In case you need to know what everyone else in America is doing before you take a dive into the sexual unknown.

The Average American Way of Sex

The First time. The average boy has intercourse with his first sex partner one to three times before trying it with someone else. The average girl. more emotionally committed to her partner before she sleeps with him, has sex with him 10 times before moving on.

Putout output. The average person uses as much energy making love as he or she would running up a flight of stairs.

Inside the testicle. The average testicle is an inch in diameter and weighs half an ounce. It contains a third of a mile of tubes, in which it produces 50 million sperm cells in an average day – enough to populate the united states in four or five days.

Usually the woman gets in the way. The average young man ejaculates with enough force to squirt the semen 12 to 24 inches. The average old man’s squirting force is 3 to 12 inches.

The gradual approach. In Intimate Behavior, published by Random House in 1971, author Desmond Morris says that average courtship works through 12 stages, of contact, in this order:

  1. Eye to body
  2. Eye to eye
  3. Voice to voice
  4. Hand to hand
  5. Arm around shoulder
  6. Arm around waist
  7. Mouth to mouth
  8. Hand to head (caressing)
  9. Hand to body
  10. Mouth to breast
  11. Hand to genitals
  12. Genitals to genitals

Another dull evening with Mr. and Mrs. Swinger. According to various studies, most swingers are white, middle-class, and highly educated. Betty Fang, an educator who studied the subject, said that swingers also tend to be “dull home-bodies with few interests, excluding watching television and reading the newspaper.” One scholar gave a bunch of swingers a test called the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. The swingers were graded “uninterestingly normal” on the average.

The wages of sin. The average prostitute makes $36,000 a year, tax-free. She entered her line of work at the age of 17½. Before starting their careers, four out of every five prostitutes were victims of incest, rape, sexual abuse, or physical abuse. Two prostitutes out of three were runaways. Two out of five didn’t finish high school. Four out of five support a pimp. One out of three has children. Only one out of eight has any money saved. All that is from a study of 60 San Francisco streetwalkers, sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee.

Get out your ruler. Erect, the average penis is six inches long.

It’s piecework. The average prostitute turns 15 to 20 tricks a night. At least three-quarters of her clients choose fellatio.

In and out of wedlock. Nine percent of kids born today are born before their mothers marry. Another 24 percent are born less than nine months after the wedding. Thus, a third of all first births are conceived before marriage. Eighty-five percent of women with children born out of wedlock eventually marry. Eleven percent of the children born to women who divorce and remarry are born between marriages. Women who remarry tend to have three-fifths of their children by husband number one.

You never know when. Pregnancy results from one of every 288 acts of intercourse.

A practical note on intercourse positions. On the average, a woman is most likely to get pregnant if the couple has intercourse in the “male-superior” position, with the woman on her back. It helps to put a pillow under her buttocks, because that tends to keep the semen in.

What Kinsey learned about homosexuality. When Kinsey asked 5,300 white males and 5,940 white females, he found out the following data:

Thirty-seven percent of the males had at least one overt homosexual experience between the onset of adolescence and old age. Ten percent were predominantly homosexual for at least three years between the ages of 16 and 55. Four percent were solely homosexual after the onset of adolescence. The highest incidence of homosexual activities occurred among unskilled and semi-skilled workers and the lower white-collar class, among those with high school education and urban backgrounds, among the least active church members. The lowest incidence occurred among professional, white-collar, and college-educated men.

Thirteen percent of the females had at least one overt homosexual experience between adolescence and old age. Twenty-eight percent had a covert or overt experience. In any age group, there were likely to be more male than female homosexuals. In some age groups there were twice as many male homosexuals as female. The incidence of female homosexuality was highest among those with college and postgraduate education; the better educated women were, the most likely they were to engage in homosexual activity.

Pregnant so soon? According to the Alan Guttmacher Institute, one in ten teenage girls in the United States gets pregnant in an average year. About 300,000 of these million pregnant girls are married when their babies are born, 100,000 marry after giving birth, 300,000 have abortions, and 200,000 miscarry. Thirty thousand have not reached their fifteenth birthday at the time of conception.

We could watch the late news… After intercourse an average man must wait a half-hour before he can get another erection. But it’s a strain for him to ejaculate more than once a session.

Who’s homosexual? One American in ten, says the Institute of Sex Research — 13 percent of the country’s males and 5 percent of the females. The institute defines a homosexual as anyone who has had more than six sexual experiences with someone of the same gender. Alcoholism runs 20 percent to 30 percent heavier among homosexuals than among the population as a whole. One apparent reason is that homosexuals use gay bars as meeting places.

Sad. One married woman in 100 is absolutely repelled by intercourse.

Not tonight, honey. When 227 husbands and 233 wives were asked to list their favorite recreational activities, more men listed sex than anything else. More women said that they would rather read a book. On the average, the study concluded, as couples get older, both husband and wife tend to prefer other kinds of recreation to sex. Among couples married less than five years, 55 percent of the husbands and 27 percent of the wives named sex as their favorite leisure activity. Among those married 36 to 50 years, only 14 percent of the husbands and none of the wives listed sex as number one.

Affairs of the heart. As an average woman approaches orgasm, her heart rate accelerates to about 160 beats per minute.

Do grown-up, married people masturbate? Yes, they do, men and women ’alike. At least, on the average. In fact, the average American woman masturbates more as she gets older.

Just what Mother suspected. Of every 100 unmarried girls 15 to 19 years old, 35 have had sexual intercourse. That was as of 1976. In 1971 only 27 in 100 had done it. Of every 10 of these girls who have had sex, 3 use contraceptives regularly. Even at age 15, 1 girl in 5 has had intercourse.

Here it comes, ready or not. For two to four seconds just before he ejaculates, the average man knows that he’s about to ejaculate and couldn’t stop if he tried.

College girls catch up. When Alfred Kinsey did his studies in the 1940s, he found that 42 percent of college boys and 18 percent of college girls had had premarital sexual intercourse. When Prof. Marvin Zuckerman of the University of Delaware surveyed students at his university in 1973, he found that 66 percent of the boys and 63 percent of the girls had had premarital intercourse.

Zuckerman found what seemed to be a contradiction between attitudes and behavior. When he asked University of Delaware students whether they approved of various sexual joys before marriage, the girls, on the average, disapproved a lot more than the boys did. But on the same questionnaire, he asked whether they had done these things. To screen out youngsters who might have gotten carried away once or twice, he asked them to answer yes only if they had engaged in the act ten times or more. Here are the percentages of those who had done these things or had them done to him/her.

TEN or More TimesMaleFemale
Feeling a nude breast73%75%
Manipulation of penis55%62%
Manipulation of female genitals63%65%
>> Male on top34%40%
>> Female on top36%39%
>> Sideways20%19%
>> Rear entry22%13%

Does that mean that the girls were hypocrites? No, Zimmerman decided, merely that the girls felt pretty free about sex with someone they loved but disapproved of casual sex, while the boys were more on the casual side. Zimmerman pinned that down by asking how many sex partners each student had had in the past year. The results:

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