Pop Shots Keith Hufnagel

Keith Hufnagel Pop Shots TitleThe Penthouse World According to Keith Hufnagel

Keith Hufnagel’s skateboarding days go back to 1990s New York City, when skaters created their own counterculture. After years as a pro, Huf echoed that vibe by creating his own street-wear company, HUF. That one-time post-injury backup plan has grown into the premier street-wear label, and turned pot-leaf socks into the go-to accessory. Now Huf brings his vision to these pages, with a photo shoot of Jenna Sativa.

You’ve been so busy lately that I’m surprised you found time for this.

Yeah. I’ve really been working on the HUF brand and opening up the Los Angeles retail store. We are also opening a store in Tokyo. This will be our second one. We’re not trying to open up too many of them. We want to open one in New York as well. We’ve been scouting locations. We want to get that one open as soon as possible, but these things take time.

It’s pretty amazing that you were able to parlay your career as a pro skater into launching one of the most successful skate-apparel brands.

In the beginning, I was always juggling being a professional skateboarder and building the brand. I always had help, though. I had a creative director supporting me. I had a team and some sort of structure, but there was never enough time. I was always skating, then coming in and working. I had some injuries that really plagued me, so I pushed my professional career to the side and really focused on the brand. I had to retire from skateboarding to some degree. And now we’ve actually built the brand big enough that we have a very well-structured professional team behind us. So for me, I’ve just been focusing on how the brand looks, how the skate team looks, and what we’re making.

You layered a few key visuals from your brand into the shoot. What motivated you to blend your brand with your personal vision?

Having the HUF stuff in there is my personal touch … and having the green and having the chairs. That’s me putting my personal Keith Hufnagel touches on this project.

What is it about the color green?

That green has been our color since day one. It’s a lime green, but we call it HUF green. For us, it’s just an accent and it’s always been there in the background. It’s a color that is extremely hard to use on apparel, but we’ve brought it into furniture, we’ve brought it into tape, to art pieces like the middle finger. It’s our go-to color. But we won’t make a jacket that color or anything like that.

Tell me about what you were trying to communicate through the Keith Hufnagel creative vision.

I was really looking at this as an art piece, more of a collaboration among myself, Kimberly Kane, and model Jenna Sativa. It was really to make it different. A lot of things look very repetitive in pornography, or with whatever you would call naked photos. I don’t know what the term is for it.

I think it’s just “naked photos.”

I just wanted to give it a little art flair, give a little culture to it. For me, that’s why I brought my brand into it.

Have you ever done anything like this before?

Yeah. I shot a calendar with Van Styles and I did a project with Dennis McGrath in the past. I think those are the only two that had naked women in them.

So this wasn’t something you had an aversion to?


What were you looking for when casting for this shoot?

Basically, I was looking for a girl who was athletic, a girl who had a ballerina style — but with more of a bust and long legs. I like a more athletic girl.

“Athletic.” Is that how you would describe your type?

Honestly, it’s more their personality than anything else. It’s how they are and who they are. I definitely like pretty faces and cute bodies, but it’s a woman’s personality that really draws me in.

What’s the first thing you notice about a woman?

Probably their eyes.

You’re an eye man!

I like eyes. Also legs. But, you know, to be respectful to a woman, you look her in the eyes first.



Any deal breakers? Anything about a girl that will make you say, “Hell, no”?

No. As long as her teeth are clean . As long as you don’t have shitty breath, you’re all right.

What was it about Jenna that stood out from the other models?

She was clean looking. She had a pretty face, and she has a clean body. She was not tattooed. She was just natural.

She was a real girl. No silicone or modifications. Was that by design?

That wasn’t required. But it happened. I do like natural, and she has a natural look. And she’s young, too, so that helped [laughs].

How did her ballet poses or flexibility come into play?

I was looking for that kind of athletic ballet girl. She ended up being a gymnast, so we put her in some poses, and she had good form. She was able to perform those poses.

Looking at photos is one thing, but did she live up to your professional “Keith Hufnagel” expectations in person?

Yeah. She was super-relaxed, comfortable. In person, she looked even better than in her photos. She’s a super-chill girl. Happy. She’s got a good accent.

She does have a good accent. What was it about the photographer, Kim Kane? Booking her was very important to you.

She helped out on the Dennis McGrath project, and she’s been into photography and really wants to do more in that world. This was a perfect time for us to get back together and do this project. She’s good with the camera, and she helped me pick the girl and everything. She’s on it.

Was it more challenging to direct a shoot that characterized your personal values rather than your brand’s values?

Yeah, it was definitely challenging. I mean, I feel like we’ve been talking about doing this for, like, six months to a year. And it’s definitely challenging to commit and make something like this come to life. It’s hard no matter what. You put one thing on paper, but then you like something else… It’s always hard.

I guess there’s a nagging vulnerability when it’s all about you and your vision.

Yeah. But it looks good. I think people will enjoy it.

Anything you wish you would have done differently?

Nah. There’s always a what-if, right? I like it. I’m excited about it.

Does Keith Hufnagel have a favorite photo or setup?

I don’t know. There are so many. I like the one of her in the Modernica chair. It’s her form. Plus, the chair is fucking awesome.

The chair is pretty fucking awesome.

She has really good form right there. Good body… good chin… good hair… good legs… pointed toes.

So you’re happy with the way it turned out.

Yeah. Which one is the cover shot?

As it turned out, none of these made the cover in October, 2015, but interestingly the model on the July/Aug. cover that year had the same “hand pose” as some of these photos. So that’s weird. Of course Jenna Sativa eventually made two covers herself. She shows up solo on the April, 2016, cover as Pet of the Month, and then again as Pet of the Year on the May 2017, issue. (Hey, did we mention the Pet of the Year VOTE going on? … Subtle, right?) … Sadly, Keith Hufnagel left this mortal plane in 2020 — the year pre-existing conditions were a bitch of a thing, although cancer never needs much help in that realm. The HUF Brand lives on, though, and most of us will not be able to say when the bell tolls for us.

Pop Shots HUF Celebration

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Sex Adjacent

Sex Adjacent Sideshows

There’s typical shocking celebrity behavior … and then there’s Madonna and her spotlight-grabbing ways.

The pop icon, 64, raised the eyebrows of some — and caused others to gag — when she released an odd collection of NFT videos. The three clips featured close-up nude digital representations of the singer seemingly giving birth to a tree, butterflies and robotic centipedes.

The Mother of Creation series was made by digital artist and animator Mike Winkelmann, who reportedly used scans of Madonna’s genitals to create the artworks.

The “Vogue” singer said the artistic message behind the works was to draw parallels between womanhood and the life of a tree.

“My journey through life as a woman is like that of a tree. Starting with a small seed, always pushing against the resistance of the Earth. The endless weight of gravity,” she elaborated.

Explaining her other input, she recalled, “I say we need a forest with creepy-crawly bugs coming out of me. Not often does a robot centipede crawl out of my vagina.”

Internet critics described the NFTs as “cringe” and “scary, yet hilarious,” with one person writing: “And there goes the final shred of heterosexuality I had remaining.”

The collection was auctioned on NFT marketplace SuperRare and sold for over $627,000.

One person summed up the collection by saying, “It’s dumb, but at least it’s bold.”

Granted Madonna likely qualifies more toward the sex blatant than the sex adjacent side of the spectrum, but some of us have marveled at her innovation for decades and appreciate her for precisely that. Of course we still spend a lot of time dreaming of San Pedro and La Isla Bonita.

Literally Sex Adjacent …

Family Sighs

carleyandmercedesA lesbian couple on TikTok, who look like they could have been separated at birth, discovered they might be siblings!

Canadian lovebirds Carley Gonschior and Mercedes Stewart, who run a popular TikTok account with more than 1.1M followers, have been together for over two years. But they claimed to have recently found out their mothers slept with the same guy back in the day.

One of their TikTok videos, which has garnered more than 12.3 million views, 1.5 million likes and over 10,000 comments, caused controversy after the women suggested they would probably continue their romantic relationship — even if DNA tests proved they were half-sisters.

One comment read, “You mean you guys didn’t think you were sisters already? You basically have the same face.”

Whether their story is the truth — or an elaborate clickbait ruse — while awaiting their DNA test results, the couple kept busy promoting their racy pay site.

You know, a person could get a couple of doctorates theorizing about “the morality” of a couple ending up in a loving relationship when they had no idea about any potential sibling relationship. A person could earn a couple of other doctorates theorizing about “the morality” of continuing that relationship even if they find this blood commality to be true. … We simply wonder whether this would have been much of a story at all had these two been a standard heterosexual couple. Maybe lesbians are just more fun.

Rubber to the Road

Sex Adjacent Rubber ... Maybe closer than adjacent.A feminist from the U.K. has caused some to spit the binky after suggesting babies who are bottle-fed are more likely to develop fetishes for gimp suits as adults.

Author and feminist Antonella Gambotto-Burke claims newborns sucking on fake teats is the reason some people develop fixations for rubber, while those who have been breast-fed are less likely to become rubber fetishists.

“Babies who suck on, smell and fiddle with rubber or synthetic rubber-teated bottles and dummies will quite naturally crave the same sensations in later life,” she said.

“People feel comforted by rubber. I know I do. I’ve always been drawn to it and love the smell and the feel of latex clothing.”

Gambotto-Burke believes her own predilections are connected to her past and explained, “Now I understand why: It’s because I was bottle-fed with those really thick, rubbery teats.”

Y’know, a lot of psychology — sex adjacent or not — simply sounds basically logical when you think about it. People like feet when they crawled around on the floor next to barefoot moms. Now people like rubber because they have a lot of bottle-fed (literally in this case) memories buried in their minds somewhere. OK. … So now explain people who get turned on by balloons popping.

Somehow Must Be Sex Adjacent …

Ya Gotta Have Cake

Mona Lisa Moans (inside)A man wearing a wig and lipstick has been arrested after throwing a slice of creamy cake at the Mona Lisa in Paris.

The 36-year-old man, who was disguised as an old woman in a wheelchair, tossed the cake at the iconic oil painting’s protective glass case — before being swiftly escorted from the Louvre Museum by security guards.

In a video widely shared on social media, the wig-wearing vandal can be heard ranting about climate change to shocked gallery visitors as he is dragged away.

“Think of the Earth! There are people who are destroying the Earth! Think about it. Artists tell you: Think of the Earth. That’s why I did this,” he said.

Another video making the rounds showed a guard quickly wiping cake remnants off the painting’s bulletproof barrier, while onlookers watched.

Officials said the half-baked protestor was arrested and taken to a psychiatric unit.

Weirdly enough, this isn’t the first time the world’s most famous painting has been attacked.

In 1911, the          disappeared from the museum without a trace. It was finally recovered more than two years later when someone tried to palm off the famous artwork to an Italian dealer.

During the ’50s, the painting suffered a damaging blow from a rock and was the target of an acid attack. In 1974, when it was on tour at the Tokyo National Museum in Japan, someone sprayed red paint on its glass cover, and in 2009, a Russian visitor, who was pissed off about being refused French citizenship, threw an empty ceramic mug at the painting, but the cup bounced off a protective screen and shattered on the floor.

Some of us, of course, think about Nat King Cole when we think of the Mona Lisa. Others, likely those fortunate enough to have been to Paris and the Louvre, immediately think something along the lines of, “Wow. That painting is a lot smaller than I thought it would be.” … We could not find even a single person who thought, “That picture really needs cake smeared on it. This would force people to consider pending environmental disasters.” Clearly we would make poor protestors.

Sex Adjacent Rag Doll (seriously)

Daddy's Little CutieA lovelorn Brazilian, who fell for a rag doll and married it, claimed she’s had a baby with her big softie beau.

Meirivone Rocha Moraes said after lamenting to her mom that she was single and had no one to dance with, her crafty parent played matchmaker and sewed her a boyfriend named Marcelo.

“When my mother made Marcelo and introduced me to him for the first time, I fell in love with him. It was love at first sight,” she said. “That was because I went to these dances but didn’t always find a partner.”

Shortly afterward, Moraes and Marcelo had a wedding witnessed by 250 of her closest friends and family. And according to the blushing bride, the couple consummated their vows and Moraes soon learned she was pregnant.

“It’s true. Marcelo got me pregnant. He wasn’t taking care of himself and didn’t use a condom,” she said.

The couple went on a honeymoon in Rio de Janeiro before returning home to “give birth” to a stuffed bundle of joy on a livestream watched by 200 viewers.

“Marcelo is a great and faithful husband. He is such a man, and all women envy him,” she boasted.

“He has so many great qualities, but the only downside is that he’s lazy. He doesn’t work at all. But I’m a warrior, and I keep it going for us.”

Ain’t love grand?

Um. We’re going to go with “Yes” and move quickly along.

Sex Adjacent … but EEEW

Steph Matto Sweat ShopRemember the woman who made bank last year from selling her bottled farts? Well, due to a freak fart attack, she was forced to diversify and started selling her tit sweat instead!

Former 90 Day Fiancé star Steph Matto made headlines after claiming she earned over $200,000 from selling jars of her farts.

The fartpreneur reportedly earned a cool $1,000 per jar of hot gas. But Matto claimed she was forced to retire after her flatulence-forming diet of eggs, beans and protein shakes wreaked havoc by causing an excessive buildup of gas, which triggered frightening chest pains.

But the 31-year-old, who described herself as a “pretty inventive and innovative person,” seems to have adapted. She’s now hawking vials of her boob sweat for up to $500 each and said she’s already sold more than 50!

“I like to call myself the human maple tree and the boob sweat my sap. I sit there and collect my sap the same way a maple tree does,” she said.

“Sometimes it can vary how long it takes [to fill up a vial] as it depends on several scientific factors, mainly the heat, movement and how hydrated I am.”

Despite having her TikTok account recently disabled, Matto said the setback won’t stop her from her mission to normalize unconventional ways of making money.

“I have more haters than I can count! But I never quit, and I never stop!” she said.

We have decided to put this in the “crazy made up idea, just to see if any of the idiot wire services will pick it up” category. On the upside, it would eliminate arguing over what to watch when a bunch of new shows all show up on your DVR at one time.

Finally, the Sadly Sex Adjacent

1 inch = 2.5 centimetersJust when you thought we were slowly returning to a semblance of normality, a scientist has recently published some alarming findings that suggest penis sizes are shrinking!

Dr. Shanna Swan, an award-winning environmental epidemiologist, wrote in her book Count Down that microplastics and environmental pollution are causing higher rates of erectile dysfunction, a decline in fertility and boys to be born with smaller penises.

Describing the situation as an “existential crisis,” she explained in the book, “Chemicals in our environment and unhealthy lifestyle practices in our modern world are disrupting our hormonal balance, causing various degrees of reproductive havoc.

“Babies are now entering the world already contaminated with chemicals because of the substances they absorb in the womb.”

Dr. Swan said environmental pollutants like phthalates are to blame.

Phthalates are man-made chemical compounds used to make plastics more durable and flexible and increase the spreadability and absorption of personal care products. They’re used in endless items from shampoo and soaps, to vinyl flooring, solvents and even sex toys.

In research conducted on rats, rodent fetuses that had been exposed to phthalates showed signs of stunted development and males were more likely to be born with smaller penises than those not exposed.

The findings also suggested phthalates are responsible for erectile dysfunction and diluting sperm counts. Dr. Swan even cautioned sperm counts could reach zero by 2045!

Oddly, our sex adjacent examination comes to rest on basic male insecurity. Somehow, that seems fitting, as in many instances one could argue that still makes the world go around. Could probably earn a couple of doctorates on that topic too. Maybe we should start a Penthouse University. Syllabus one. Syllabus two. … Feel free to continue your independent study.

St Pats 2023

Celebrating St Pats 2023 with Renee Olstead

Seriously, the post production department gave us a 10-second video clip of our January 2023 Pet of the Month doing a St Pats 2023 promotion. Seriously. Ten seconds. … No kidding.

Of course then we saw what a professional actress could do with ten seconds, and we thought, “What the heck. Ten seconds for St Pats 2023 it is!”

It turns out that it makes a difference when professionals do something. Golly. Ten seconds flat — the timing, not the beer. (And certainly not Renee.) … But this of course led to a different problem, that being we had no other guidance as to what to say about today other than gushing on about people with decades of acting experience. Full disclosure, leaving this crazy department with absolutely zero guidance shows either a great deal of faith or a complete disassociation with reality. We’ll see.

St. Patrick Cathedral, Dublin, Ireland
St. Patrick Cathedral, Dublin, Ireland

At first we thought we could do some research on Saint Patrick in general, maybe figure out how St Pats 2023 ended up being “a thing” in the first place, but honestly that sounded amazingly boring. It seems like Saint Patrick’s Day has something to do with celebrating all the snakes being driven out of Ireland centuries ago, but we could have that completely wrong. And it still does not explain the green beer. (Maybe they got the snakes drunk with it to make them easier to handle?) … Whatever the case, actually finding out the real answers did not sound like any fun at all.

But limericks come from Ireland (right?), and this holiday is about Ireland. Right? So what if we had everyone here write a limerick and we could then post them merrily along with our ten-second celebration featuring Renee? Everyone likes limericks better than history, and Saints just seem like dusty topics on top of that. So …

A brazen lass once did confide,
With Penthouse she’d nothing to hide.
Thus with observation,
And much twitterpation,
We saw for a fact she’d not lied.

We did check, and “twitterpation” is in fact a word. Who knew? Sounds fake, though, right? Like something that happened once Elon Musk bought Twitter? At any rate, holidified (not a word) photos of Renee Olstead sounded like they might put people in a better state of mind to be attempting alcohol with food coloring in it later in the day, so we tried that.

Fun, certainly, but maybe not much better than the poem. Then other entries arrived at the inbox. Then the boss got involved. … It was a thing. (Word to the wise, now that we no longer have Dilbert to guide us: Always try your best never to let the boss actually do anything. They should be in meetings, theorizing about various ways the company can take over the world, and more importantly keeping our jobs in the process. They should not be mingling with the hoi polloi down in the literary trenches. You see bosses always end up in admirable, press-releasey sorts of places.)

St Pats 2023 Limericks of Woman Power

With feminine power their clan,
They strip with uncommon élan.
Both upright and prone,
She lets all get shown,
Or doesn’t, if that is the plan.

Empowerment reigns as our glow,
Though nudity causes the row.
Our women they tease,
Yet do as they please,
By choosing just what not to show.

As Womanly power evolves,
The problems expand that she solves.
But do it undressed,
For that will quite test,
The breadth of the thoughts one resolves.

Left to our own plebeian machinations, we would tend to end up with a much more common tenor to our bass instincts. (See what we did there?)

Limericks of the Bourgeoisie

At once to mag Penthouse we go,
Where everything they like to show.
There’s articles sure,
And thoughts not so pure,
So often you’ll hear us yell, “Whoa!”

To please you a Pet must confess
Her deepest desire and unrest.
For honestly counts
As much as her bounce,
But mostly it’s will she undress.

All in all, Renee was better. No doubt. Wouldn’t you love it if she were your actual bartender? She’d make a killing in tips, even if all she could serve was beer of various colors.

Renee Olstead, St Pats 2023

We will have to admit that the editorial staff felt fairly proud of this collection of limericks for St Pats 2023 that did not once include the word “Nantucket’ in its verse. And in theory not every update on penthouse.com must necessarily cover some serious topic, illustrate some injustice, or even relate a conversation with someone interesting. Still … limericks?

Should you wish to add a tad more reverence to your day, we can point you to the actual Cathedral in Dublin. Or we can encourage you to visit Renee Olstead on either Instagram or Twitter and tell her what a bang-up job she did in, yes, a mere ten seconds on penthouse.com today. Of course you can research her here too. (We’re way too reserved and official to say “bone up on” in this context.)

Vote 2023

Penthouse POY Vote 2023

In the interests of the latest political catch-phrase — that being “transparency” as of today — we should probably make clear that we wanted to remind should more technically have been the Executives wanted us to remind in that first sentence. In fairness, we tend to think people that visit here remain aware of the ongoing Vote 2023 process, but Executives fall into two categories (at least in our offices). They tend to be old-school and believe constant reminders necessary in any ongoing business venture, or they fall into the Millennial camp and believe everyone completely ignores anything in a sidebar that looks like at advertisement, never even bothering to read what it says, and certainly not clicking on it.

Of course either of those could be true. Who knows? … We DO know, however, that a completely different Executive put the video editors to work making us a handy-dandy “promo clip” we could use, so we will.

Of course women earn Pet status by more than just their looks (however difficult that may be to believe). Particularly in a social world, personality counts for a lot, and over the years/decades we have found that answers to a “standard” questionnaire can be helpful and enlightening. They can also be wildly entertaining, so we did a quick dive on their Pet Pages and highlighted an individual option for each of our contestants. In chronological order, then, we provide our list of tickled funny bones.

MSPUIYI — January 2022
When are you happiest? … Right now.
Tahlia Paris — February 2022
What’s your favorite way to work out? … I love hot yoga. I also love working out with a trainer — because I like being told what to do.
Stormi Maya — March 2022
Do you collect anything? … The hearts of men and guitars.
Lauren Ann — April 2022
If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be? … It’s 85 degrees. I’m sitting on a nude beach with a good book in one hand and a Corona with lime in the other.
Trippie Bri — May 2022
Who knows you the best? … Me!
Alex Kay — June 2022
Do you have a secret skill? … I’m very quick at math. I’m actually a big nerd. I love math and science.
Destiny Rose — July 2022
What is your favorite thing about your hometown? … My grandmother’s food. I do miss Polish food. If you haven’t yet, you should try pierogies. That’s why all men love Polish girls. We know how to make pierogis.
Ashleigh Skies — August 2022
How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? … Depends. It could be 25 minutes — or up to an hour if I masturbate.
Kaylee Killion — September 2022
What are your pet peeves? … Walking in the house with your shoes on.
Linsey Donovan — October 2022
What do you sleep in? … Sometimes I wear socks.
Veronica Perasso — November 2022
Do you play any sports? … Does Mario Golf count? LOL
Amber Rose — December 2022
Where’s the most exciting place you’ve ever had sex? … On the hood of my car outside Qualcomm Stadium in San Diego during a double overtime football game.

Entertainment counts for a lot around here, and based on the voting so far, many of you agree. Honestly one of the most fascinating times of year for us comes when the votes start rolling in and we can see how well the Executive Team has selected Pets over the year. It may sound counter-intuitive, but a “perfect” result for us would come when all twelve of the contestants end up in essentially a statistical tie. You see, that means that through some wild stroke of fate we ended up with a dozen very different women who appeal equally across the public at large. That could have been the plan, of course, but one must be careful of giving Executive Teams too much credit lest they begin to think we mere worker bees have become less important.

By the way, this year there will even be something new added to the mix. As the Team laid out the plan and the timeline, we noticed that there will be a good old-fashioned Pet of the Year Playoff this time around, culling the field to 4, or maybe 6, or maybe some other number, for the final push. It all depends on where the natural “splits” occur in the voting. Wherever that split happens, your vote has more to do with which stars here make the cut and which do not than even you may realize. Of course, that’s why we’re telling you, so that you might realize it.

We suggest you take advantage of that power. One seldom has it in life anymore it seems.

Lacy Lennon, POY 2020 | Kenzie Anne, POY 2021 | Amber Marie, POY 2022

Just to make it easy for you, we have provided yet another handy-dandy series of links in case you want to get a closer look at any of these fine individuals before making your selection. In PURELY chronological order, then, we have … MSPUIYI, Tahlia, Stormi, Lauren, Trippie, Alex, Destiny, Ashleigh, Kaylee, Linsey, Veronica, and Amber. They each have Pet Videos (the SFW version) on those pages, so it might take a little time to get through them all, fair warning. It will be a really FUN time, however. Feel free to take notes.

For the record, we asked the bosses about that “link to voting” banner when we saw it too. As you may know, that shows Lacy Lennon (POY 2020), Kenzie Anne (POY 2021), and Amber Marie (POY 2022) in that order. Allegedly there was no overriding, multi-year strategy for it to end up redhead, blonde, brunette like it did, but one never knows about Penthouse Executives and their Master Plans. They be some sneaky folks.

WWE Whee!

WWE Femme Fatales

Whether they’re the heels or the faces, the women of wrestling always bring the tits and ass. For decades, gorgeous female grapplers have been a huge draw for the sport — for their moves as well as their looks. We’ve rounded up the 10 hottest babes of the WWE, all of whom could take you down and make you say “thank you” for doing it!


The toughest woman in combat sports, Rousey was the first American woman to medal in Olympic judo, was one of the first women to take part in a UFC fight, and was the first woman inducted into the UFC Hall of Fame — all before joining the WWE. Since making her way from the octagon to the ring, “Rowdy” Rousey has headlined a Pay-Per-View WWE match, won three championship titles, and proven time and again that there isn’t a competitor alive who she can’t hold her own against. 

WWE Superstar Mandy RoseMANDY ROSE

An Irish-Italian New Yorker who grew up with three older brothers, Rose is a natural in the ring. A champion in fitness and bikini competitions before joining the WWE, she’s had no trouble kicking ass and take names. Since 2015, Rose has won the U.S. and U.K. NXT Women’s Championships, formed some winning partnerships, and played a key role in one of SmackDown’s most entertaining love triangles.


Chance is a triple threat. She began her athletic career as a Junior Olympic and NCAA gymnast through school, then competed on American Ninja Warrior, and finally made her WWE debut in 2018. A diminutive five feet tall, Chance is small but “Mighty” (one of her wrestling nicknames), and while she’s sexy as hell, when we tell you not to take your eyes off her, it’s for your safety and not your sensual pleasure.


Sky went pro in Japan, but her wrestling career has taken her around the globe — from Mexico, to her native country’s World Wonder Ring Stardom and now the U.S. for the WWE. Though she has an infectious smile and alluring look, she’s also made more than her fair share of enemies. In 2012, a fellow Japanese wrestler admitted to planting drugs in Sky’s belongings to get revenge on Sky’s then-partner, a fellow wrestler.


This bonnie lass got her start in the WWE’s U.K. brands before fighting her way stateside in November 2022. A feisty redhead with a wicked streak, Dawn is a natural heel — and a damn fine one, too. She keeps her opponents on their toes with a combination of strong, solid kicks and a unique brand of psychological warfare. While she may be new to the American audience, her foreign fans agree this is one witchy woman you’d be a fuckin’ bampot to mess with!


Down Under darling Emma made her professional debut in Pro Wrestling Australia at 16. An injury would later sideline her for two years, but in 2011, she signed with the WWE at 22. Since then, she’s gained the nickname “The Dancing Queen” for her victory boogie, created her signature move, the Emma Lock (an inverted Indian deathlock facelock), and won over a legion of fans.


Cutie Cora joined the WWE in 2021, but she made her indie wrestling debut in 2018, just before her 18th birthday. This baby-faced fighter may look innocent, but she’s ruthless in the ring. Known for her famous pump kick finishing move, there isn’t anyone she won’t take down—including her former BFF Roxanne Perez, who she destroyed in a recent NXT match. While Cora has no bad angles, we still plan to stay on her good side.


B-Fab, also known as Briana Brandy, joined the WWE in 2019, after making music and touring with acts such as Soulja Boy and Too $hort. Following several years as a solo act, she joined Hit Row — a wrestling crew with similar musical interests — in 2021. A strong opponent in rhymes and in the ring, beautiful B-Fab briefly left the WWE in late 2021 to focus on her music


After getting her start in Irish pro wrestling, Valkyrie signed with the WWE in 2020 and quickly became a star. Often appearing in the ring as a bit of a dark angel — or, appropriately, a raven — Valkyrie is more of a fighter than her sweet smile would imply. She started her WWE career undefeated, and while she hasn’t remaine


Blonde bombshell Bliss signed to the WWE in 2013 at age 22 with no wrestling experience. Since then, she’s used her fierce fighting style to acquire a wardrobe of championship belts. She was the first two-time Women’s SmackDown Champion, shares the first two-time Women’s Tag Team Champion title with partner Nikki Cross, and is the WWE’s second Women’s Triple Crown Champion. Not to mention, she can draw a cat-eye sharp enough to kill a man. d so, she’s kept the heels she fights on their toes. but soon returned to the sport’s roster.  o stay on her good side.

We obviously did not have photographs of all ten of the women, which seems like a “pretty” big oversight, honestly. Of course we have never claimed to understand the minds of people in the publishing business. (One should never claim that because people might believe you.) … Fortunately, finding WWE Superstars online tends to be rather easy. You might find yourselves – as we did – saying, “Hmm…” a lot.

Tahlia Time

Tahlia Paris on the Move

Footloose Tahlia Paris doesn’t pass up an opportunity to have some fun! The model and DJ took a red-eye flight to the Sunshine State with her DJ manager, Sierra, for a last-minute music booking in Orlando, and her journey was a whirlwind of work and play. Our February 2022 Penthouse Pet explains, “There was pretty much no time to sleep on this trip!”

Despite landing in the wee hours, the pair headed out for breakfast to talk about the plan for the evening’s event, and Tahlia confides, “Usually on the day of gigs, I’m so excited and pumped up I can’t sleep anyway!”

In between planning and prepping for that night, the playful exhibitionist still made sure to snap some sexy shots—and we surely appreciate the effort!

After nightfall, Tahlia pre-gamed at a local bar by downing a couple drinks—and kept the buzz going at the venue with some shots! She admits, “I’m a tequila kind of gal.”

The dynamic DJ says, “I hit the stage as the main performer from midnight to 1:30 a.m., and I had the best time! It was all college students, so they went WILD!”

The next morning, energetic Tahlia and her pal continued their party by visiting Disney World. She says, “I hopped out of bed, put on my best MILF outfit and headed to the Magic Kingdom. We had a great time!”

Next, to celebrate turning 26 Tahlia took a girls’ trip to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, and says she was joined by “all the amazing women in my life.”

She explains, “Once we arrived in Cabo, I literally threw my stuff in a room and put on the first bikini I could find and went straight to the pool! We had our own house in Pedregal, which is a gated neighborhood there. It’s beautiful.”

The morning of her big day, Tahlia says chefs came over and cooked “amazing” meals. She adds, “Breakfast in Mexico just hits different!”

The celebration continued at Mango Deck, which she says is a “fun day party place” in Cabo.

“Later that night we went to dinner at a great restaurant. For the rest of the trip, we mostly just tanned and hung out at the pool during the day and enjoyed the jacuzzi at night,” says Tahlia.

“I practically lived in a bikini the whole week, which is pretty much a dream for me!”

Full disclosure, we had a tough time wrapping our collective heads around the “Tahlia Paris as a MILF” concept, but maybe the Magic Kingdom can really accomplish anything. Who knows? … We DO know that you can see more of Tahlia on these very pages, and depending upon when you’re reading this, you might even be able to still vote for Pet of the Year 2023 — a contest that includes Tahlia. … Naturally we encourage more examination of Tahlia, whether the vote has passed or not.

Skin Care 2.0

Skin Care for the Semi-Devoted

We will not have broken any philosophical ground by telling you that life simply comes down to a matter of priorities. None of us has enough time to do everything we’d like to — or at least feel like we should like to — accomplish. In that vein, many of us might put skin care into the persistent “remainder at the end of the day” category. Consequently, Penthouse decided to help with some easy steps. Naturally we also decided to conclude with some historic examples of excellent skin care, because we, well, care.

The Repair in Skin Care

Skin Care Repair Conceptual ArtWe’re all aware our skin requires extra maintenance to protect it from the summer sun. But as we try to survive in (mostly) cooler weather, your skin requires a similar amount of attention if you want your face to look and feel like the man you aspire to be.

A change in climate can wreak all sorts of havoc on your skin, and if you’re not careful you’ll end up with a blotchy, haggard-looking mug. But we have good news in a simple, three-step daily routine — bolstered by quality products — that can help you avoid this least wanted appearance. First up, think about face wash. Many guys choose standard soap in the shower to briefly wash the part of the body most people will see for the day. Instead, get your hands on a good quality face wash and give your face a full five to 10 minutes of attention with the cleanser and some lukewarm water.

After your skin is properly cleansed, apply a quality moisture cream specially formulated for the colder months to reduce dryness. Winter creams will keep you protected from sun, wind and dust that can irritate your face and cause problems further down the line.

If you are fond of shaving each morning, there are a couple of other tips you may want to consider. Invest in a top-quality razor. Disposables and low-quality razors may damage your skin and leave you feeling sore and dry. It makes very little sense to use them.

Once you have your preferred razor of choice, choose a shaving cream rich in tea tree oil. This will make your shaving experience easier and leave your skin feeling unbelievably fresh. Don’t let lousy weather get in the way of your good looks. Give your face the respect it deserves. 

The man you aspire to be sounds grammatically incorrect, right? But so does “the man to which you aspire” — which adds a completely unrelated nuance to the conversation. We’re going to climb out of the English language rabbit hole, though, and simply say that perhaps simply investing in some higher quality soap for the shower and growing a beard would save the most time here. Call us crazy, but the concept of “simple” and spending 10 minutes washing one’s face every day hardly resounds as a winning sales pitch. It seems like the people who would follow that regiment probably already do and thus don’t really need the advice.

Making Scents with Skin Care

Parfum Skin CareIf Instagram is the closest you’ll get to a European vacation this year, let us engage one of your other senses to really crank up the FOMO.

Designer Tom Ford says of one of his signature fragrances, “Costa Azzurra Parfum is a deeper expression of the original scent, capturing the feel of a hedonistic Mediterranean escape. I think we all need an escape right now.”

Technically referring to a fragrance that didn’t really fly in the private blend collection, that pitch says a lot about this adventure individually, however. Not only that, but remember these things sit on counters — hopefully where some of your new encounters might see them — so the fact that the fragrance bottle design for Costa Azzurra also looks and feels truly luxurious add a definite bonus.

The elevated parfum opens up with a recognizable Costa Azzurra freshness, providing a big burst of Italian lemon and a slight ozonic, aquatic quality. This provides an invigorating, warm and sea-salty wind breezing through the cypress trees moment. An aromatic fougere type of concoction from lavender accompanies the sensation.

Will this fragrance really transport you to hedonistic pleasures on a sun-drenched coastline? Sure, we think so.

It gets a little deep in there, perhaps, but then some writers really do like their descriptions. Rather than risk parfum perfidy, then, we shall simply point out that smelling good is good. And Tom Ford has known how to help folks smell good for a very long time..

Skin Care the Traditional Way

Corduroy Skin CareWear pants. Sounds simple, but we have lots of skin, and protecting different parts of it can benefit from different techniques. We do not wish to paint this simple foundation with an oversized brush, though. No-no. … If one chooses to wear pants, one should still choose comfy pants.

As we head through autumn and winter, our wardrobe becomes less playful and more classic. Away go the bold, bright hues and out come darker, more understated tones such as military green and Bordeaux red. Consider corduroy as one twill weave fabric that helps hold these colder climate colors together. Yes, waled pants may have crept their way into some of our spring collections, but corduroy lends itself to a certain time of the year.

The fabric has made quite the comeback with vintage-loving generations picking up old French-made garments from the ‘70s, when it could be seen on everyone from college professors to bell-bottomed hippies. But this rediscovery has also sparked a surge in production from designers around the globe. Although we see many variations of corduroy in the shape of shirts and jackets, pants are the real winner. They’re comfortable and look as good with a pair of boots or shoes as they do with rolled cuffs and a pair of sneakers.

Enjoy the fun to be had with color, adding a playful nature to a classic look. You can always be a bit more daring with your choice of corduroy pants, which compliments should you have a more flamboyant personality.

Age never seems to be a factor either. There are as many teens and 20-somethings wearing the fabric these days as dads and grandads, so it reigns as truly versatile in that sense. If you don’t already have a piece of classic corduroy in your collection, now would very much the be time to snap up some stylish pieces.

As a bonus, let us offer a bit of advice you may be too young yet to appreciate: If you can spare the storage room, always hang on to old favorite pants and jackets. They may fall out of style, sure, but you have great odds that they will fall right back into it again too. Only the truly gentrified can tell you the joy of having someone comment positively upon something they are wearing which they have owned literally longer than this new admirer has been alive. Every generation thinks they invented everything. Remember that, and you will be kinder to young folks — and you may dazzle some eventually too. … And THAT, Penthouse Friends, provides an excellent segue into today’s Skin Care bonus illustrations. … Granted, not a single one of these models from our Penthouse Vault collection happens to be a man, but we hope you will excuse that minor slight. They still have excellent skin, even though wearing pants never really fit within their job description.

So it comes down to this: We almost never get the chance to do everything we’d like to do, and we absolutely never get the chance to do every ONE we would like to do. That’s just how life works out. Still, a Penthouse Magazine Subscription certainly should not hurt your appreciation of life, and if your interests span a more historical range, the Vault section of PenthouseGold just might be fun for a bit. Life can control what (or whom) you do, but it cannot limit what you can think about doing. So that’s a plus.

Tania Russof, Pet of the Year Runner Up, February 1999

Oh! We understand that Tania Rusof here — she of the Pet of the Month fame from September, 1996 — does not really fit into our other set of Penthouse Vault photographs because she does not happen to be in a bathtub. We get that. … After due consideration, however, we basically decided, “Yeah, but look at that picture!” … So we decided to run with it. One need be diligent about skin care examples, after all.

Ana Paula Saenz

Social Premiere Ana Paula Saenz — Penthouse Nov/Dec 2022

Height: 5’7″
Measurements: 32B-28-46
Hometown: Gult Shores, AL
Fun Fact: Once Ate “a whole chunk” of Wasabi

Quick Facts

Her dream getaway: “India, so I can see the Taj Mahal.”
Her favorite way to relax: Meditating on the  xxbeach.
Number of pillows she sleeps with: Three.
Her ideal man: “He’s powerful and has a strong personality. He’s also loyal and intelligent.”
Her favorite animals: Sharks.
Her celebrity crushes: Drake.

According to the Ana Paula Saenz Copywriters

Alluring beauty Ana Paula Saenz is a hugely popular online influencer, and it’s easy to see why. Our Social Premier has amassed an Instagram audience of more than 2.5 million by posting her stunning photos. With her smoldering eyes, sensual lips and phenomenal curves, Ana is utterly gorgeous, and her flirtatious nature never fails to captivate her fans. Now, this stunning Mexican-born model is gracing the pages of Penthouse.

The former makeup artist puts her skills to good use while creating her camera-ready looks, but she’s also an ambitious dreamer. Ana says she works hard to prove to herself that she’s better every day than she was yesterday. We applaud her drive, but it must be hard to improve on such perfection!

As per usual, a Subscription to Penthouse would have given you slightly more revealing photos, but honestly — shameless plug aside — once again.you still will not find the kind of nudity you may associate with Penthouse even there. This does not make Ana Paula Saenz any less interesting in our view. Besides, people with three names often seem to have something special about them. Have you noticed?

And now we get to move along to our new, more in-depth, questions. See, we do not have to worry about page space on the web site. [Note to Traditional Publishing: neener-neener.]

How will it make you feel when people begin to recognize you as a Penthouse model?

Penthouse represents a great achievement for me as a model. … I have always dreamed of being part of this project, and it is a dream that has finally come true! If people recognized me as a Penthouse model, I would feel honored. I hope people can see the commitment behind this wonderful work.

How have your friends and/or family reacted to you choosing nudity as part of your current vocation?

Fortunately, I was born and raised in a very open-minded family: the body is a part of us, the surface and the appearance, and it was never a problem for anyone to see me working with my image. As for friends, many of mine do the same work as me, I never felt judged for this choice, and I preferred to surround myself with people who preferred my well-being to “what others think.”

What are your long-range plans?

Long-term plans — it’s hard because I’m always living in the day! But I definitely want to start traveling again, and in the near future I see the realization of a family and hope to live in a peaceful environment.

Can you tell us about the last thing that made you laugh out loud?

The best laughs are those with my closest friends, which always arise from the most futile reasons! I love those moments

If someone with no concept asked you to describe a Penthouse Pet, how would you do that?

A Penthouse model is a successful woman who has self-esteem and confidence with her body, and who is not afraid to show herself for who she is. A woman, sensual and elegant.

Speaking of pets, do you have any?

Yes, I have two Persian cats, they are beautiful and I love them madly! I have also made several videos with them that I posted on my Instagram page, I absolutely love to cuddle and spoil them

When you watch a favorite movie or TV show, do you identify with any of the characters?

Yes, I often like to identify with the characters and live their story as if it were my own:otherwise, what would be the fun of watching a movie? 🙂 But I don’t have a favorite movie, so I wouldn’t say that I identify with a specific character.

If you could change one thing about your best friend, what would it be?

I love my best friend in all her good and bad points: I wouldn’t change anything on a character level, much less on an aesthetic level because I find her beautiful, maybe I would ask her to be more punctual when we see each other (but I never say that, because I always come late too ahah).

What would be the first thing you’d do if you won the Lottery?

I would take a house lost in nature, maybe in Switzerland, and relax every day.

What’s your favorite kind of donut?

I almost never eat donuts as I’m always on a strict diet, but when I have to I would definitely go for chocolate donuts stuffed with cream. It’s so yummy!

One would hardly be worthy of being a Social Premier if she did not have a strong social presence. Consequently, we encourage you to check out Facebook, Instagram, or even her own site. We have not officially verified those measurments we received from Ana Paula Saenz in our questionnaire, but you may be able to “assess” for yourself — as it were. One extra little letter makes a lot of difference, does it not?

2023 Valentines

2023 Valentines — A Brief Introduction Followed by, perhaps, A Slight (but ever-so-respectful) Warning

Mia Huffman and her 2023 ValentineWe really do want to wish everyone a Happy Valentine’s Day, and Ms. Mia Huffman here does an exceptional job with that. We also received what appears to be the result of a long-long Girls’ Night Out evening with a collection of people we know well, but who wish to remain anonymous. Without giving away too much at the outset, we can give you our theory. … There may have been wine involved. There may have been lots and lots of wine involved. Doesn’t make them wrong, though. … Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, and all that. …

Rules for Gift Giving from Hot Girls

This Penthouse contributing editor does not identify as a Hot Girl, but she does know and work with a lot of them. Read on for valuable gift-buying insight from the arbiters of cool: a collection of Penthouse-approved tastemakers, fashionistas, and stylish mavens.

1. Thoughtful Gift > Expensive Gift.

“It’s the thought that counts” depicts how we generally self-soothe after getting (or giving) a gift that underwhelms. But when it comes to Valentine’s Day, putting some real thought into your gift will get you much farther than spending incrementally more money on something generic that holds no specific meaning for your partner.

Whatever your budget, be intentional with your gift. Flowers are never a bad idea (especially if you plan on giving multiple gifts), but don’t just default to a dozen red roses from your neighborhood bodega. This reeks of Panic Gift and implies you didn’t think about buying your partner anything until 4pm on February 14th. Don’t be a panic gifter!

If you do go the floral route, be aware of some rules. A beautiful bouquet of standalone roses makes a romantic statement, but you should buy a minimum of two dozen premium roses from a local florist (not 1-800 Flowers) and expect to spend at least $150. That said, a unique bouquet featuring her favorite blooms and colors is both tasteful and thoughtful, and probably cheaper. (Can you not identify her favorite flower? You should know this.) See more on flowers under Rule 10.

If you feel particularly industrious, take the leap and make the arrangement yourself (great classes on Flower Arranging 101 available at the University of YouTube). Trader Joe’s always has a beautiful selection of reasonably priced fresh flowers and fillers, but make sure you deliver them pre-cut and arranged in a vase. This ceramic vase ($20) comes in a great neutral color that she’ll definitely re-use — and she’ll think of you every time she pulls it out. (Now would be a good time to stop with the dirty mind.)

2. Give her something she won’t buy for herself.

Save the practical gifts or household upgrades for another holiday. No furniture, appliances, products related to laundry and cleaning, or really anything that she “needs” for Valentine’s Day. We gift “wants” on Valentine’s Day. Therein lies the special nature of the holiday. A Valentine’s Day present should be indulgent (not useful) and pretty (not practical). … Unless it’s a sex toy, which qualifies as all of those things. (See? We will address that dirty mind a bit later.)

Should you be interested in our list of pretty, pretty useless things that Hot Girls covet currently…

3. Speaking of Sex Toys.

You want the easy answer: DO NOT over think this. A sex toy, specifically a vibrator, makes for an excellent Valentine’s Day gift. Are you worried it won’t be well-received? Don’t be. Gifting her a vibrator tells her you want to prioritize her pleasure and that you enjoy watching/making her orgasm, regardless of how it happens. (This will be incredibly hot to hear said out loud, by the way.) It also says you do not consider your manhood threatened by a vibrating piece of plastic and — more importantly (sorry, dickheads) — her sexual satisfaction continues in importance to you. … We considered putting that last part in BOLD, bright neon pink, flashing letters, by the way. If you pay attention to only one thing in this entire helpful missive, pay attention to this important messaging, y’all!

There are a zillion “best of” guides out there, but we put together a roundup of Hot Girl favorites that we consider great for partner play specifically:

  • The Billionaire ($60) — Hot Girls’ Father, Alex Cooper personally endorsed this on a recent episode of her hit podcast, Call Her Daddy. Pro Tip: Let this toy replace your fingers so you can focus all your attention on what you’re doing with your tongue. (You’re welcome.)
  • Tiani 3 (currently on sale for $135) — Lelo has become known for their high-tech toys, and the Tiani 3 takes the prize for the best couple’s vibrator Hot Girls have found. It takes a minute to get the positioning right, but this remote-controlled device can be used by itself or with penetration. Either way, we can guarantee good times.
  • I Cum First Vibez ($99) — Hot Girls love all WOO More Play products, not to mention their elite messaging/packaging, but this truly earns the MVP Award for clitoral vibrators. We also have found it the most helpful should simultaneous orgasms be your goal. (HINT: They should be your goal.)
  • Double-Sided Wand ($98) — this qualifies as the better/prettier version of the classic Magic Wand. Guaranteed to work quickly, every time, you will love using this on your partner — over and over again.

If you need something more budget-friendly (because Valentine’s Day gifts don’t need to be that serious!), take a look at Adam and Eve. These toys have all sold tens of thousands of units and are under $50:

4. Vibrators should always be gifted (and used) with lube.

Even if your partner already has a go-to lube that they love, use this as an opportunity to branch out and try something different. Cannabis-infused lubes (either CBD, THC, or a combo) are blowing up right now. Hot Girls love Foria, which is a great company that has been active in the cannabis wellness space for more than a decade. We think their Sex Oil ($44) and Awaken Arousal Oil ($48), both with CBD, truly wonderful. Pro Tip: Experiment with both and buy their Teaser package. You’ll get travel size bottles of each ($38 for 15ml bottles).

Cannabis lube not your partner’s thing? Hot Girls also love these products:

  • Water-based lube: Lelo Personal Moisturizer ($29.90 for 150ml); great for toys, and easy to clean up.
  • Silicon-based lube: Uberlube ($32 for 3.8 fl.oz.); more lubricating and water-resistant than water-based lube
  • Oil-based lube: Coconut Love Oil by WOO More Play ($25 for 3.3 fl.oz.); vanilla + stevia combine as ingredients to make this lube actually taste good! Safe to consume orally and very moisturizing. Pro Tip: store this in the shower. Oil-based lubes can harden in cold temps. OK to use with most sex toys, but never use oil-based lube with condoms!

If you skimmed that section about lube because you thought to yourself “My partner doesn’t need/use lube” … Hi. … Hello! You are the problem. Scroll back up, re-read it, and add to cart accordingly. Shame on you.

Hot Girls need more lube. (Again, you’re welcome.)

5. Absolutely. No. Gift. Cards.

We can put this simply: Go directly to jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200. (And you will definitely not be collecting any nookie.) Mark this as a complete non-starter in your brain and burn it in so it stays there forever. The whole idea behind a great Valentine’s Day gift (or really any great gift) comes from the fact that you picked out something specifically for her. But do encourage her to exchange your gift for a color/scent/size/etc. that brings her the most joy. Most brands and stores have generous return/exchange policies as long as you have a gift receipt. So don’t forget the gift receipt. (More jail. Sad.)

That said, “money” has a bit of its own category …

  • Cash Gifts < $300 = jail, loneliness, despair
  • Cash Gifts > $500 = acceptable, but still seriously missing the point

Again, I don’t make the rules, just make sure there’s a card with your handwriting on it if you give up and gift her actual currency. [You could go to a money exchange center and convert $500 to over 9,000 pesos, which still probably lands you in jail, but at least you can laugh about it if you were on your way out anyway. -Ed.]

6. Think twice about buying heart-shaped jewelry.

Gifting jewelry on Valentine’s Day tends to be very nuanced. There are too many caveats and exceptions to allow for a fully comprehensive etiquette section, but we can shoot for some general guidelines and (relatively) fool proof recommendations:

  • Unless hearts are your partner’s thing, we suggest staying away from heart-shaped jewelry. Yes, hearts are supposed to symbolize Love, but when it comes to accessories, hearts are tacky and kitschy 9 out of 10 times. Unless done tastefully in a small format, like this Tiny Hearts bracelet ($144) and choker ($234), which we think represent neither tragic nor tacky. This heart bracelet, in onyx though, might also be very cute if you just gotta have a heart ($325).
  • Hot Girls may be many things, but never, ever basic. They don’t like imitation jewelry, or anything from a big box store. No CZ (cubic zirconia) or dupes from Amazon. And let’s agree not to gift her jewelry (or flowers) from Costco, Walmart, or a jewelry chain like Zales or Jared — as a man of Penthouse, we want you to have higher standards. Pro Tip: visit a local jewelry store. (No kidding.) They will have a good selection of quality pieces at a fraction of the cost that you’d pay for a similar item at a boutique jeweler like Tiffany or Cartier. The markup all lives in the brand! Sales associates are usually extremely helpful if you give them a budget and general idea of what you’re looking for, so come prepared with some ideas and parameters.
  • Commit to at least 10-karat white, yellow, or rose gold. If you’re gifting her jewelry, it needs to be high quality. But don’t worry, you can still get “nice” jewelry for +/- $200-300.
  • Likewise, don’t immediately assume that a piece of jewelry with diamonds or a precious stone will be out of your budget. Even a tiny diamond can be chic, and it will immediately feel more precious (and important to her).
  • Pay attention to what kind of jewelry she wears regularly, as this will help you narrow down your search. Does she wear mostly gold, or silver? Does she have a favorite color, or is she particularly attached to her birthstone? Are there any numbers or symbols (or dare I say, astrological signs) that are important to her?

Hot Girl-approved jewelry:

  • We like Catbird as a great place to shop for inexpensive, but high-quality jewelry. Their pieces are more minimalist and understated, but this can be a good thing because it means she can wear her gift every day and mix and match it with her other favorite pieces.
  • Use the filters on The Last Line to find cute pieces in your budget that are a lot of fun and little funky. Hot Girls especially love their earrings. Pro Tip: If your girl has multiple piercings on her ears, it’s perfectly acceptable to buy her two earrings of different designs (rather than a pair of two that are the same). Individual ear stacks remain very much a thing.
  • If you want to splurge on diamonds, consider a tennis bracelet or necklace. Noémie has some very reasonably priced high-quality options; this pink sapphire and white diamond bracelet comes in at $1980 and would be perfect for Valentine’s Day. Their necklaces start at $6,400 for three carats, which we think is a good price for the quality. [Corollary: Date Hot Girls at your own risk. -Ed.]
  • If you happen to be in the “care nothing about the money” category, expectations run high, so chances are she expects a blue box from Tiffany or a red box from Cartier. We love this for her, but remember that Hot Girls are not basic — they want to stand out. Choose something from Tiffany’s HardWear collection, which is relatively new, or a Lock bracelet. And instead of something from Cartier’s Love collection (which makes sense, we get it, but no), go with something from Joust un Clou or Panthére.

7. Lingerie = OUT. Bougie Loungewear = IN.

Polling suggests that expensive lingerie as a standalone gift ends up being a little too useless, especially if she doesn’t usually wear it. That said, if you’re gifting her several things and have a healthy budget, a bra & panty set (or silk robe) can definitely be one of them. La Perla reigns as the ultimate Hot Girl brand for elevated lingerie, and if you’re able to shop in-person their sales associates are great at helping you pick something out.

Clothing can be tough because choosing the right size will never be a fun game. But if you know her size (or can sneak a peek in her closet), consider buying her some bougie activewear or loungewear. If she’s a lululemon girlie, get her something from Alo Yoga – Hot Girls love this Scholar Hooded Sweater ($218). If she does end up exchanging it, a $200 credit to Alo will be enough to buy a cute set or several smaller pieces that she really loves/wants.

8. An “experience” can definitely be a gift, but plan accordingly.

It was the Hot Girls’ Lord and Savior, JLo, who told us that “Love don’t cost a thing.” … Extrapolating from that wisdom, Hot Girls recognize that sometimes the perfect gift may not actually be a gift, per se. A romantic date, an overnight staycation, tickets to a show or play your partner has been dying to see — all of these can be wonderfully thoughtful alternatives to a traditional present. Kenzie Anne, the ultimate Hot Girl and Penthouse Pet of the Year in 2022, said her perfect Valentine’s Day gift will always be “a picnic on the beach with some chocolate covered strawberries and champagne. I’m totally cliché, the cheesier the better!” Sometimes, the girls who have everything just want your time and attention.

For a list of Hot Girl-approved picnic ingredients:

  • Splurge on some nice champagne, but make sure you keep it chilled. Veuve Clicquot ($50) is universally loved and pairs well with our food choices. If your girl likes sparkling rosé, Perrier Jouet ($64.99) remains a great choice. Bonus points if you bring actual champagne flutes. If you’re worried about glass breaking — valid — try these metal ones instead ($25).
  • Source Chocolate covered strawberries locally from a good bakery or specialty grocer, but if you must purchase them online, go direct from a chocolate company like Godiva ($42 for six, $80 for twelve) or a specialty provider like Shari’s Berries ($30 for six, $45 for twelves). I cannot stress this enough, Hot Girls do NOT want anything from Edible Arrangements.
  • Caviar seems to be having a moment with Hot Girls right now, actually. Serving this at a picnic requires a little more prep (don’t forget the pearl spoon!), but it may be worth it. California Caviar Company has a large selection, but you can’t go wrong with the Royal Osetra ($158 for 1oz.). Regiis Ova would be another good purveyor, and they offer gift boxes that come with a spoon and a cold pack that are perfectly ready for a picnic ($160 for 30g of Royal Osetra). If you think the idea of caviar is sexy (Hot Girls do) but don’t want to commit to the real thing, try this chocolate caviar by Russ & Daughters ($9).
  • Caviar does need to be served cold, and while many Hot Girls like to eat caviar straight, it’s not a bad idea to pack some toasted bread points or crackers to accompany it.
  • With a picnic, less is more. Trying to assemble a complicated charcuterie board with tons of ingredients will be stressful. One drink option + one food option will be perfect (although maybe bring an extra bottle of champagne just in case). And be conscious of time, most Hot Girls don’t want to be outside for more than an hour. As a rule of thumb, if you’re watching a sunset, you should go outside 30 minutes before sunset and stay outside for no more than 30 minutes after.
  • Finally, Hot Girls do not like single-use plastic, so make sure to bring reusable containers and utensils. Recycling is sexy.

9. Cooking qualifies as hot — if you’re actually talented.

If you have never been objectively told by someone who is either not related to, or sleeping with, you that you are a good cook, don’t plan to make her dinner. This will not be the night to try out a recipe you Googled while you were walking around Whole Foods listening to Joe Rogan.

If you do happen to be good in the kitchen, though, you can absolutely plan a night in centered around her favorite foods. Make sure you dote on her from beginning to end, starting with flowers and champagne and ending with a decadent dessert (fine if you have to go store-bought on this, so as long as it’s something she loves). Make sure you also take care of the clean-up, and bonus points if you gift her a sex toy (see above) or something for the bedroom — this pajama set from Cosabella is both sexy and comfortable ($140). [Triple bonus points if you let her start without you while you do the dishes. You’ll see. -Ed.]

10. Dinner dates are still cool.

If you’re no chef but you want dinner to be the present, make a reservation at a nice restaurant — either one you both love, or one you’ve never been to but have wanted to try. Even if the vibes are more casual, be sure to dress sharp and bring her flowers. Treat her to multiple courses, and definitely order dessert.

If you need help picking out a good restaurant, Eater has great guides for lots of big cities. You can also scroll through reservation apps like Resy and OpenTable to see the most popular and top-rated restaurants in your city, along with their availability on a given day.

Pro Tip: Do not gift her a dinner out and then offer to let her to choose the restaurant. 90% of the gift is the thought you put into selecting the destination and making plans in advance — asking her to choose or make the reservation = straight to jail.

11. Valentine’s Day gifting isn’t just for those who are cuffed!

This holiday has been wildly overly romanticized, but that doesn’t mean that buying (or making!) small gifts for friends, family members, and co-workers isn’t appropriate. If anything, since it’s unexpected, gifts like these are even more appreciated. Hot Girls reported that if they found out that a guy they are interested in always sends his mom or sister a gift on Valentine’s Day it’s an immediate green flag. [So lie, brother, lie. -Ed.]

For a platonic gift, flowers make a great neutral choice. If you don’t live in the same city as your recipient or can’t facilitate an in-person exchange, UrbanStems has some really nice V-Day bouquets at a variety of price points that will ship overnight, as does Farmgirl Flowers if you want something a little less big-box and more environmentally friendly (their flowers ship wrapped in burlap).

Alternatively, assembling a LEGO bouquet that will stay in bloom all year round makes for a fun, unique surprise they’re sure to remember. Hot (Nerdy) Girls love the original Flower Bouquet ($59.99), but LEGO just released a Wildflower alternative ($59.99), or you could build your own using their collections of roses, daffodils, sunflowers, or tulips (each sold separately).

Candy will always be the universal gift. Buy a few big bags from the candy aisle and bring them into work to share. People will pretend to be annoyed by the temptation, but they’re lying.


Even the greatest, most expensive, thoughtful gift will be meaningless without a card. A quick, heartfelt note scribbled on piece of printer paper can be just as thoughtful as a three-page love letter written in cursive if you get the messaging right. Be specific with your compliments and make sure they come from the heart. Even if the bulk of your message qualifies as X-rated, there should still be some thoughtful expression of true emotion somewhere in the card. Bonus points for a romantic sign-off that does not fall into the trite “I love you/Love” valediction. This should be the time to dig deep and be a little more creative.

At the risk of contradicting a core tenet of these certainly well-qualified (and hot) women, those whole “thought counts more than expense” concept does have some practical limits. Should you gift your current flame with a Ferrari, you would be unlikely to hear, “But I already have a car,” as her first response. In a different scenario, you might hear, “Wow. Who knew I would love a 5-carat flawless diamond?” rather than, “I disapprove of ostentatious jewelry.” … Just sayin’. … We WILL say, however, that all of these suggestions will provide an excellent backup you can order quickly while explaining, “Oh, THAT present. No-no. THAT present is just for tonight while we wait on the present that did not get here in time. … Yeah, that’s it!”

Alisti Reality

Entering The Pop Art Realm Of Alisti

The Artist AlistiInspired by beautiful women, erotica, mother nature, graffiti and the pop art movement of the ’50s and ’60s, Alisti collaborates with models and photographers, using sourced images as blank canvases upon which to create her bright and bold, colorful creations.

How did you come to be an artist?

My journey began when I began to love myself and think about how I want to see myself.

Until a few years ago, I was painting gloomy things. This art was just a product of my inner world, and I didn’t show it to anyone. Now I am in another phase of my self-development, where I found myself creating vibrant art that really inspires me to create more and more fun and delicious art.

How did you develop the Alisti style?

In 2016, I visited the Wynwood Art District in Miami. I was so excited! That was the day I fell in love with graffiti and bright colors on the walls! I still feel the emotions of that day. I think that’s why I do pop art.

These days, I like to mix different styles. Using digital tools, it is easier to experiment. Maybe my style will change all my life. Why not? While I grow and change inside, my style continues to develop at the same time.

What is it about erotica that inspires you?

I like women’s bodies, and sensual and bold poses switch on my imagination. When I’m inspired, I’ll try to make a sketch in that moment. This isn’t just about a drawing or creating a piece of work, it’s about capturing a vibe and a feeling.

What else inspires Alisti art?

Myself, self-love and my own achievements. I’m also inspired by photography and crazy poses. Also, nature. I get high from sunsets! Nature is awesome. I like to notice simple things and enjoy them.

What do you love about pop art?

Colors! I fell in love with bold, bright colors. They look so tasty in art!

What’s your process for putting a piece together?

The first thing I do is sketch things how I want to see them on the future drawing. Secondly, I start to create a collage by putting them on the best place in the frame. Third, I paint it and make it look delicious. Then I add the text. When I’m finished, I look at my final drawing and ask myself: What is it? This answer then becomes the caption of my artwork.

How has your art style evolved over time?

When I feel that I want to try something new, I do it. One day, I wanted to add a caption to the background; the result was cool! Another day, I decided that I wanted to draw some stuff on a photo of a beautiful girl. I did it. I loved it, and she loved it, too! Now it’s a part of my pop art style.

Tell us about some of your art achievements or career highlights?

This interview with my drawings in your article is awesome for me! It is a great honor for me to be featured here. A year ago when I started my Instagram, I only dreamed about it, but now it’s real! It’s a great pleasure.

Has your work led to any crazy or interesting experiences?

Creating art always goes hand in hand with interesting experiences. It’s one of many reasons why I love it. In some ways, being an artist and creating art is like getting high without any drugs. No matter what I create, I always immerse myself in it and free the fantasy.

What are you working on at the moment, and what does Alisti have coming up?

I’m working on some very exciting things at the moment, including NFTs that I want to implement in my future collections. It’s going to be a very bold and sexy collection, seasoned with my signature psycho spicy flavor. Yummy things are coming soon, guys!

Alisti is a Ukrainian digital illustrator based in Dallas, Texas. You can reach out via Instagram, Twitter, or even her site. Around here we hope she decides to visit Los Angeles. Sounds like a fun lunch.

Toxic Burn

Toxic: The Smog of War

The dangers of war aren’t limited to bullets and bombs, and coming home in one piece doesn’t always mean returning unharmed. Toxic exposure — whether from nuclear tests during World War II, Agent Orange during the Vietnam War or burn pits during the Gulf War and the War on Terror in Iraq and Afghanistan — can be equally deadly, though the injuries caused may not be visible — until it’s too late.

“Toxic wounds aren’t treated as wounds,” said comedian and activist Jon Stewart at a veterans’ rally. “It’s not treated like an IED that goes off in your body seven or eight years later, which is what it is.”

Stewart, who previously helmed Comedy Central’s The Daily Show and now hosts The Problem with Jon Stewart on Apple TV+, got involved in veterans advocacy after speaking with Rosie Torres, who co-founded Burn Pits 360 with her husband, Le Roy, a former U.S. Army captain. Since 2010, the nonprofit organization has sought to assist service members harmed by toxic smoke from burn pits — essentially warzone garbage dumps.

Stewart, a longtime supporter of World Trade Center 9/11 first responders, saw the similarities between Ground Zero exposures and the warzone exposures making veterans sick. He’s since spent the past three years working closely with veterans service organizations to get a bill passed to support affected heroes and their families.

“People are losing their jobs. People are dying,” Rosie said. “Widows, survivors, they’re begging for help. For us, the focus has always been to help these poor fighters and their families.”

Encouraged by the grassroots efforts of Vietnam veterans who sought care after exposure to Agent Orange — a powerful herbicide used by the U.S. military in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos from 1961 to 1971 — Rosie asked veterans to tell their stories and asked families to share photos and videos of their dying loved ones to reveal the ravaging effects of burn pits. Now, after nearly 13 years, everyone’s efforts have paid off.

The Honoring Our PACT Act of 2022 received bipartisan support in the House of Representatives and the Senate, with more than 40 veterans service organizations working to promote the legislation. Even President Joe Biden showed his support for the bill before its passage. In 2015, Biden’s son Beau died at 46 from brain cancer, which was believed to be from his exposure to toxic smoke from burn pits when he served in Iraq.

America’s youngest veterans — including those from Beau’s generation — have spent more than a decade fighting for recognition of the ailments they’ve faced due to warzone burn pits. Sometimes as large as football fields, burn pits were filled with everything from classified documents, surplus weapons and ammo to medical waste, amputated limbs and human feces. The pits were soaked in jet fuel and kept burning 24/7 next to almost every military base or outpost in a combat zone.

The reasoning was simple: There is no trash pickup during war, and classified documents and discarded weapons can’t be allowed to fall into the wrong hands. But there’s a reason burning household trash is illegal in most of the U.S. Incinerating even the most basic garbage produces harmful smoke and dioxins, or toxic gases, and can cause long-term health problems, including asthma, chronic sinus infections and complex cancers. Illnesses caused by toxic exposure kill people — slowly and painfully.

“We understand we’re expendable. That’s part of being in the military,” said Shane Liermann, Deputy National Legislative Director for Disabled American Veterans (DAV) and a Marine Corps veteran. “But for a veteran to slowly die 50 years after they leave service … that’s not what we signed up for.”

Since illnesses linked to toxic exposure can take years to show, veterans are often unable to prove a service connection, which had left many without access to support services and appropriate health care. Many have been left bankrupt or suicidal.

“This country can’t be this broken,” Stewart said at a Memorial Day rally in support of burn pit legislation in Washington, D.C. “If we can’t do the simplest shit [to support veterans], we have nothing. This may be the lowest hanging fruit of the American legislative agenda. Those that took up arms in defense of this country and its constitution suffered grievous harm in that defense, and when they came home, we put them on trial. ‘You got cancer? Prove it was us.’”

“Proving it” was what got Rosie and Le Roy to start Burn Pits 360. Le Roy, a member of the Army Reserve, deployed to Iraq in 2007 and returned home with a slew of symptoms doctors couldn’t explain. He had headaches, trouble breathing and digestive issues. His first military doctor blamed it on the “Iraqi crud.” It was nothing to worry about, Le Roy was told. But he and Rosie knew it was more than that.

Years later, Rosie saw Stewart and his colleague John Feal on television. Feal, who had worked at Ground Zero doing demolition after 9/11, had partnered with Stewart to lobby for health care for first responders and other workers who had been sickened after laboring at the World Trade Center site. Rosie reached out to Feal to ask for his support, and he soon looped in Stewart.

“I still remember the day Jon Stewart FaceTimed me on Rosie’s phone [in 2019],” Le Roy recalled. “He said, ‘You’re not alone … I’m going to fight for you.’”

Burn pits have long been called this generation’s Agent Orange, and advocates have learned a lot from the veterans who had to battle for their benefits after Agent Orange exposure.

“The illnesses and the fight against Agent Orange has become a known entity,” said Pat Murray, National Legislative Service Director for Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW). “If you say Agent Orange to someone, they say, ‘Isn’t that the poison we sprayed on troops in Vietnam?’ We’re not there yet [with burn pits], but we’re getting there with help from people like Jon Stewart.”

Now, nearly 15 years since Le Roy went to Iraq — and more than a decade after his first lung biopsy — the country saw the passage of landmark legislation which will impact generations of veterans.

“Our intent was not to start an organization,” Le Roy noted. “We just wanted to help my fellow brothers and sisters so they wouldn’t have to go through the heck we went through.”

The Honoring Our PACT Act will create a committee to review and expedite presumptive illnesses related to toxic exposure and expand health care access for veterans with those ailments. Veterans from as far back as World War II will benefit from the comprehensive legislation, and future generations will have an easier time getting recognized from as-yet-unknown exposures. 

Veterans who think they may have been exposed to toxic fumes from burn pits can sign the VA’s registry. Veterans and their families can learn more about the PACT Act at VA.gov/PACT or by calling 1-800-MyVA411. Burn Pits 360 can be found at BurnPits360.org.

Pop Shots Bill Plympton

Bill Plympton Pop Shots Title

The Penthouse World According to Bill Plympton

Animator and filmmaker Bill Plympton’s work has appeared in a diverse selection of publications ranging from The New York Times, Vanity Fair, Rolling Stone and, of course, Penthouse.

You’ve seen three of Bill Plympton’s animations in the long-running couch gag in the opening credits of The Simpsons. He’s contributed artwork to videos by musicians ranging from “Weird Al” Yankovic to Kanye West, and he’s twice been nominated for Academy Awards for his short films Your Face and Guard Dog.

We’ve had graphic artists and actors direct Pop Shots, but you’re the first visual storyteller who’s been invited to do this. Though this isn’t the first time your work has appeared here.

I did a gag cartoon for Penthouse, but I also worked for Penthouse Letters, Hot Talk, Penthouse Forum, and Viva. Then, of course, I met Bob Guccione and [his wife] Kathy Keeton. I went to their place for a couple of parties and stuff. We weren’t intimate friends, but I met them and I liked the guy. It was fun working for him.

What was it about the opportunity to do Pop Shots that appealed to you?

I wanted to see what it would be like. It’s a fantasy come true. It’s every guy’s wildest dream to do something like this for Penthouse. It’s kind of a bucket-list thing, too, you know? When they approached me with the concept, I loved that they wanted something different. They didn’t want just the same old “woman taking her clothes off” photo layout; they wanted something exciting and offbeat. I’d never seen anything where there were cartoons with the model. I thought that would be a really fun experiment. I wanted to see if I could do it, if I could work it.

It’s interesting that there’s no dialogue to drive the story along for the reader, like there usually is when you see erotic pictorials. When you read adult magazines, are you a fan of the captions, what we in the biz call “girl copy”?

It’s called “girl copy”? That’s the first time I’ve heard that term! No, I don’t care so much about it. I’m purely visual. That’s what gets me off. I never read sex novels or any of that kind of stuff. I’m a very purely visual guy.

You obviously approached the project as a kind of mini movie. Did your filmmaking and animation background influence the way you approached the story?

What’s so unique about cartoons is that there are no limits. There are no restrictions in terms of cameras and lenses and backdrops. It’s all my wild imagination. You can do anything you want. I love the idea of creating a story that’s totally fantasy, totally unreal, that could never happen in the real world. That’s why I do animation.

It’s interesting that you had the story take place at a drive-in theater. 

Every guy has sexual fantasies that he’d like to live out. One of my great ones in high school was going to the drive-in movies and getting it on with the hot chick in class. So this is my childhood fantasy come true. That’s a fantasy that I think a lot of guys have. I think a lot of guys can relate to this, because there’s something about high school that’s really horny. So it was a natural for me to be able to re-create the whole storyline of getting it on with some hot chick at the Passion Pit.

I was looking at some of the behind-the-scenes stills from the photo shoot, and I saw you without your shirt on in one of them. I was wondering if you were going to make a guest appearance as the guy in the story in the finished product.

No, no. I wish! We needed some bare skin to test the lighting on, so I said, “Well, fuck it.” I took my shirt off to do the skin test myself, you know? The guy who takes this girl out on a date in the story is actually the star of my new film, Cheatin’. I thought it would be a nice bit of synchronicity to put him in there with this beautiful model and let him get his rocks off.

Did you ever live out your fantasy and get laid at a drive-in?


How was it?

It was great.

What was the movie?

I have no idea [laughs]. Probably Planet of the Apes or something totally archaic.

Are people missing something today by not having drive-ins to fuck at?

Yeah, absolutely. It was a wonderful, wonderful experience. It’s really difficult to do it in a regular cinema, and where else are you going to do it if you’re in school and you don’t have a pad or anyplace to go? A movie is a good excuse to take a girl out and then, you know, things happen.

Do you draw your female film characters from live models or do they come from the Plympton imagination?

For my second animated feature, I Married a Strange Person!, I wanted the characters to look fairly realistic, so I hired models to go topless — actually bottomless, too — to get the perspective and the shading and everything right. After about two or three months of drawing, I really knew the characters so well that I didn’t need to have the models pose. I just pretty much drew from my memory and my imagination. Occasionally I’ll have models come in, but basically all my drawings are pretty much from memory because they’re not so realistic now. They’re more stylized. They’re more … what’s the word?


Yeah, Plymptonian — that’s a good word, yeah!

How did the choice of Julia Ann reflect what you find sexy in a woman?

When they asked me to choose a model, I used a cartoon character as an example. I said, “I’m looking for a Jessica Rabbit type.” Actually, I said I was looking for a cross between Jayne Mansfield and Jessica Rabbit.

We dropped in some BTS photos into this gallery, just to add context mostly. If you cannot tell which of the images come from Bill Plympton and which come from the BTS camera, you should probably take a break and come back later. You need a nap.

Julia Ann definitely has the bombshell look. Is the classic bombshell what you find sexy in real life?

I love bombshells. What can I say? That, to me, is a great turn-on. I reached puberty in the fifties, the era of Marilyn Monroe, Mamie Van Doren, Jayne Mansfield, Gina Lollobrigida, and Sophia Loren. They were my inspiration. But it’s funny now, because a lot of my [animator/cartoonist] buddies, who are younger, are more inspired by the Kate Moss kind of woman and by Victoria’s Secret models. It’s a different kind of model that they use for their sexy women. They’re not so curvaceous. So I guess I’m a product of fifties puberty. I’m glad that Kate Upton’s around, because she’s one of the few really sexy women who are modeling today. She’s definitely a turn-on for me.

There’s a lot of politically correct talk these days about women’s bodies. There’s fat-shaming, there’s skinny-shaming — everybody’s supposed to feel all this shame about how they look. Do you think that women built like Kate Moss really affect the way women look at themselves more so than, say, the way that male models and athletes and actors affect how men look at themselves?

I would say that now there also seems to be a big emphasis for males to have the six-pack and the great build. Back when I was in school it was more like Troy Donahue, more of a simple physique. A normal physique. Now it’s much more exaggerated, much more bulked up. Speaking for myself, yeah, I do feel the pressure to adapt to look like these models, so I would guess that women also feel that kind of pressure to look like the cover girls, the big buxom girls, or the models.

You often go out and meet your fans at Comic-Con and fan-oriented cosplay events where people show up in costume. Not every girl who’s dressing up like Wonder Woman is built like Lynda Carter. There are a lot of BBW [big beautiful women] getting their rocks off and dressing like these superheroes. That must be interesting to see.

Oh, absolutely. Yeah, I love that. It’s part of the humor. Everybody goes to Comic-Con with a sense of humor and playfulness. It’s fun for me to talk to these ladies and guys. They’re chubby Superman guys and Wonder Women. That’s always fun to watch!

Naturally we encourage you to seek out Julia Ann onlie, although we cannot link to JuliaAnnLive (hint, hint) directly because of the hard core material. (Of course if you want to see more Julia in these pages, you simply have to visit Elvira again.) We can link to more “about” Bill Plympton, although as of this post it looks like Bill has been pretty darned busy with day-to-day professional things because that site has been missing updates for quite some time now. … Oh! And for the record, while we get the Julia for Jessica choice Bill made, we have known Julia for decades now, and we can assure you: Julia’s not bad. She’s not even drawn that way.

Trippie the Lights Fantastic

Traveling With Trippie Bri

Trippie Bri recently enjoyed a brief visit to Kraków, Poland, before taking in the sights in Prague in the Czech Republic—and she’s giving Penthouse a sneak peek into her mini-Euro tour! Our fun-loving May 2022 Pet—who speaks English, Polish and Italian—tells us she hit classic sightseeing spots but made sure she branched out to do some exploring of her own.

“Locals gave me some good hints, and I found a couple of cool cafés hidden from the tourists. It was like a scavenger hunt!” she says.

Trippie visited Prague’s cobblestoned hub Old Town, which is known for its stunning landmarks—including the medieval Astronomical Clock and the Gothic Church of Our Lady Before Týn.

She also sought out a place serving real absinthe—a potent anise-flavored liquor dubbed “the green fairy,” which has been banned in the U.S. since 1915!

“I got to try it for the first time!” she says. “I had absinthe from two producers—the Swiss brand Butterfly and one from France’s Lemercier. They tasted like alcoholic black licorice.”

Trippie found Prague’s nightlife limited, but she says it was “still entertaining.” She even came across a dedicated James Dean bar, packed with Americana.

“It was funny seeing the European interpretation of America,” she recalls. “The bar snack they served was popcorn! And they had Coca-Cola merchandise and half of a vintage Ford car as a booth.”

Trippie also found her own personal way to liven up her trip and admits, “Since nudity is allowed in public in Prague, I couldn’t resist pulling out my tits for a little unique fun!”

Though Trippie has now returned stateside, her visit to the Czech Republic made a definite impression.

[While you’d need a subscription to see those particular shots, we can drop in a few more around town shots. Travelling with Trippie seems like fun. -Ed.]

“Prague is a great city to explore because there are a million different little winding alleyways that actually take you to cool spots you might never have noticed from the main street,” she explains.

“I loved the experience, and I can’t wait to do it again.”

Naturally we need to point out the Trippie Bri Pet Page in these very annals, as well as her ever-evolving Instagram buffet. (Fair warning, that address changes with some regularity. It seems our beautiful lass has a problem keeping her clothes on, which apparently offends some jealous folks with nothing better to do than complain. For the record, our vote would go to anything Trippie does being ART by definition.) If you can find her, though, you really will have some fun looking through it. If only she did not take herself so seriously. …

Speaking of voting, for at least a bit, we should also mention that you have a chance to vote for Trippie in our 2023 Pet of the Year contest, just to let her know you appreciate her. If the contest has already ended by the time you read this, you will simply have to live with the disappointment, painful though it may be. Maybe watch her Pet video again. That always makes us smile. … We’ll be shooting for some more “So what are you doing now?” updates too. We’ll take pretty much any excuse to talk to Trippie.

Have you ever noticed how she seems to wave and the heavens everywhere she goes. She probably just wants to say, “Thanks.” She does enjoy life.