B&R timepieces are a seamless combo of elegance, sophistication, and function.

Watch LaSirena69 — And These Watches (if you prefer, of course)

Bruno Belamich and Carlos Rosillo founded Bell & Ross back in 1992. Their designs have since become the go-to time tellers for those working in a demanding profession, from astronauts and pilots to mine clearance experts and even Hollywood hitman John Wick.

To pull off wearing a B&R model, however, you’ll need to look the part. Walking around in your shorts and flip-flops is not going to do this type of watch justice, so listen carefully!

Even though it is rooted in Switzerland and Paris, there is something undoubtedly classic about Bell & Ross designs, especially their military-inspired chronographs. So, a white tee with Levis and an aviator jacket definitely fits the image. Finish that look off with a pair of black boots or an old pair of Redwings, and you’ll be all set for a day in the sky.

If you’re more monochrome than military, preferring the shape of a finely tailored suit like John Wick for a more business-orientated ensemble, then B&R have you covered. A dark black and gray combination is ideal to exude an aura of sophistication with a nice BR V2-93 on under your cuff.

Most leather looks are also going to fit aesthetically with Bell & Ross watches, especially their BR V3-94 R.S.20, which was created for French car manufacturer Renault. Whatever your preference, Bell & Ross is a mark of durable quality — made for men who push boundaries.

[As seems to be more and more the case lately, we have a couple of “web-only” observations on the print magazine priorities. We would much prefer to watch LaSirena69, as a reasonable place to start. -Ed.]

In manner of explanation, we understand that high-end magazines like to publish articles on a bunch of stuff only a few of us can afford. Presumably that makes all the editors still dealing with physical paper feel … well, we have no idea, but it seems to make them happy. To be fair, we actually happen to know someone who owns a one of these Bell & Ross watches — among many other fancy watches — and for our part we will say that the B&R has to be one of the nicest bits of masculine adornment we have ever seen in person in this office. … Really nice. Elegant without being showy, should that be your thing. (He will not let any of us even borrow it, though, which honestly seems a little mean, but that would be whining for another day.)

For today, you see, and in the category of thinking about things which will almost certainly not be on the shopping list this week, we decided to bid February 2021 adieu with another editor’s take on our Pet of the Month. As you might imagine, we do a lot of different kinds of “publishing” around here, what with all the magazines, and television networks, social media outlets, clubs, and all sorts of miscellenaous events — at least before we all got forced indoors while the groovy scientists try to figure out how we can back outside without millions of people dying and all. Well, we ran across this alternate interview presentation with our (really fun, by the way) Pet and immediately thought, “Hey! This would be much more fun for people to watch rather than, y’know, watches.

LaSirena69, Penthouse Pet of the Month - February, 2021

This way you too can watch LaSirena69 all over again while pondering the truly important questions in life like, “Gee. I wonder if I’d have a better shot with LaSirena69 if I had a $4,000 watch.”

By the way, in case you are new here — or “indoors” in your case means “under a rock” — you may contrast and compare interview versions by visiting LaSirena69’s Pet Page. That way you can watch LaSirena69 a lot, whether you wear a watch or not.

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