (Groupe de Recherche pour une Enfance Differente). In the United States, San Diego’s Childhood Sensuality Circle preaches the message that children thrive best when they are able to have sex with one another and adults. But one organization has constantly been the most vocal: the aforementioned North American Man-Boy Love Association—NAMBLA. 

NAMBLA is well-organized, heavily financed, and an articulate voice for the promotion and legalization of pedophiliac activity in this country. It boasts a membership composed of doctors, lawyers, artists, writers, and businessmen. Its members and supporters have in common a predilection for having sex with young boys. Because this activity runs counter to the laws in the states it operates in, NAMBLA’s main concern and service for child abusers lies in defending them in the courts. In addition to financing the legal battles of pedophiles, NAMBLA lends advice. For example: 

“Prepare the boys for questioning by the police. Explain to them that police will lie to them about you, that police will threaten the boys with arrest and other troubles, that boys need not ever say anything at all about their sexual lives, that they need not go with the police or answer any questions…. I suggest preparing the boys for the brutal experience of police abuse, and then making sure they are fully and emotionally prepared for their relationship with me [sic]. 

“Finally, all men who love boys must take steps in advance to deal with sudden police raids. Have an attorney ready to meet you in the middle of the night. Find an attorney who has a progressive record on civil liberties issues.” 

In reading the legal advice offered by NAMBLA to its readers, one may imagine that they are advocating the protection of some constitutional right. But the right that NAMBLA champions is that of having sex with five-, six-, seven-, and eight­year-old children. Those who have the temerity to attack NAMBLA for its activities and advocacy are dealt with severely. NAMBLA slings anti-Semitic epithets and vitriolic personal slurs at its enemies through its NAMBLA News. NAMBLA knows the names of those who are fighting child sex abuse and goes after them. 

Judianne Densen-Gerber, for example—a psychiatrist, attorney, founder of the drug-rehabilitation program Odyssey House in New York City, and the mother of four children. For many years, Dr. Densen-Gerber has been aware of a pedophiliac conspiracy and has done her best to awaken the public and authorities to the extent and seriousness of child sex abuse in this country. Obviously, she is an enemy of NAMBLA. This is how they attack her in their newsletter: 

“That the New York press (even the left­wing Guardian!) still swallow Judi as a legit source proves their gullibility—and their complicity in the ongoing witch hunt. Judi’s abuses have time and again been publicly documented. Yet, like the proverbial bad penny, she keeps turning up. And like any other brazen loud Jewish kvetch, she won’t close that motormouth filled with lies. Every time that fat trap opens, she jeopardizes public safety. 

“It is my fervent prayer each night—to whichever god will listen—that some day, the legions of drug addicts she cages and spits on and humiliates at the Odyssey House will rise up in a spontaneous fit of righteous fury and quickly put an end to this blathering, dark, demented daughter of dead Moses.”

The police are especially feared and hated by child sex abusers. And if one cop stands out and personifies this fear, his name is Lloyd Martin. As Ralph Bennett’s predecessor as head of the Los Angeles Police Department’s Sexually Exploited Child Unit, Martin was zealous, aggressive, and vocal in pursuing child molesters. Martin has seen what one hopes very few of us will ever see: the victims of pedophiles. He witnessed the emotional trauma and the horrible physical damage done to the children by pedophiles. He went after them and earned NAMBLA’s wrath:

“At one point, I wanted so much to be the personal nemesis of Martin. A militant faggot with pen-in-hand bringing down a crooked, pro-fascist Christer cop who hangs boys over cliffs and threatens them with death unless they name boy-lovers! 

“Freaks like Martin can be dangerous. On the bright side, Martin is so obviously greedy, so demonstrably stupid, aggressive, and obsessed, it is clear his fate will be something between Willy Loman and Jack Ruby.” 

While the pedophiles are very cautious in their newsletters to avoid overtly admitting that they have committed illegal acts, they are very open, indeed boastful, when communicating with one another. Pedophiles correspond through the mail with one another, freely describing, even to strangers, their sexual experiences with children. Often the children are described as their own.

For example, the following letter was written from a pedophile in Texas to a pen pal in California. “First, I ought to give you some background on myself and ask for some of the same from you. I am 37 years, married to a lovely understanding wife of 29 [sic] who knows about my interests in the younger set. We have two children. Heather, age 4, and Harris, age 2, almost 3. My wife and family are nudists and a club is outside Austin. Heather and Harris were both born nudists and that is the way you will find them anytime you come to the house. Heather usually does not wear anything to bed and asks me for a special goodnight kiss. She likes her vulva licked and sucked. Harris likes his penis sucked but not as often as Heather. I have enjoyed pleasing both of them.” 

Another sickening exchange occurred between two pedophile pen pals in Florida and California: “How I envy you all being able to get together and freely talk about our common interest. I can’t tell you how much I look forward to Robie’s tapes. The tape that Robie sent was of a little girl and her male babysitter, and it is FUCKIN FANTASTIC!!!! I couldn’t believe it. Yes, my girls were scheduled to be in the next issue of Nudist Moppets. 

“I have a number of photos of Tami (7) and LeAnn (6) and would like very much to swap them with you for photos of your little friend(s). All I ask is that the photos show that sweet little slit that little girls are blessed with, and if possible, the first name, age, and general location.” 

While one would be hard put to find an “adult” bookstore that stocks and sells child pornography, the public would be deceived if it believed that there is less kiddie porn in existence today than before it became a crime, in 1977, to produce and sell such material. While child pornography from overseas is available (Bennett says most of the material is produced in the Netherlands), the greatest amount comes from American pedophiles themselves. They are obsessed with taking pictures of young children, often in the act of having sex with adults. As one of the letters above indicated, pedophiles maintain their relationships with other pedophiles by exchanging photos and movies of their young victims. Bennett explained: 

“The biggest source of child pornography is the pedophile. First of all, they have these pictures for years sometimes, and when the kid is 25, they still have these pictures to fantasize with. Also, they can use these photos to seduce other children. And they can trade them, they can sell them, they can do a lot of different things with them. Private child pornography is a thriving business, although I don’t think ‘business’ is the proper term.” 

To demonstrate his point that pedophiles are producing the bulk of child pornography in this country, Bennett allowed me to see the collection of the material seized by police officers. His files contain pictures of literally thousands of children in various sexual acts. Most of the photography by child sex abusers is taken in homes or motel rooms. In fact, Bennett’s officers had recently arrested a character who hung around Hollywood Boulevard looking for young girls. Many of them were runaways. The suspect offered them drugs in exchange for photographs of them and sex. When he got them to his hotel, they would pose with him and other adults in various sexual activities. At the time of his arrest, the police found bags full of photos of dozens of girls. Many of the girls had not reached their 15th birthdays. 

Another example involved a pedophile who had more than 600 photos of very young boys engaged in oral and anal copulation. The pedophile, who was eventually convicted, would gather information from other “boy lovers”—names, mailing lists—and put it in a computer. He then was able to sell his homemade photos to individuals across the country. 

The amount of so-called private pornography in this country is enormous, judging from the collection in the possession of the Los Angeles Police Department. In Penthouse‘s earlier article on child sex abuse, we had noted that a great deal of this material was produced by the parents of the abused children. Authorities stress that while commercial child pornography is rarely available, the existence of homemade kiddie porn remains a serious problem. 

Recognizing the serious problem of child sex abuse is not enough. If we are going to protect our children it is critical to understand what has been done about the problem, what is being done about it, and what more can be done to fight the predators. While most of the answers to these questions relate to the police, the courts, and the legislature, the role that parents play in protecting their children is also at issue. 

For quite some time now, many young children have had to be left with strangers so that their parents could work. Most of the time parents know little about these people. “I think, going back years ago,” Ralph Bennett explained to me, “we had more of an extended family. If there was a mother or father working, there was a grandparent, an aunt, an uncle; somebody to take care of that child. Well, today we don’t have that; in fact, in many cases we don’t even have a nuclear family. It may be a one-parent family. Well, that parent’s got to work and so that child has to be somewhere, out of the family’s control. I think this makes kids more vulnerable. I think that these children are more at risk, and the kids that we are seeing in here do not as a rule come from a good, strong, two-parent-family situation. Now, obviously, there are going to be exceptions to this because in all of these preschool and daycare centers we can’t say all the parents were negligent. But daycare centers and nursery schools are becoming more prevalent because of the breakup of the family arrangement we knew in the past.” 

In no way do Bennett or other authorities who are familiar with the problem of child molestation point a finger at preschools as the main cause of our child sex-abuse problem. What they are concerned about is that the opportunities are far greater for harm to children who are spending more and more of their day with strangers. And, at least until very recently, there has been little adequate screening of the individuals who work in any capacity with children. This includes teachers, playground workers, and volunteers in the Boy and Girl Scouts and similar organizations. 

“I’d say that about 25 percent of pedophiles brought in here have prior records,” Bennett explained. “Security checks of individuals applying for these jobs is a good idea. We’ve had that law in California for two-and-a-half years. If an individual applies for a job with a daycare center, Boy Scouts or Big Brothers, or any type of youth-service group, that group has the right to check with the Department of Justice in Sacramento to see if that person has a record of sex offenses. Not that they’re going to discover it, because 99 percent of the time when they do check these people through the Department of Justice they don’t come up showing a record. It is a good law because those people who do have a record of offenses will be dissuaded from applying for these jobs.” 

While nobody would challenge the sincerity of police officers in pursuing child sex offenders, there are some who believe that law-enforcement officers are not trained to adequately fight the problem. “They really don’t know what they’re doing. They don’t know how to go about doing an investigation of this sort,” Bennett believes. 

“We had a case in Pennsylvania and contacted everybody we could think of back there, from all kinds of police jurisdictions. We couldn’t get anybody to help us. The same thing in a case in Arkansas. We got a guy out here in Los Angeles who’s a schoolteacher. We got a search warrant on his house and recovered photographs of young boys. We found out that these photographs were taken in Arkansas and identified some of the kids back there. We got in touch with someone from that jurisdiction, asked them to help us, and we didn’t hear one word.” 

We’ve noted several times that child sex abuse is an underreported crime, and that is one important reason why some police agencies are not prepared to act in these situations. “Many people, not necessarily police persons,” Bennett pointed out to me, “are of the opinion that if there are no complaints you don’t have any crimes. There is not a lot of proactive investigation in this area. Unless you go looking for them, there’s a lot of them that you’re not going to discover. 

“One of the reasons I think that we’ve been successful in this unit in getting convictions…is because if we get one child who complains, we know that there are other children involved as well, and we go looking for those children.” Often, if one child makes a complaint it is very difficult to get a conviction, especially if the abused child is very young. ”And if you don’t look for other victims, you probably won’t have a case.” 

Getting child molesters convicted has also proven very difficult. Recently, the legislature and the courts have improved upon the situation. Linda Fairstein, chief of the Sex Crimes Unit of the New York County District Attorney’s office, believes that the recent change in the corroboration requirement has made it easier to put child sex offenders in prison. The requirement of corroboration in molestation cases meant that the word of the victim was not sufficient for conviction. But how does one get independent corroboration of a crime that is usually done in private? Legislators have become aware of that fact, and with the exceptions of Nebraska and the District of Columbia, the corroboration requirement no longer exists in the prosecution of child sex abusers. 

Linda Fairstein told Penthouse of another difficulty in the prosecution of child sex molesters: “Many of them are people who, to us from the outside, seem to be ‘normal’ people. They don’t look like criminals. They are people who are well­dressed, well-educated, often professionals. Therefore, when a child says, ‘Johnny did this to me’ or ‘Uncle Joe did this to me,’ the first reaction of the adult is disbelief of the child because that person, the adult offender, doesn’t seem to be what we consider a molester. So it’s a problem of convincing the jury of the same thing—that the defendant who looks very proper might have the problem that causes him to commit the act.” 

Jurors, Fairstein continued, “don’t see children as objects of someone’s sexual interest. They can’t conceive of someone being interested in a nonconsenting relationship to begin with.” 

Fairstein agrees with people like Ralph Bennett who believe that, once convicted, child molesters should receive harsh sentences. She feels that because there is no known therapy to treat child molesters, offenders should at the very least be isolated from the community. Child molesters show no remorse over what they have done, and to allow them back in the community would only endanger children, Fairstein said. “When they are questioned by us they justify that what they’re doing is better for the child than what anybody else does.” 

Daryll Gates, chief of the Los Angeles Police Department, has tried for many years to awaken the public to the widespread problem of child sex abuse. Gates told Penthouse what he believes must be done to combat this crime: “Educational programs must be developed for the children, their parents, and the community. Children must be made aware of the potential for molestation in their neighborhood, schools, and even their homes by persons familiar to them. They must be encouraged to report instances of molestation to their parents, teachers, or others in authority. 

“Parents must learn to be sensitive to changes in their children’s moods and behavior, patterns which might indicate molestation. The community as a whole must take responsibility for the safety of all children. Residents should be aware of strangers loitering about schools and playgrounds. They should not remain complacent when they see someone cruising the area attempting to make contact with children. Such instances should be reported immediately to local law-enforcement authorities. 

“The focus of family law should be changed from family unification to protection of child victims in cases in which family members are involved in the sexual abuse of the child. 

“Finally, the legislature must provide the resources necessary to mount an effective campaign against child molesters and sexual abusers. It is unrealistic to expect understaffed police, probation, and social service departments to successfully combat this problem.”

Dr. Judianne Densen-Gerber began a program in January 1984 that should prove to be an effective weapon in the war against child sex abusers. It is called PACT (Protect America’s Children Today)—a grassroots organization for people to help prevent situations in which their children might become victims. It offers information for children as young as 3 years old as to how they may protect themselves against child molesters. 

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