The Whorearchy

Renee Olstead, M.A., AMFTWelcome to the Whorearchy

If you aren’t a sex worker, chances are you haven’t spent much time contemplating the ins-and-out of the industry; if you are, it’s likely that you’ve already encountered the Whorearchy firsthand.

Privilege shapes almost every facet of a sex worker’s experience, dictating where they start, the opportunities they receive, how much money they make, and the challenges they encounter along the way. The more privilege one holds, the more access one has to more desirable tiers within the industrial hierarchy — often referred to as the “whorearchy”. One’s age, race, gender, class, ability, immigration status, and proximity to Eurocentric beauty standards translate into more than just dollar signs for workers; privilege can also mean being able to say no to undesirable clients, having less frequent or less intimate contact with them, and even things as fundamental as being able to work without the constant fear of arrest.

Sex work is like any other industry in that some positions are inherently more desirable than others — but it’s also unlike “vanilla” work in ways less obvious to outsiders. The industry occupies a unique intersection of intrigue and ostracization, where the sex worker is both desired and stigmatized.

Whorearchy Pyramid
Infographic by Monique Duggan

Sex workers are branded as “dirty” by the same people who patronize and appropriate them. They’re chastised by the housewives who attend pole fitness classes on weekends but would never set foot in a club. The same politicians who themselves patronize sex workers are quick to criminalize the industry in order to maintain their wholesome image.

“The parallel here is people with privileged identities, chosen or otherwise, using aesthetics associated with a marginalized group for their benefit while contributing to our oppression or, at the least, being complicit in it.” says sex worker (andeducator )Raquel Savage in “Unpack Your Whorephobia“.  “If Sex Workers’ existences weren’t criminalized all of this would be less offensive. Unfortunately, that’s not the case.”

Outsiders know that the stigma associated with sex work has real world consequences. Getting too close means they too might be subjected to the harassment and discrimination workers often face. These attitudes lay at the foundation of the whorearchy, shaping the public policies that police their work, deciding which forms of the work are acceptable enough to be “tolerated” and which ones could land you in jail.

Not all workers face the same amount of risk — those who work legally face often greater challenges than those who do not. Forms of sex work are typically thought to exist in one of two categories, direct providers who offer “full service sex work” experiences (“FSSW”) and indirect providers, who do not.

Direct providers, who may provide services through an agency, work independently or work with a “manager” or pimp, are divided into categories of street-based and indoor work. Street-based workers assume the greatest amount of risk in sex work due to their proximity to law enforcement and unscreened clients, while indoor full-service workers (escorts, brothel workers) frequently have greater access to screening methods and more control over their work environment.

Indirect providers offer services that don’t meet the threshold of “full service”. Some sell the fantasy of sex (strippers, cam-girls, fetish models, etc.) while others make a living off denying their clients’ sexual gratification entirely (pro-dommes). These workers may or may not have the ability to screen their clients ahead of time, but they’re less frequently subject to the threat of arrest and violence. Other workers bounce back and forth between direct and indirect services, occasionally offering “extras” to VIP clients. Workers of color face additional adversity as they navigate the racist policies often present in the indirect provider space. Many strip clubs limit the amount of non-white dancers they hire and camsites frequently deprioritize their placement — in adult film, black cis-female performers can expect to make 50%-75% of a white cis-female’s rate.

While much of the stigma associated with sex work comes from outside the community, there’s plenty of hierarchical crap to be found within it. Some workers look down on others for offering services they don’t, for the way they choose to do their work, or even for performing work they don’t enjoy. Although there are a variety of reasons why someone may choose to hold opinions that marginalize other members of their community, in some cases, it’s an expression of a worker’s own internalized “whorephobia” or an effort to distance oneself from the stigma and marginalization experienced by other sex workers. “Many at the bottom of the pyramid don’t engage with the sex worker community because they’re too stigmatised even amongst sex workers.” writes sex worker and activist Gracey. “Some people, they may have no friends or family after being rejected by them due to being a sex worker, and they rely on other sex workers for support. […] To then have the very same people judge you or criticise how you sex work is hurtful.”

As with all forms of sex work, there’s a lot of gray area. People who occupy the most privileged tiers of the whorearchy often enjoy the luxury of distancing themselves from their status as sex workers entirely. Sugar babies may get paid for their time regardless of whether they’ve agreed to have sex with a patron, “gold diggers” may prioritize a partner’s financial contributions over a mutually shared romantic connection.

Though the majority of sex workers share feelings of solidarity with other community members, regardless of the tier they occupy, the very existence of this form of inter-group hostility feels like a knife through the heart — harmful not only to the workers targeted by it but to the community as a whole. Sex worker solidarity isn’t just an ideal, it’s a necessity in the fight against issues that impact our shared experience. While risk is unequally distributed, sex worker movements, whether contained to the specifics of the industry or connected to broader struggles for bodily autonomy and economic freedom, must seek universal liberation; an injury to one is an injury to all. We’re all fighting for the right to exist, and no one deserves support more than those who have to fight harder.

For a series of technical reasons you care nothing about, we’ll put the link for the infographic from Monique Duggan down here. We also ran across another whorearchy pyramid floating around Reddit, but we could not find an attribution for it. Still, we wanted to show this alternative, as this one portends to equate self-identified “status” along the scale. … Most importantly, perhaps only from our point of view would be the fact that neither of these scales even includes “Porn Star” in the hierarchy — although we can tell you from direct experience that everyone puts themselves above porn stars, and porn stars put themselves above everyone else. It’s a thing. We should ask Renee to look into it someday. You can ask Renee too when you find a contact through her site.

The Flirt Summit Summit

Flirt Summit as a Concept

The following Flirt Summit description comes directly from those in charge of continuing to expand an enhance a “get-together” for cam-model professionals from across the globe. If nothing else, they have risen the bar very high already, so it will be fun to watch the evolution.

The Flirt Summit tradition was born humbly in the ultimate den of decadence: Las Vegas, Nevada. In an industry connected by servers, wires, and screens, we hoped to focus on the human element driving our network. To forge tangible connections and foster a better understanding of what we need for mutual success.

What did we learn? That our performers and studios are just as brilliant, wild, and wonderful in the flesh as they are in the webcam’s eye.

Inspired by their dedication and enthusiasm, we grew Summit to be more than networking, team building, and informative seminars. From its earliest iterations in Vegas and Hollywood, the event became longer and more lavish.

Through the mid-teens we brought our loyal Flirts through the southern tropics Punta Cana, Ixtapa, and Costa Rica. We explored the wilds, threw historic beach parties, and sampled local cuisine while continuing to revolutionize the live cam world.

Finally, as the end of the last decade drew near, we set our sites east, Bali and the Maldives, for the most extravagant events in company history.

While the pandemic years where strange and frightening, our broadcasters doubled down, putting in more hours online than ever. As such, we launched into the roaring 20’s with our biggest event ever: Summit Cancun. This was followed in 2022 with a foray into that beautiful land of Zen and decadence for Flirt Summit Thailand.

With those uncertain times now behind us, Flirts will convene in beautiful Cabo San Lucas for Flirt Summit 2023 to party and adventure in the sun, surf, and sand!

Flirt Summit Site

Should that not serve to whet your appetite, all you need to would be to glance at the previous destinations for the event. Even if you have already jumped all-in to the cam performer model, mixing with others in that world cannot do anything but help. Better yet, the Flirts4Free seem to decidedly avoid places where mittens and down coats would be appropriate, so that’s a bonus. Just look at how content all these stars look…

Flirt Summit Thailand

To be clear, this entire event exists not as a fan or even a profit-making enterprise. Rather, the industrious (not to mention clever) leaders of Flirt4Free put together Flirt Summit as a reward for jobs well done. Think of it like a bonus at any sort of company that involves a paid vacation for its top performers. (In this case the winners probably all look a lot better in bikinis than do the workers at most corporations, but why complain about that?)

Through our connections with Flirt Summit via PenthouseCams, we often partner in a minor way to provide swag appropriate to the location.

Flirt Summit Penthouse Merchandise

It goes without saying that we encourage you to look up some of these women on your own time, and while it may go without saying that you can get some of this Penthouse Merchandise of your very own, we decided to say it anyway because it makes the boss really happy. Who knows? Maybe we’ll get a paid vacation to a tropical paradise at some point. (More likely we’ll get lunch at a local BBQ joint, but nothing wrong with that either.

Bottom line, should your professional world involve cam performances of a rather intimate variety, you should at least consider looking at Flirt4Free as an outlet alternative. It never hurts to have options, as those may result in the choices we make which lead to success.

Anyone who does even rudimentary internet research will find a very, very many number of potential places for you to call home. The ultimate decision about where to work can be a very personal one, obviously, and we would not want you to simply take what you read in one place as gospel. It turns out that all things on the internet may not be true. We know these people well, however, and the company spawns from one the earliest experts in the field and one of the honestly “good guys in industry history. So check it out and if you feel like it, let us know what you think. We know people that know people.

Pop Shots Jesse Hughes

Jesse Hughes Pop Shots TitleThe Penthouse World According to Jesse Hughes

It’s not often that we invoke the name of God in these pages, but it’s also not often that the Lord sends us a rock star like Eagles of Death Metal frontman Jesse Hughes to art direct Pop Shots.

Since forming Eagles of Death Metal in 1998, Jesse Hughes has been a sexual dynamo on and off the stage. Prior to that, he says he was a devout Christian with a tendency toward naughty thoughts in church — and far from a ladies’ man. But the Lord works in mysterious ways, and, as Hughes puts it, “I felt like Penthouse and I were on a collision course. It was kismet. It was meant to be.”

Hughes’s new album is coming out September 24 [2015], on his 43rd birthday; Zipper Down celebrates the idea that “if you’re going to live any way, you might as well live with your zipper down.” We could think of no one better to unlock his “inner horny” for this month’s column, which features Penthouse Pets Angela Sommers and Kendra James.

Was this your first professional photo shoot of this nature?

Absolutely. It was a delightful shoot. People who do what I do usually have pictures taken of them. Nobody ever really expects much of them other than to be quiet and just smile. And why would you? I would never ask a monkey how to speak English, you know what I mean? When I was asked to do this, I was so excited because it was a chance to be behind the camera instead of in front of it, and I took it as a great opportunity that I didn’t want to fuck up. So it was the first of its kind in many respects: the first shoot I was asked to artistically direct and also the first where I didn’t fuck it up.

How about nonprofessional, sexual photo shoots? Does Jesse Hughes have much experience in that department?

Oh, yeah. Because I have the greatest girlfriend in the world. We tend to have a nonprofessional photo session biweekly. I try to use anything with the word “bi” in it because it keeps it modern. One of the first times we hung out, I took her to the Sportsman’s Lodge. She was psychedelically drunk, and I got my camera out and chased her around the room. What makes it interesting is that in every picture I’m the exact same distance from her, because wherever I moved in the room she moved 30 feet away from me. There’s a masterful consistency to the photos.

What was that one bathroom groupie story you told me?

On my first rock ’n’ roll tour in Europe we were opening for the Distillers, and one night in England after the show I met this really hot chick. For me, when I was in high school, girls didn’t have sex with me on purpose every day, so any hot chick was awesome to me. This chick gives me the green light and I’m looking for a place to take her. We go to the bathroom; it’s one of those one-person bathrooms but the door didn’t lock. I peeked my head out the door, and there’s this dude standing there, looking for someone. I said, “Hey, man. Could you do me a favor? I’m about to hook up with this really hot chick. Would you watch the door for me?” He said, “Sure, bro.” She and I end up doing the deed, and as I open the door and thank him, he’s not even looking at me; he’s just staring at the girl who’s coming out with me. He says to her, “Where have you been? I’ve been looking for you.” So I left them to it.

Cut to the next night. We’re playing our first live TV gig at an awards show, and when I’m introduced by the stage manager to my guitar tech for the evening, lo and behold, it’s the dude who watched the door the previous night. I told Josh, “I think this motherfucker is going to try to jam us up.” Sure enough, I get on stage and realize he de-tuned the strings until they were sloppy wires on the neck. We sat there for six and a half minutes on live TV with our dicks in our hands, trying to retune the guitar.

That’s classic… Let’s talk about this photo shoot for Penthouse. What was the inspiration?

My girl, Tuesday Cross, got me a book called Secret Identity; it’s about Joe Shuster, who created Superman. Shuster was an interesting character. In the fifties, in secret, he drew the illustrations for one of the very first bondage-themed comic books, Nights of Horror. It was unbelievably influential; almost every current bondage or fetish theme had its origins in the creator of Superman. It’s a delightful irony in and of itself that the person who created the icon for truth, justice, and the American way also created the iconic images for every horny thing you imagine.

So when I was asked to do this shoot, I saw the perfect opportunity. To me, you achieve a greater, more satisfying horniness when you’re not inundated with absolute nudity. I really like women. All the women in my life are really strong, independent, curious creatures, and I felt this opportunity could have been wasted if all I was trying to do was look at naked chicks. So I tried to get to the inner horny. If you stay horny, you will stay young forever, so stay horny. The images I chose from the book are the most moving to me. They are the ones that stick in my head. There’s something so delightful about resistance, especially when resistance is futile, and that seems to be the theme of this shoot: Resistance is futile — even resistance to your own libido.

You mentioned Shuster’s comic inspired a spree of murders in 1954 by the Brooklyn Thrill Killers.

Yeah, it was actually one of the first thrill killings. Three kids in Brooklyn got a hold of these comics, and they’d go out at night in vampire capes and act out the scenes from each book. It finally culminated in them torturing a bum and walking him off the pier in Brooklyn. Comic books had a major enemy in America when they first came out, and it was the Christian right. They thought comic books were desensitizing the American youth. So when this psychologist came in to interview the kids, they described everything in the terms of Nights of Horror, and they called it their “great adventure.”

You grew up Christian. Could that have played into why Jesse Hughes chose Nights of Horror as your inspiration? Was this photo shoot your “great adventure”?

Dude, when I was growing up I went to church every Sunday, every Sunday night, and every Wednesday. I was incredibly devout. When I would be in church, on occasion, I would have compulsive thoughts that I could not shake out of my head. They would be dark, naughty thoughts, and it was long before I ever saw Nights of Horror. I feel like when I finally saw Nights of Horror I was like, That’s my dream from 20 years ago!

How does someone so devout end up a rock star?

You don’t pick who you are; it gets picked for you. God’s will is everything, all at once. It’s mysterious and impossible to comprehend. The reason that we’re instructed in the fact that the Lord works in mysterious ways is because He does exactly that. I’m a mere mortal and I don’t presume to speak for God; however, I know everything serves His will. That said, I’m a horny dude.

So we can agree that God instructed you to get these two particular women naked, correct?

I see where you’re going with this and I like it. Again, everything serves the will of God.

Well, He’s got good taste. These women are beautiful.

Well, He wouldn’t have made us naked if He didn’t want us to think about it.

What is your idea of beauty, Jesse?

My grandmother was very influential in my attitudes and opinions about women. She used to tell me, “Son, remember there’s something beautiful about all women. You tell a pretty girl she’s pretty and you tell an ugly girl she has nice shoes, and you’ll never go wrong for as long as you live.” That stuck with me; I find something beautiful about all women. The ultimate turn-on for me is a girl named Tuesday Cross. I like low-rider girls who have a little wickedness in their eyes, who aren’t necessarily as experienced as they are willing. Willingness is much more important than experience. Pavlov showed us a lot, and I’m just trying to ring their bell now, know what I mean?

What’s the first thing your eyes go to on a woman?

That depends. Sometimes they’ve high-lighted certain attributes and I would not like to be the person who would frustrate their attempts at attention, so I’ll let my eyes go right to where they lead it. But normally a girl’s mouth is the first thing I look at. But I’m a weirdo. I don’t so much get turned-on by a girl as I do by what she gets turned-on by. At this point, I’ve done so much that basically somebody’s got to be choking a chicken for me to get a boner anymore.

Well, you are from the South.

That’s right. A chicken or goat,whatever.

You had full control over what models were picked. Why did you choose these two ladies in particular?

The first thing that jumped out about them was that they looked the least slutty. I could tell that they could pay their rent and they didn’t travel around with all their stripper clothes in one very messy bag with about $700 in ones and fives. That I liked. And they truly seemed to wear a look of self-respect, which was critical. I wanted models who would appreciate the fact that I wasn’t just trying to get them naked, and I was unbelievably pleased by the level of high art this shoot resulted in.

Now that you’ve had this experience, any chance Jesse Hughes will quit the band and become a pro fetish photographer?

What I would like to do is chew gum and walk at the same time. I’d like to continue my rock ‘n’ roll while also pursuing this. I loved this experience. I really did.

One can still find Jesse Hughes on the Eagles of Death Metal site, of course. One will also find him consistently irreverant, which we happen to enjoy a lot. For our part, we hope he drops by again to tell us some more stories from the road. … You can even learn more about the man behind the man before he was super, which found equally interesting. When people open up honestly, we can all feel a little more comfortable with ourselves, right? Maybe we’re really not all that weird. We all tend to both run to and hide from that inner horny.

Penthouse Pop Shots Logo

Penthouse Debrief Finale (for now)

Debrief Denouement

In days of yore — an expression you need not worry about should you not recognize it — magazines featuring naked women in ranges from artistic to gynecological always seemed to drop in some random article about cars, or maybe cigars, or whatever other traditionally (for the time) “masculine” theme they could conceive. Very long story very short, there were legal reasons for this. We would love to add contemporary commentary to that practice, but as you may have noticed now in the opposite of yore, print magazines featuring sexually liberated women have almost disappeared.

The two mags remaining (ours, and if you hustle you can figure out the other one) tend to do more “fun” sorts of articles, and while our new format concentrates on lengthier, but fewer, spots, we want to begin the new year with a nod to those short but sweet — not to mention often absurd — moments in magazines past.

Debrief the Brits

Planter and Crabs - Debrief AIGiggle Bush — A towering cannabis bush was spotted growing among the flowers in a public planter in the U.K. The folks at West Parley Parish Council in Dorset were alerted to the cheeky weed by Tray Veronica, a gardener who happened to be passing by and recognized the healthy marijuana plants flourishing among the flowers.

She said, “As I drove down New Road, I saw the planter. Being a gardener, I always notice things like that. But as I looked over, I thought, ‘Oh my God, is that what I think it is?’ … When I drove past again, I stopped to have a closer look, and yes, it’s definitely cannabis. I was laughing all the way home.”

The seemingly innocent planters were looked after by volunteers, and photos of the floral display had been featured with pride on the council’s social media accounts.

“The first ones were so big, they were towering above the bedding plants. They absolutely thrived in that planter,” said Veronica. “I just found it hilarious. The council were looking after these planters every day.”

Army of Crabs — Beaches in the U.K. have brought a new meaning to “a bit nippy” after rising sea temperatures saw thousands of spider crabs swarm the shallows, much to the horror of observers. Unlike your average crab, these big, orange crustaceans have long, spider-like legs and larger pincers.

Spider crabs typically inhabit the sandy bottom of the ocean at depths of more than 320 feet and migrate to shallower waters annually for spawning. However, marine biologists believe the climate crisis saw the army of crabs invade the shallow waters of the Cornish coastline to crack open their exoskeletons and shells before returning to the depths. This type of crab typically gathers in groups to protect themselves from predators while they wait for their new exoskeletons to fully form. The more hearty crabs surround the outer edges of the mass, protecting the crabs in the center, whose new shells have yet to thicken up, from predators.

While they’re harmless, you still might want to keep your toes out of the reach of their claws.

Full disclosure, the pretty planter with the pot plant did not actually exist in a shallow pond full of crabs, but we put it there to make a much more interesting — and on point in this case — visual. Besides, what fun are new toys if you never get to play with them?

Debrief on Wacky and/or Scary

Hulk & Alien Dreams for DebriefThe Brazilian Hulk Has Died — Valdir Segato, a TikTok star known as the Brazilian Hulk, died on his 55th birthday after years of injecting his muscles with oil.

The bulky bodybuilder, who had over 1.7 million followers on TikTok, had used synthol for years to pump up his enormous muscles. Synthol typically contains mostly oil with a splash of benzyl alcohol and lidocaine. It is sometimes used by bodybuilders for immediate muscle enlargement during competitions and is administered by injecting the substance deep into the muscle. But abusing synthol can turn muscles into rocks, putting the person at risk for a misshapen body or even amputation.

As a scrawny teen, Segato was offered a shot of synthol at the gym and became addicted to it. While synthol made his muscles bigger, it didn’t make him any stronger. Prior to his death, he stated his inspirations were the comic book character the Hulk and former Mr. Olympia Arnold Schwarzenegger.

“They call me Hulk, Schwarzenegger and He-Man all the time, and I like that. I’ve doubled my biceps, but I still want to be bigger,” he said in 2016.

Despites doctors warning the man he’d face amputation or disfigurement if he didn’t quit his habit, he continued to inflate his biceps to a huge 23 inches! On the day of his death, Segato complained to his mother that he was short of breath. Soon afterward, he suffered a fatal heart attack.

Outta His Mind — Anthony Loffredo is on a mission to become a “black alien,” and he’s sharing his transformation on Instagram with his 1.3 million followers.

In a bid to resemble an extraterrestrial creature, the 33-year-old from France had his entire body tattooed black—including his eyeballs—and endured a number of extreme surgical operations, including having his ears, top lip and nostrils sliced off, as well as having two fingers removed so one of his hands resembles a claw. He has also had his tongue split and had numerous implants placed under his skin to create alien-like ridges on his head and cheekbones.

Despite having already had such extreme body modifications and admitting that his top-lip removal operation left him unable to speak properly, Loffredo says he’s only halfway to achieving his final form. His next alteration will be to have his other hand turned into a matching claw, and most controversially, he plans to have one of his legs amputated at the knee. As to the whereabouts of his ears, he said, “My friend keeps them.”

We cannot be sure of the mental situations of anyone, truth be told. Thus if at some point a brain says, “Hey! We should start injecting oil into our muscles, because what could that poosibly hurt?” or “Gosh, if I looked more like Darth Maul in real life, I’d be much happier.” We will say that however odd it may seem to some us that one might wish to undergo a metamorphasis into an alien, we take a tiny bit of solace that the goal was not to achieve perhaps a more universally known alien. (This one too courtesy of the nascent AI drawing tools. Those tools might be even more scary than aliens we think.)

The Known Alien for Debrief

Debrief on Genuinely Curious

Snake Legs & Piracy Conceptual ArtHiss-terical — As if snakes aren’t terrifying enough, a man made hiss-tory after building a contraption that gives snakes their legs back.

Engineer and YouTuber Allen Pan claimed his experiment was driven by a genuine empathy for the slithering suckers.

“I actually feel bad for snakes. They lost their legs, and nobody is even trying to find them,” he said. “Nobody except for me, snake lover Allen Pan.”

While we understand snakes used to have legs when they roamed the Earth around 150 million years ago, the reptiles have quite comfortably evolved to live without them. However, the snake lover was determined to return danger noodles to their former glory.

“When any other animal has deformed legs, humanity comes together to spit in God’s face, and we build that animal awesome new cyborg legs,” Pan explained. “Nobody loves snakes enough to build them robot legs. Nobody except for me.”

In order to bring his robotic creation to life, the YouTuber first got his hands on a snake. “I found a pet store that does reptile birthday parties for $200, and I told them it was my birthday,” Pan said.

Anti-Piracy Ads Encouraged People to Pirate Films — Remember those infamous “you wouldn’t steal a car” anti-piracy ads that played on every DVD you watched throughout the aughts? Remember how annoying and overly dramatic they were? Well, it turns out they weren’t only totally ineffective. They actually might have encouraged piracy!

A recent study discovered this ad, and other anti-piracy messages, might have convinced people to illegally download movies, TV shows and music. Researchers found the campaigns actually alerted people to the fact that swiping content was possible—and made it seem many others were already doing it.

The study also found using well known movie stars in such ads appeared to encourage piracy.
The study’s authors wrote: “For instance, Indian anti-piracy videos in 2018 concluded with the slogan ‘Illegal downloading or streaming movies is stealing!! Stealing is against the law.’ All videos starred well-known actors, whose net worth is estimated to be $22 to $400 million dollars, in a country where the annual per capita income is a bit less than $2,000.

“This can offer pirates a moral justification: They only steal from the rich to ‘feed the poor,’ a form of ‘Robin Hood effect’ that makes even more sense with some cultural or sport-related goods.”

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any stranger, the music that played in the “you wouldn’t steal a car” anti-piracy ad was actually pirated itself from Dutch musician Melchior Reitveldt!

Reptile birthday parties are a thing? Really? … Maybe it would be easier to just stop trying to tell people what not to do, because we’re all five years old at heart and devolve into that “You’re not the Boss of Me” mentality that gives rise to political movements of all sorts. How old do you have to be in order to understand forbidding something very often has the exact opposite result in practice? … Maybe instead we should compile a list of things that are not things. That one should end up small enough to memorize.

Debrief on Human Sexuality (with No Judgement)

Mandy Lee for DebriefScratch & Sniff — A bizarre TikTok trend called “vabbing” claims the secret to attracting a man is wearing natural vaginal secretions as perfume, suggesting maybe it really is what’s on the inside that counts.

In a now-viral video, influencer Mandy Lee claims women who “vab” are more likely to attract a man.

For the uninitiated, vabbing is a combination of the words “vagina” and “dabbing” and refers to the act of a woman dipping her finger into her vagina before dabbing her own juices on areas she might wear perfume—like her neck, chest or wrists.

“I swear if you vab, you will attract people, like a date, a one-night stand or you’ll just get free drinks all night,” she said in the video, which now has over 1.5 million views. While some women are jumping on the vabbing trend and claim to have found success, there isn’t a whole lot of science that supports vabbing.

Dr. Karenne Fru, a fertility specialist at Oma Fertility, said, “Vabbing underscores the fact that humans are always in search of the next best thing to secure romantic attention. “Perfume of your choice, lightly applied, is a much more hygienic option.”

Maybe the doctor has never had sex. One theory would be that when it comes to the search for that particular act, “hygiene” may not be at the forefront of people’s minds. There has been some science surrounding pheromones, right?

Sex Doll Day Spa — Is your sex doll looking a little worse for wear? Now you can treat your worn-out love doll to a day at the spa.

Galmato Haven Repair is the world’s first certified repair center for pre-loved RealDolls, who need a little—or a lot—of patching up. While she won’t receive a full body massage or a facial—they’ll leave that to you—silicone companions sent to Galmato Haven will undergo a full restoration. That includes minor and major injury repairs, like broken limbs, and cosmetic fixes like French manicures and pedicures, and body coloration restoration. Their refurb process promises your doll will be returned to you freshly powdered and fully rejuvenated.

“After a day, or days, of head-to-toe repair, retouch and pampering, she’ll come back home to you looking like the first day she arrived,” the company’s website states. “Now you can enjoy a full life with your doll, knowing that when accidents happen Galmato Haven is here for you to return her home like new every time.”

Sex Doll in Debrief

For the record, the above picture was not in fact generated by AI, but it actually represents an actual “doll” that you can purchase for your very own. At this point, you can in fact set up a Spa Package — for real. We have no idea whether the cost represents the value, but should you ever find out on your own, we’d love to hear from you. Penthouse may not have Debrief anymore, but the atypical in life remains a fascination for us. … No matter what literary track Penthouse Publishing may pursue in the future, as anyone who has ever watched a potential lover undress can confirm, sometimes you can tell a lot from de briefs. Subscribe and you’ll see.

Hopeless SoFrantic

SoFrantic (she says)

A few weeks back we ran a Legacy article on “Women in Rock” here, and during the conversation, someone mentioned Ms. SoFrantic, the Cybercutie in the October, 2018, issue of our magazine who also happens to fit into that category, at least aspiringly. Obviously we had to dig up the “assets” from that shoot which led us to a surprising discovery that this “magazine” shoot had a plethora of PG shots available to us. Never ones to waste a plethora of PG, we hauled out the archive and started having fun. (We mean work diligently, of course.)

You and your mechanic live in an adorable bus that you turned into a mobile home. How is life on the road?

SoFrantic: Aw, thank you. I’m very proud of our tiny-home! This trip has been such a huge adventure. When people think about traveling, they typically think about traveling abroad. However, this country has such a variety of landscapes. U.S. topography ranges from canyons to geysers to cities to caves to plains. Within two months, I’ve been able to explore them all.

What’s the name of your bus? Big Titty…something? Bertha! Big Titty Bertha!

SoFrantic: That’s right!

Why did you name her that?

SoFrantic: Well, my mechanic and I were originally deciding between two buses. The more expensive bus was called “Big Titty Bertha” because I cat-called her when I saw her, and the more realistically priced bus was named “More Realistically Priced Bertha.” They were $1,500 apart in cost, but the salesman was super sweet and dropped the price of Big Titty Bertha to match the price of its more affordable competition. The rest is history.

Out of everywhere you’ve traveled in the U.S., where do you feel the calmest?

SoFrantic: Zion National Park, hands down. Zion gave me everything I wanted: the views, the hiking, the vegetation, the wildlife, and all without the tourists. Definitely reserve a permit to do the Subway canyon hike at least once in your life.

Which is the most underrated state in America?

SoFrantic: Utah! The state has such diverse wildlife and terrain. In Salt Lake, you’re able to enjoy the perks of city living while encircled by mountains. It was quite a sight watching Fourth of July fireworks shimmer over the peaks of the Wasatch Range.

What about the most overrated state?

SoFrantic: Nevada for sure. The National Atomic Testing Museum and Erotic Heritage Museum were the only really interesting things in Vegas. I don’t gamble or drink, so I didn’t expect Vegas to be my kind of place anyways. Outside the city are just dead, sandy plains roasting in 110-degree barrenness.

Tell us about all the rad features you and your mechanic installed in your mobile home.

SoFrantic: Luckily, the two of us have a background in home renovation, which came in handy constructing the bus. We’ve installed a 200-watt solar-panel system, running water, a bypass from the alternator to the house battery, and new flooring, while also having more homey features like a dining nook, a functional kitchen, closet space, and a full-size bed.

How many miles have you clocked so far?

SoFrantic: 7,000 miles so far! And things are just getting started!

Lastly, what’s on your road-trip soundtrack?

SoFrantic: I want to say something like the Red Hot Chili Peppers’ Greatest Hits, but my dog barking at squirrels is probably more accurate.

For what it may be worth, you can join PenthouseGold if you wish to see a more personal interview with Ms. SoFrantic, although you will not find it as physically revealing as some others you might see there. Turns out that women can be interesting even with their clothes on. Go figure.

You can occasionally tell a good bit about a person simply from the name they chose to use professionally. For example “Ima Freak” would work as a positive a lot more in some businesses than in others. From our perspective, having spent some time with the lass, we might give her “frantic” perhaps, though she seemed very far from hopless to us. Her social media seems to catch her attention only sporadically — somewhat fittingly it seems — Reddit “might” be her top choice? … Hopeless definitely has some fun cam shows out there you can search for if you wish, but we’re never 100% of the current rules about links, so we’d best not. Her presence on YouTube fits right into her unique personality, though.

Sex Workers

Sex Workers: Rights not Rescue

The business of selling sex is old — really, really old — though the term “sex work” is fairly new. Coined in the 1970s by activist (and sex worker) Carol Leigh, “sex work” encompasses a diverse range of industries, performers, and providers; ranging from strippers, nude models, and camgirls to fetish models and street-based workers. Sex workers come from all genders, races, and backgrounds; each with their own motivations for joining the industry. The legalities of the work vary greatly, as do the identities and experiences of the workers themselves. For some, sex work is a full-time job; for others, it’s an occasional means to make ends meet.

Author Renee Olstead
Renee Olstead, M.A., AMFT

The growing appetite for self-produced content — commonly sold through online platforms like ManyVids and OnlyFans — have created new norms for the evolving industry, allowing many sex workers to create and distribute adult content from the privacy of their home. Though the internet brought a variety of new opportunities for sex workers, it also created new challenges like censorship, market oversaturation, and the oscillating cycle of hustle and burnout. “I consider myself to be an amateur creator because it’s me doing all of the work,” says Isla Cox. With over 43 million views and counting, she’s a film crew of one. “There’s no, like, professional filming. I film, edit, direct — everything is done by me.”

Sex work can be hard work, even when a worker makes the work appear effortless. Sometimes, that’s the point. In Dr. Heather Berg’s discussions of “authenticity”, Berg explores the erasure of work in the sex work industry. Authenticity,or the illusion of it is in high demand: it makes viewers feel good — or in on the fantasy — and makes clients feel special. Consumers often favor “authentic” performers and they want to hear performers talk about how much they enjoy their job — which is, for many, true. For others, keeping up the charade is just another invisible aspect of the work of catering to their audience’s desires.

While Western society may stigmatize sex workers as a whole, some workers face more of the burden than others. Factors such as race, age, gender, and socio-economic standing affect the opportunities presented to workers in any industry; in sex work, it can shape the work entirely, often dictating the level of risk workers are likely to encounter. Those entering sex work with the least amount of privilege are routinely those at the highest risk for violence, exploitation, and arrest. While the sex work community may include both the college girls selling pictures of their feet on the internet and Instagram models making millions on OnlyFans, both are unlikely to encounter the same level of stigmatization and risk thrust upon in-person sex workers and members of less protected classes.

Violence and harassment aren’t exclusive to in-person sex work, however. Doxxing, the act of maliciously publishing an individual’s personal or private information online for the purpose of harassment, is a common occurrence, sometimes with tremendous real-life consequences. “I have tried my absolute hardest to be safe online,” says Cox. “[But] I’ve actually moved twice now, after someone has found where I live. [You have to] have a backup plan. There are lots of different things that you walk through and figure out preemptively so you don’t have to do it when you’re scared or stressed.”

Openly discussing the risks and challenges of the industry can be tricky territory for sex workers. Many workers face the threat of industry backlash, account removal, unsympathetic reaction, or worse — supplying ammunition to those who hope to eradicate the sex work industry entirely. The puritanical desire to completely wipe out sex work — an impossible task — is amplified by the consolidation of social media platforms. Deplatforming, or the unexpected and ideologically-driven removal of one’s social media accounts, is a constant threat for sex workers,whose livelihoods often depend on their online fan base. Some workers have even adopted coded terminology (referring to themselves as “accountants” or “304”) in an attempt to speak more openly about their work. Despite these efforts, social media sites still regularly ban users who haven’t violated a platform’s terms and conditions, often without explanation. Earlier this year, Pineapple Support, a non-profit org that provides subsidized mental health care to members of the adult industry, was banned from Twitter, only reinstated after sustained community outcry.

Even sites inextricably linked to adult content leave much to be desired. In August of 2021, OnlyFans,an online platform that rose to popularity thanks to its adult content creators, announced that it would no longer allow explicit content on the platform, citing push-back from payment processors. Though the site ultimately reversed its decision just days after its bombshell announcement, the message it sent was clear: sex workers responsible for stuffing the platform’s pockets could expect little loyalty in return.

The government also plays a role in making sex work dangerous through legislation that criminalizes and silences the sex work community. In recent years, attacks on Section 230 of the The Communications Decency Act have challenged the legal separation between “publishers” — platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or Reddit — and their users. Section 230 challenges are frequently framed as initiatives necessary to fight sex trafficking or the distribution of child sex abuse materials (CSAM), however, legislation such as 2018’s FOSTA-SESTA — a bill condemned by groups ranging from EFF to the ACLU — have been ineffective in the fight against sex trafficking. These crude measures often make it more difficult for law enforcement officials to bring traffickers to justice and  exacerbate the threat to sex workers by eliminating the risk mitigation tools they use to find and screen clients.

FOSTA-SESTA and bills like it hold online publishers responsible for posts by their users and files uploaded to their servers. Publishers can be charged for “promoting prostitution” or “knowingly facilitating sex trafficking.” Publishers with users in the millions or hundreds of millions cannot enforce these strict regulations; for small sites, a single infraction could spell disaster. Platforms that host third-party content are faced with two options: risk costly litigation or remove all sexual content. As sex workers watched the resources they once depended on for safety removed, mutual aid organizations such as “Sex Worker’s Outreach Project”, hacking//hustling, and the UK’s “National Ugly Mugs” project(?) stepped up, offering new online resources in an effort to help keep full service sex workers safe.

Challenges to FOSTA-SESTA, such as Senator Elizabeth Warren’s proposed “SAFE SEX Workers Study Act,” have called attention to the “unintended” harms of FOSTA-SESTA, while proposals such as Senator Lindsey Graham’s EARN IT Act, present new threats for sex-workers and non-sex workers alike. If passed, EARN IT would compromise end-to-end encryption standards, allowing for the widespread scanning of user messages and the potential for massive data leaks. “The anti-sex work, anti-porn movement is very much a reaction to the progress that we’ve made,” says Free Speech Coalition’s Mike Stabile. “We have to make it through and make sure that the community survives this, but I think in the long term, they have a much weaker hand.”

Not every sex worker loves their job, but use of the term only applies to work to which the provider has freely consented — a very different thing from sex trafficking. People forced to perform sex acts against their will, who do so under coercion, or are unable to consent to the work should be referred to as what they are — victims and survivors. Though it represents the majority of American trafficking investigations, sex trafficking comprises only one piece of the global human trafficking epidemic. Human trafficking statistics compiled by The International Labour Office estimate that in 2016, 40.3 million men, women, and children were living in modern slavery. Of this figure, 24.9 million were estimated to be victims of forced labor, with 4.8 million people estimated to be forced into sexual exploitation. US State Department reports acknowledge the neglect often shown to the victims of (non-sexual) labor trafficking, with labor trafficking prosecutions representing a mere 4% of traffickers prosecuted. Accounting for approximately 75% of sex trafficking victims, foreign nationals face an even greater challenge in escaping exploitation due to the constant fears of arrest and deportation.

“Of those survivors, some who were required to register as sex offenders by their state or local government as a result of a conviction for unlawful acts traffickers compelled them to commit faced social or familial ostracization; restrictions on travel or relocation; additional limitations on accessing services, housing, and public amenities; and in some cases lost custody of their children because of their status as a sex offender.”:“2022 Trafficking in Persons Report: United States,” U.S. Dept. of State, Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons

I’ve yet to meet a sex worker who doesn’t fully endorse safe and supportive exits for victims of sex trafficking; however, current “anti-sex trafficking” legislation is largely opposed by the sex work community, and for good reason. It often harms both sex workers and the victims of exploitation. Similarly, proposed models of sex work legalization also leave much to be desired, with lawmakers frequently undermining the agency of workers by excluding them from the vital discussions directly related to their safety. Models of legalization and partial decriminalization, such as the Nordic model, are often fraught with issues that make the industry more dangerous. Sex work and sex worker-allied communities overwhelmingly support the decriminalization of sex work. Though “decriminalization” and “legalization” may sound similar, it’s important to underscore that only under the decriminalization model do we offer communities the opportunity to come forward about the abuse they’ve witnessed or experienced without the risk of arrest, fines, or jail time. Sex worker solidarity is more vital to the cause then ever as pro-sex work activists continue to oppose harmful legislation and fight for their seat at the table.

Is sex work always empowering? No. Can it be? Yeah, sometimes. Can a worker still willingly consent to provide a sexual service that they don’t enjoy? Absolutely. For many, sex work provides a viable source of income for those unable to work a traditional 9 to 5. It puts food on the table for people needing to supplement their primary income and buys the Christmas presents they give their kids. Hell, sometimes, it actually does put a dancer through college.

Chances are, someone you know — maybe even someone you know well — is a current (or former) sex worker. There’s a lot more of us than you might think; we pass you on the street and we stand in line behind you at the grocery store. Many of us look nothing like the characters you see on TV. We are all human and worthy of love and safety. Choosing to commodify the sexual attention one likely already receives makes a person no less worthy of respect or deserving of abuse. Violence isn’t a reasonable expectation for any industry or something a worker should expect to come with the territory. It is the unprotected status of the sex worker, the fear of arrest, and the societal indifference they experience that create the vulnerability that emboldens violent offenders to target us.

A safer world for sex workers begins with listening to sex workers. A safer world begins with asking sex workers what they actually need. For most of us, the answer is rights, not rescue.

Truth be told, we really wanted to title this article “Rights not Rescue, a Sex Workers Tail (as it were)” – because who doesn’t enjoy a good pun in their day? Ultimately, the more serious heads — coincidentally those with more authority, as it turns out — decided that we should not detract from Renee’s serious work with humor. For what it’s worth, sometimes if you don’t laugh, you just cry. Besides, Renee happens to be a really funny person. That said, we complied with the serious people, not so much because of their demeanor, but because of that whole “authority” thing. Bummer, right?… Lastly, the early-mentioned Carol Leigh recently left this plane, now undoubtedly being unrepentant as she bops about the heavenly clouds. She did leave behind Unrepentant Whore via Scarlot Harlot, however, although it becomes increasingly more difficult to find, and expensive when you do. That probably says as much about how we continue to silence women who embrace their physical, as well as emotional and intellectual selves as anything else happening today. … That, of course, may be a serious topic for Renee in the future, so we’ll hone our skills at serious puns.

Mark Hunt

Mark Hunt: The Walk-Off King Weighs In

We met up with Mark “The Super Samoan” Hunt to chat about his life in and outside of the Octagon. Also known as the “walk-off king” and dubbed by some as the hardest hitter in the world, Hunt, 42, has become an Ultimate Fighting Championship sensation for his powerful striking ability. After three successive victories, all by devastating knock-out, Hunt will be one to watch this year as he aims to take out the heavyweight title. If he achieves this incredible feat, he will be the first Oceanic UFC title holder.

How did you start fighting?

I was in altercation outside a night club when I was 18 and the bouncer saved me from being arrested — (He’s being modest, he knocked out multiple people — Ed.). My first fight was four days later in a Muay Thai boxing ring. And as the saying goes — the rest is history.

What would you be doing if you weren’t fighting?

I would probably be back in jail. I’ve been in jail twice and I can’t hide this — it’s in my book and I’ve spoken pretty freely about everything. I was on a bad path as a kid and fighting actually saved my life. Because confrontation is what I do. I had no education, I had my second stint in jail at 21 — I was going back there for sure.

How did you get the nickname “Super Samoan”?

I’m a big gamer and cartoon fan and I spent about 10 years fighting in Japan and there’s a program called “Dragon Ball Z” — I used to love it — and [in that cartoon] the main characters were called Super Saiyans. They started nicknaming me Super Samoan — because of my heritage — and because I used to love watching that cartoon. When the Super Saiyans would fight, their hair would go white and they would charge up and get super powers — and that’s my little gimmick.

Speaking to someone who has never been inside a ring, can you explain to me what it’s like to step inside the ring and fight?

I feel free in the Octagon, I don’t have any hassles in my mind, I don’t worry about anything I have to do but work. I probably couldn’t get into a race car and drive around a track as quick as some of those guys, or ride a horse, but there’s people who are made to do that — just like I’m made to fight. I feel that God has blessed me with a gift — to fight, to take punishment. It’s kind of a funny thing to say that — but that’s just the way it is.

“I was on a bad path as a kid and fighting actually saved my life.”

How does your faith influence the life and fighting of Mark Hunt?

A lot, of course — God doesn’t make mistakes. He made my parents the way they were towards me so that I am the man I am now. I mean, people laugh about it, but that’s just the way I see it — I don’t really care what anyone thinks about me, regardless. I’m just doing what I’m doing and living my life the best I can. I mean the UFC was a company in which I wasn’t even wanted. Now seven or eight years on, I’m talking to Dana (White, president of the UFC — Ed.) about a new contract just this morning, so — go figure that one out.

Speaking of which — you were offered $450,000 by Dana White to retire–what kept you around?

You should ask Dana that question (laughs), I can’t speak on behalf of Dana. It’s not a question you should ask me, it’s a question you should ask Dana. Ask him – he’ll tell you (laughs).

What do you say to people who want to get into fighting?

I’ve been fighting for 20 years at the top of two different sports — first at kickboxing and now mixed martial arts. What you must understand first: is it something that you want to do? Something you need to do? Because the circle does not go into the square hole. It’s like Yoda said — you either do or you don’t — there is no try. This is the hurt business — so you’ll get hurt if you’re in half a mind about it.

What do you think about retirement?

Man, I’ve had the most punches in the head in UFC history — but look at me. I’m still talking to you well — I may not be able to remember a lot of shit (laughs) — but I love fighting. I still love competing and getting that rush. Like I said, I was just talking to Dana this morning about a new contract — I think I’ll be the world champion at the end of this year — I think I’ll be the best fighter on the planet again, if I get the opportunity.

Frank Mir recently said that you were the hardest hitter the UFC. That must feel good.

I don’t know — I think it’s probably because he didn’t see it coming — they’re always the ones that get you. He was too busy ducking his head the other way. It’s the same for him, had he caught me doing something, he would have snapped it off — without even a second thought. So I got him before he got me (laughs) — kudos to that.

Mark Hunt has become well-known as the walk-off king. Why don’t you jump on your opponents when they hit the ground?

To be honest, I could see Frank was done. It’s like when I hit Struve — I knew he was done. I mean he had a broken jaw — I didn’t know that at the time — and had I gone back for him again, he would have had no jaw. I know it’s the hurt business — but when he’s done, he’s done.

“Had I gone back for him again, he would have had no jaw. I know it’s the hurt business–but when he’s done, he’s done.”

How do you know when someone is “done”?

If I hit someone who’s not trying to grab me and drag me down — he’s done. That’s kind of pretty easy, right? When I hit someone and they’re just staring — like when I hit Frank, I moved to the side and he was still looking forward — and that was it.

In 2014 you accepted an interim title fight on short notice and dominated, but ended up losing. Do you regret not jumping on Fabricio Werdum to finish the job?

No, I don’t regret it — I made a decision not to jump on him. Sometimes he’s kind of crafty, trying to bait you into his grappling game. I didn’t want go there — that’s his world. I don’t mind playing in it, but when you haven’t had a fight camp and only three and half weeks of weight loss, there’s no way you should play around on the ground like that. But if we fought again — there’s no way he’d beat me — there’s no way none of those guys would beat me. If we had a rematch they’re all going to get knocked out.

Heavyweight Champion Mark Hunt has a pretty nice ring to it–how long has it been your dream to be #1 in the UFC?

Ever since I wasn’t wanted (laughs). You can’t tell me I’m not good enough — I was told that my whole life as a kid. What’s really annoying is he’s [Dana White] telling the whole world this — that you’re a shit fighter and you’re not worth it. Now, I don’t blame him — because of my record at the time — I had lost five in a row and I don’t think anyone wanted me. That’s what gets me upset. That’s how I got my fire back and I thank Dana for doubting me — because I’m nearly there.

What’s the next move for Mark Hunt? What’s in store for life after the fighting?

I’m glad you asked that actually. We are starting a thing called MMA Academy — what happens is that only 2-5% of the top fighters ever make a living out of it — but for the others, they fall off to the wayside. So with MMA Academy we want to introduce a program that helps fighters get diplomas so that they can work in other areas of fighting.

You recently released a biography (“Born to Fight”) detailing the story of your life. You had some pretty difficult moments–what advice would you have for people going through hardships?

The book I released, “Born to Fight” — I didn’t do it for money. My publisher got me to agree by telling me: “you can help other with their journey.” My struggles, I never thought were bad — but I knew they were kind of crazy. if people can read the book, they can realise that life isn’t really that bad at all. They’ve got food in their stomach, roof over their heads — or they’re working towards it. There’s always a light at the end of the tunnel — doesn’t matter how bad it gets. With depression — some people take the route of killing themselves — my brother killed himself just under a year ago because he was so depressed. But if you reach out — there’s always someone to give you a hand, doesn’t matter what situation it is.

Naturally we had to make Born to Fight easy to find, but we should probably also let folks know that Mark Hunt continued to fight, even up to age 49 last we could find. His life out of the ring has been as tumultuous as the one inside — albeit with fewer broken jaws, we hope — as the spirit of the man continues to shine. He may not have won the legal fight with UFC, but he succeeded in opening some eyes.

Hot Girls Wanted

The Journalist and the Pornographer

“Nobody who asks about their fantasy ever wants to hear the truth,” wrote veteran porn performer Tyler Knight in his 2016 memoir Burn My Shadow.

As Knight reveals in the book, he refrains from telling fans about the realities of the industry he’s seen over his decade-long career. Judgments — both negative and positive — about something as divisive and complicated as the adult industry are often preconceived and therefore fixed, and there is no anecdote, fact, or statistic that can sway them.

The same notion of willful ignorance in the face of fantasy can also apply to journalism. Reporters often project their fantasies onto their subjects, asking questions without bothering to listen for the truth. And in return, a subject may fantasize that their truth is being heard. When the final product comes into existence, the journalist has failed to get the real story, instead showcasing only the source material that reflects their own biases and perspectives.

The subject, meanwhile, sees their name and likeness attached to words they have said, but presented in a manner that supports a point they never intended to make. And they may very well leave the experience feeling confused, angry, and downright bitter.

It seems that the messy results of these two dueling fantasies reaching a breaking point is at the heart of the controversy surrounding Hot Girls Wanted: Turned On, the recently-released documentary series from Netflix.

Directed by Jill Bauer and Ronna Gradus (and executive produced by actress Rashida Jones), the series attempts to examine the new paradigms of sex and dating in the digital age, while following up on the filmmakers’ examination of the pornography industry that began with their 2015 documentary Hot Girls Wanted.

Both Hot Girls Wanted and its companion series seek to make the argument that women are being exploited by the adult industry, but if you hear the porn performers who participated in the original documentary tell it, they were subjected to precisely the same sort of exploitation at the hands of the Hot Girls Wanted directors.

Hot Girls Wanted focused on Riley Reynolds, a porn agent and performer then based in Florida who’s shown recruiting young women off the internet and into the adult industry, housing them in his dorm-style apartment, and farming them out for sex scenes. The film ignores the backdrops of class and economics that might drive these women to make the decision to enter the industry, instead framing their stories as tragic and pitiable. Hot Girls Wanted drew the ire of many in the industry, who felt that while it might seem accurate if considered in a vacuum, the film was ideologically anti-porn and failed to reflect the multiplicity of experiences in the adult industry, which is largely based in the Los Angeles area.

“I feel like the documentary was looking for an angle and found women who fit their story,” says Kayden Kross, a performer and director who has written extensively about sexuality and the sex industry. “It’s completely off-base to go to the Florida porn industry and present it as the entire industry, when really it’s one corner of the market. That’s a bad way of presenting information.”

“Some people felt enlightened by [the documentary], and some people felt it stigmatized the business and the industry. That was not our intention,” Rashida Jones told Rolling Stone while promoting Hot Girls Wanted: Turned On. “In the new series,” she continued, “we wanted to show that there are many stories in the porn industry.” (Jones’s representatives did not respond to Penthouse’s request for an interview. Requests for comment sent to Netflix, the directors, and the show’s production house Herzog & Company also went unanswered.)

As Jones indicates, the series was intended to be, in part, a corrective to the picture painted by the original documentary, while also offering a wider examination of sex and relationships in the digital age.

The first series episode, “Women on Top,” was directed by Jones personally, and warmly portrays the feminist pornographers Holly Randall and Erika Lust. But subsequent episodes — all directed by Bauer and Gradus — tell stories with a darker, even desperate cast. We meet a former reality-TV star who seems addicted to dating apps and habitually “ghosts” women. In the next episode, we’re shown a cadre of young women who’ve just moved out to Los Angeles to get into porn — one of them spirals out of control, straight into drug addiction. In “Money Shot,” we’re shown a male porn performer, nude, standing over a young woman on her knees, heroically struggling to jerk off onto her face. In “Take Me Private,” a cam girl travels to Australia to meet a longtime customer in the hopes that their online rapport may lead to IRL romance (it doesn’t). The series concludes with “Don’t Stop Filming,” a harrowing episode about a young woman who, spurred by the positive feedback of online strangers, streamed her friend’s rape live on Periscope.

If this is the multiplicity of experiences that Jones and her collaborators wished to portray, then it seems their vision of sexuality in the digital age is a decidedly grim one. And even if its creators approached the project with pure intentions, many who participated in the series walked away feeling burned.

“Money Shot” — which split its focus between Riley Reynolds (by then operating out of L.A. and engaged to his client and fellow performer Gia Paige) and a pair of African-American performers, Tyler Knight and the relatively inexperienced Jax Slayher — proved to be particularly problematic. Knight, for one, claims that the filmmakers withheld the fact that they were affiliated with the Hot Girls Wanted franchise.

‘“I even said on camera Rashida Jones can go fuck herself,” Says Tyler Knight’

“Throughout the casting process, I asked directly [about this affiliation], and they said absolutely not,” reports Knight, calling me from his home on the West Coast. He adds that during filming, “I asked several times what the title of the project was. They were very evasive and wouldn’t give a direct answer, or say that it was being worked out.”

Knight, whose memoir received positive reviews for its writing and story, and who is currently working on a novel revolving around the worlds of MMA and hip-hop, also tells me he felt he’d been deceived regarding the episode’s focus. As he puts it: “I was under the belief that it was an episode about me and my transition from talent to published writer. That, of course, was not the case.”

Knight says he made it “abundantly clear” that if his footage was intended to be used for a documentary under the Hot Girls Wanted brand name or was in any way affiliated with Rashida Jones, he wanted no part of it.

“I even said on camera that Rashida Jones can go fuck herself,” states the author and performer. “There’s no way in the world they could possibly misconstrue my feelings about [Hot Girls Wanted].” Knight didn’t even realize he was in the new series, he says, until he saw an article about the show in a trade publication that mentioned his name.

For her part, Gia Paige says her participation in the original documentary was an uncomfortable one. “My experience with Hot Girls Wanted was very forced,” she tells me in an email, explaining that she felt pressure from both the producers and Reynolds, her then-fiancé, to appear in the episode. Despite her reticence, she agreed, and signed a release consenting to be featured on camera. However, she says she felt uneasy during filming, and eventually requested that Bauer and Gradus not use her footage.

Prior to the documentary’s release, Reynolds broke off their engagement. Looking back, Paige observes, “He wasn’t just my fiancé, he was my agent. He was supposed to guide me and do things that benefited me, not put me in danger and use me for his personal gain.”

Not only was Gia Paige featured in the final cut, the filmmakers interspersed their footage with screenshots from Paige’s personal Facebook page, which featured her legal first and middle names. This exposure, communicated to a wide audience by Netflix, could have provided online trolls with enough information to start a harassment campaign against Paige and her family.

“Shortly after the airing,” Paige states, “every single woman in my immediate and extended family began receiving envelopes FULL of printed pictures–at least 50 in each–of me performing sexual acts. Even if I were not a sex worker, this would be humiliating and devastating.” The experience, she says, was enough to make her consider leaving the porn industry.

Citing Paige’s complaints as well as allegations that the likenesses of other performers were used without their consent, the Free Speech Coalition — a trade group representing the interests of those in the adult entertainment industry — sent a public letter to Jones, Gradus, Bauer, and the Chief Content Officer of Netflix, accusing Hot Girls Wanted: Turned On of “perpetuating unfair labor practices against adult performers on their own production.”

The letter went on to note that the series “may have made the lives of the workers featured in it substantially less safe by increasing the visibility and accessibility of their private information… without regard to how that might affect these performers.” When that letter received no response, the FSC sent a second one expanding on their concerns and intimating that they were exploring the possibility of filing a lawsuit against the series creators. (A June 2017 search of California, Florida, and federal court records indicated that while Netflix gets sued often, neither they nor Bauer and Gradus were the subject of lawsuits related to the Hot Girls Wanted franchise.)

“There have been a number of documentaries about the porn industry,” says porn actress Kayden Kross. “This is the only time I’ve seen the FSC send a letter publicly.” In the adult industry, she goes on to explain, “there are a few things you just don’t do. One is exposing legal names — it doesn’t matter how you feel toward the person or how bad your Twitter fight gets, you never expose legal personal information.”

Sex workers run a risk of being outed or harassed, and while some performers are happy to make their legal names public and even perform under them, many others keep such details closely guarded secrets in the hopes of minimizing that risk and creating separation between their personal lives and their porn lives. By exposing someone’s personal details, Kross tells me, “you’re making a choice for someone else, and it’s not your right to make that choice. To do that without permission goes against everything we do.”

What is perhaps most baffling about the situation is the seeming indifference that directors Bauer and Gradus have shown to those who feel slighted or even damaged by the series.

“The narrative has kind of become hijacked, that we exposed sex workers and that we put them in danger by telling the world that they were sex workers, when in fact we never did that,” Gradus remarked to Variety. When Effy Elizabeth and Autumn Kayy, a pair of cam performers, publicly complained that the directors used Periscope footage of them without their permission, the show’s Twitter account responded via Direct Message, saying, “We can put you in touch with our production company so they can explain fair use.” (“Fair use” is a legal doctrine allowing for certain instances, such as news reporting, in which intellectual property may be incorporated into a greater work without its creator’s prior authorization.)

In the Variety interview, Gradus shifted the blame to Elizabeth and Kayy themselves, saying that if the pair hadn’t taken to Twitter to air their frustrations in the first place, “We never would have known [who they were, and] viewers never would have known.”

In a subsequent interview with the New York Post pop-culture website Decider, Bauer and Gradus confirmed that Paige had asked to be removed from “Money Shot,” but said they chose to disregard her wishes. As Gradus put it, they “went as far as we felt we could while still maintaining the integrity of the story.”

As for Paige’s complaint that showcasing her legal first name put her in danger, the filmmakers pleaded ignorance to the impact of their actions. “I’m not sure how knowing her first name, her real first name, would have led anybody closer to finding her,” Gradus told Decider.

The directors seem not to have taken into account the fundamental power dynamic between journalists and their subjects — especially when those subjects belong to vulnerable communities.

“We’re talking about one of the most marginalized and non-taken-seriously jobs in the world,” says Dr. Chauntelle Tibbals, a sociologist and the author of Exposure: A Sociologist Explores Sex, Society, and Adult Entertainment. When you’re a sex worker, Tibbals explains, “anything you say is rendered either questionable or not valid.” And when it comes to journalists — members of a field whose credibility rests on the assumption that they use their platform to convey accurate information — sex workers face “a great power differential.”

As Janet Malcolm wrote in her groundbreaking 1990 book The Journalist and the Murderer, “The disparity between what seems to be the intention of an interview as it is taking place and what it actually turns out to have been in aid of always comes as a shock to the subject.” Being a journalist’s subject, continues Malcolm, can result in a “dizzying shift in perspective,” a process of “deliberately induced delusion, followed by a moment of shattering revelation.”

In today’s social media-addled landscape, of course, we are all media creators as well as consumers and believe we know the game inside and out. But instead of making us savvier when it comes to dealing with the media, it simply adds another, somewhat postmodern, layer of delusion. The subject knows that they are performing for an audience and aims to conduct themselves as such, while the journalist works to obscure the nature of the construct that both have created. A good reporter, regardless of medium, is a cross between a psychoanalyst and a trial lawyer. They ask personal, even invasive, questions of their subjects, examining their actions while probing for the motivations behind them, only to use this information as raw material with which to construct a narrative, logical and tidy, preferably close enough to the truth, and one always designed to explain one thing or another to an audience they’ve pretended thus far is not part of the equation.

If the journalist does an ethical job, each party manages to walk away relatively unscathed. The subject may not agree with the piece’s overall point, but feels they were not misled or mischaracterized during the process, nor has their physical and mental health been jeopardized. They have been granted an opportunity to contribute to the public discourse, and for many, that is enough. If the subject of a journalistic work does not feel this way, then perhaps the journalist has not behaved ethically, or has acted callously or carelessly, overlooking their subject’s humanity in the service of making their larger point.

“Even if its creators approached the project with pure intentions, many who participated in the series walked away feeling burned.”

“When people do what we do for a living,” says Tyler Knight, “we’re reduced to our lowest common denominators and characteristics, and are made to seem less than human. The problem is, we are real-life human beings, and that was completely not taken into account by the creators of [Hot Girls Wanted]. Because these people weren’t seen as human beings with fears, dreams, and even families, they had no issue outing them to the public. There were no perceived consequences.”

Despite the adult industry’s relative powerlessness to defend themselves against negative press, many within the community still actively seek out media coverage, says Kayden Kross.

“Porn will really take any breadcrumbs the media will give it,” she says. “Obviously, we don’t like negative coverage, but we’ll roll the dice hoping for positive coverage just to get coverage. There’s a trust issue, but we’re so hungry for any relationship that we continually come back to it.” It is this mind-set, perhaps, that helps explain why sex workers chose to appear in Hot Girls Wanted: Turned On, despite the franchise’s negative reputation within the industry.

Meanwhile, market forces within the modern media landscape tend to reward projects that espouse a political message, says Kevin Munger, a PhD candidate at the NYU Social Media and Political Participation Lab, whose work centers on the internet’s effects on political polarization.

“The fundamental reality of modern media is that everything does better if it’s attached to some kind of social identity,” observes Munger. By imbuing Hot Girls Wanted: Turned On with examples designed to provoke a strong reaction rather than presenting the porn industry in a neutral manner, Bauer and Gradus may have been making a calculated decision designed to increase their film’s visibility, Munger speculates. He notes that when it comes to the internet, it’s important for a piece to provoke a reaction, regardless of whether it is positive or negative.

“The fact that there’s a controversy clearly helps the series,” he points out, “because now everyone is able to have a ‘take’ that allows them to say what they think and convince other people whether they belong to a relevant social group or not.”

While it’s true that Gia Paige may have signed a release and that fair use may have given Bauer and Gradus the grounds to use Periscope footage of Effy Elizabeth and Autumn Kayy, that doesn’t end the discussion. Just because something is legally sound doesn’t mean that the subject is free from risk.

The increased exposure provided by the documentary creates the conditions for what those in academia refer to as “context collapse.” “Oftentimes, people are performing online for a relatively small audience,” Munger observes, “but there’s always the possibility that the audience will become much larger and that whatever kind of specific social codes or language that made sense in the original context aren’t necessarily going to make sense in the bigger context.”

For the performers in Hot Girls Wanted: Turned On, this means that they were no longer presenting for a relatively small, self-selecting group of fans, but instead a much more generalized audience, one less disposed toward enjoying porn, and whose biases may have been stoked by the series’s underlying viewpoint.

To Dr. Tibbals, Hot Girls Wanted represents “a wider narrative of sex-negativity and sex-normativity,” one that dictates which forms of sexual expression ought to be acceptable and which should not. The series exalts the more sensually-minded work of directors Erika Lust and Holly Randall, placing them in opposition to porn that depicts rough and BDSM-style sex, as well as other sexual acts that some might consider demeaning. Such a stance contains within it shades of the feminist anti-pornography movement of the late 1970s and early 1980s, when activists such as Andrea Dworkin and Catherine MacKinnon argued that porn depicting aggression toward women violated the rights of all women and ought to be banned. However, more recent feminist thinkers and scholars have questioned this mind-set, contending that such a stance both creates division within the feminist community and ignores the complicated social and psychological issues that draw people to such pornography in the first place.

For self-identified feminist filmmakers such as Jill Bauer and Ronna Gradus to render judgment on certain types of porn is “hypocritical,” Kayden Kross argues. “You have these women whose issue with men is that they act patriarchal, and then they turn around and tap you on the head like you’re a child who needs to be told what to do.” Such a narrative, Kross adds, “creates hang-ups and alienates people — it either harms people quietly who fold under it, or it alienates the people who refuse to agree with it.”

The documentary format used by Hot Girls Wanted: Turned On is so powerful precisely because it exhibits an aura of veracity that allows filmmakers to present footage in a way that can pass off opinion as fact. As sociologist Tibbals points out, “People still think of the [documentary] style as having some sort of credence, but truly, it can be manipulated like any other content form — it can be kind of a bait-and-switch. When one uses the journalistic documentary lens as a veil to distract from the fact that what you’re really doing is presenting your own platform, that’s highly unethical and extremely counterproductive in terms of getting any real information out there to people.”

“I feel like [the series] was a cross between journalism and reality television,” says James Rhine, who served as the centerpiece of episode two, “Love Me Tinder.” Rhine has a unique perspective when it comes to this sort of thing — in addition to appearing in the Netflix series, he was a cast member of the sixth and seventh seasons of Big Brother, a fact that was played up in the “Tinder” episode’s final cut.

“The fact that they formatted it around ‘former reality star’ wasn’t deceptive,” Rhine says, “but it was clickbait.” He also takes issue with his episode’s arc, which centered around his use of dating apps to meet women, only to “ghost” them by breaking off all contact. As Rhine puts it: “Hot Girls Wanted was pitched to me as a story on dating and technology, and that they were looking for someone who used apps for dating. I didn’t realize it was going to be about this whole ghosting bullshit. It didn’t go in the direction that I was told things were going to go.”

That said, Rhine did not come away from the show with purely negative impressions, and even compares it positively to his previous television experience. While on Big Brother, he says, he was always conscious that he was a cast member on a TV show, and that producers were looking to manipulate him and fellow cast members by lying to them or instigating conflict. For him, Hot Girls Wanted was a different experience. “At no point did I feel like the people who were interviewing me didn’t care about me getting everything I had to say out,” he says. “We had deep conversations — some of them even felt like therapy.”

“People still think of the [Documentary] style as having some sort of credence, but truly, it can be manipulated like any other content form.”

And though Rhine wasn’t completely happy with the final results, he has tried to consider the situation from all angles. “There are so many different factors that go into a production,” he reflects, explaining that often the arc of projects such as Hot Girls Wanted changes as producers go over the raw footage they’ve obtained. “They got a good story, but I was like, Aw man, what the fuck?” Regardless, Rhine says, “I think [the producers] were good people, and I would even do it again.”

Bailey Rayne, a cam performer and agent who helped mentor an apartment full of fledgling female performers in the episode “Owning It,” had similarly mixed feelings about the material Bauer and Gradus used to tell the story. “You could kind of tell they had an agenda, and they took footage that fit that agenda,” she says by phone. “There were girls [in the house] who were really inspirational, and they didn’t even make the cut. When I asked one of the producers about it, they said some of the positive things were left out so that people could understand and sympathize with our struggle. I was like, ‘We don’t want people to feel bad for us! We already have that.’”

Rayne and the young performers spent several months with the Hot Girls Wanted producers, she says, and she tried her best to present the industry in the most positive light possible. “My big thing was: No drugs in the house. That lasted not even a day. Before filming, I’d go and clean all the drugs out of the house — in a few shots you can see me in the background with trash bags.”

Even still, one of Rayne’s charges was filmed casually doing drugs on camera and was portrayed in the episode as having fallen into drug abuse as a way to cope with the pressures of the porn industry. Though Rayne says she felt this wasn’t a completely accurate reflection of the events as they occurred, she understands why the producers framed the situation in the way that they did: “I can’t blame them for using [that footage], because that’s gonna sell really well.”

Many people I spoke to for this piece have actively avoided Hot Girls Wanted: Turned On since its release. “It doesn’t really appeal to me, especially as somebody who’s in the industry,” said Seth’s Beard of the Vegas-based production house WoodRocket. “It’s purposely going out and hurting people in my industry just for the opportunity to get some publicity.”

And while Rayne, too, sympathizes with this viewpoint, she feels it’s irresponsible for the porn industry to criticize Hot Girls Wanted: Turned On without having seen it. “We can’t ignore it as a whole,” she states, “because the public isn’t going to. People are trying to learn through this series. If we aren’t informing ourselves, we can’t correct any misconceptions [that people may be left with].”

Bailey Rayne also suggests that there might be a kernel of truth to some of the more sensational critiques presented by the series. Porn, she notes, “is not a perfect industry. The people who are upset because this industry wasn’t portrayed perfectly need to step back and consider that this was a documentary, not just an entertainment piece. If negative things did happen in front of the cameras we can’t expect a documentary series to lie for us — it’s not like they made that footage appear out of nowhere.”

Perhaps, then, it is not the substance of the critiques of the porn industry presented by Hot Girls Wanted: Turned On that is the true issue, but instead the outsider’s perspective from which they are levied. In order to diagnose the problems with porn, observes Tyler Knight, “you need credibility, and credibility comes from practical experience and knowledge.”

Despite the fact that his memoir Burn My Shadow arguably serves as a more damning excoriation of porn than the Hot Girls Wanted franchise does, Knight tells a story that is uniquely his own in a way that adheres to the rules and rituals designed to protect porn performers from being demonized by the outside world. He lets episodes from his own career serve as a series of parables for the good and bad of porn, from the giddy incredulity he occasionally feels about getting paid to have sex on camera to on-set discrimination from both directors and performers. He also discusses STD scares, a Viagra habit that nearly claimed his life, how having sex with a stranger in a room full of people can grow to feel rote and mechanical, and the difficulties of keeping his porn career and personal life completely separate. He places these events in the context of a narrative of childhood sexual abuse, entering porn to escape homelessness, and the institutionalized racism he faces as a black man living in Los Angeles. (And unlike Hot Girls Wanted: Turned On, Knight’s book is funny, too. At one point, Knight experiences a mid-blowjob, Viagra-induced hallucination in which a mass-produced dildo molded in the shape of his own penis tells him to start a blog.)

One of the takeaways of Burn My Shadow is that pornography is both a symptom and reflection of societal ills, not the cause of them, as Hot Girls Wanted would have its viewers believe. Furthermore, it makes clear that the struggles facing porn performers — inequality, hostile work environments, feeling alienated from their labor, and worries that their careers might be negatively affecting their health — are not all that different from those of the average worker. The problems Knight highlights are issues of workers’ rights, not of morality, and they’re more complicated and less easily resolved than Hot Girls Wanted: Turned On’s thesis that porn and technology perpetuate antisocial behavior.

“The ironic thing,” Knight says of the series, “is that it takes so much time filming the inner lives of their subjects, but completely misses the inner lives of their subjects.”

As an author with a relatively high profile, Tyler Knight had a substantial audience willing to learn about the realities of the porn industry. However, even if a book such as his crosses into the mainstream and shows up on the New York Times best-seller list, its potential impact pales in comparison to that of a branded documentary series on the Netflix platform. As Dr. Chauntelle Tibbals reflects, “Because people don’t have easy, accurate information about what it’s like to work in the sex industry, they continue to look at narratives that are accessible and conflate them with accurate information. That does so much damage, and the saddest thing about it is Hot Girls Wanted: Turned On could have done real good. It’s a missed opportunity.”

One always benefits from forming one’s own opinion, thus we encourage you to see the show for yourself, if you can swing the cost of a Netflix subscription currently. … This editor can, however, relate a personal story from his very early days in the porn star management business. One of these “mainstream” opportunities arose for a group of my clients, so I asked a much more experienced Jane Hamilton (Veronica Hart, in her performing days) what she thought of the offer. Jane said something I quote for other people to this day (and that was many, many days ago): “It’s no fun going to a turkey shoot when you’re the turkey.”

Baltimore Dreams

Baltimore Dreams — 36 Hours in Baltimore

The Penthouse Club traveled to Baltimore last week to begin Phase 1 of a massive renovation project that will completely reimagine the 4-story nightclub at 615 Fallsway. A 5-minute drive from Inner Harbor, The Penthouse Club — Baltimore is being completely redesigned: two-story LED wall with VIP mezzanine seating? Check. Penthouse Prime steakhouse? Check. Third-floor speakeasy with a private elevator and luxury VIP suites? Check, check, and check.

As construction continues, we thought you might be interested in a list of where we stayed, ate, and drank while we hatched our master plan for the hottest new gentlemen’s club on the Boshwash Corridor.

Baltimore Dreams: Hotel

With an A+ location in the heart of Fells Point, you can’t beat the Pendry if you’re looking for upscale accommodations on Baltimore Harbor. The massive brick building at Rec Pier, formerly a warehouse that stored port cargo, reopened in 2017 as a 128-room hotel and features the Rec Pier Chophouse and Cannon Room whiskey bar. The rooms were lovely — nautical Ralph Lauren vibes with lots of wood, brass, and leather trim — and bathrooms were nicely sized (Deluxe King $528/night).

Sadly, we were too busy *working* to enjoy the pool, but it looked wonderful.
Bedding: 8.5/10 | Water pressure: 7/10

If you find the Pendry booked, and you want to spend money ($700+/night), local sources confirmed the Four Seasons (also on the harbor) and The Ivy (downtown) are the next best options.

Baltimore Dreams: Dinner

Consistently on a quest to find the best sushi in every city, we had to try Azumi, an upscale Japanese restaurant in the Four Seasons with a reputation for having the highest quality fish flown in straight from Tokyo. We dined late and barely beat the kitchen closing, but the service was good and the courses came out quickly. As promised, the fish was delicious and high quality, although everything was on the small side and there was nothing too creative about their “special nigiri” — Foie gras dollops on seared A5 wagyu ($42/two pieces) and truffle shavings atop otoro ($34/two pieces) were delicious, if not exactly ground breaking. We loved the A5 fried rice ($39), and the liquor and sake menu was impressively overwhelming.

Azumi, like many of the hot spot bars and restaurants in our Baltimore dreams, happens to be an Atlas Restaurant Group property. These guys seem to have a monopoly on Baltimore’s F&B scene so they must be doing something right.

Thames Street Oyster House also came highly recommended and we felt lucky to get a last-minute reservation as this Fells Point gem was packed. Our group dined al fresco under the covered patio out front and enjoyed multiple courses from the raw bar, including the Grandiose Shellfish Tower ($90), which absolutely lived up to its name. Hot appetizers and main courses were also great ($15-37), and the service was friendly and attentive. An easy 10/10 on odds of us returning and we’d definitely recommend if you find yourself in the mood for great seafood and classic New England dishes at reasonable prices.

Baltimore Dreams: Drinks

Cocktails ($18/each) and appetizers (a $70 charcuterie plate) at the Pendry hotel’s upscale Italian steakhouse, Rec Pier Chophouse, were great and service was A+ (at a minimum, if that tells you something). You will find the restaurant’s setting, which faces the hotel’s entrance on Thames Street, nothing short of stunning.

Of course we can’t miss an opportunity to plug “drinks” at The Penthouse Club. Open ‘til 2am, Penthouse rests a short drive from downtown and a great spot for an after-hour beverage ($12-15 for classic drinks), if we may say so ourselves. Grab a seat at the bar to enjoy a show from the main stage, or bring your crew and share a bottle of premium tequila or champagne ($300+) at one of our reserved tables or private VIP rooms. With the hottest women in town on full display, you will find no better place to enjoy a game, fight, or premier adult entertainment than the Penthouse Club.

Granted much of this falls into the Shameless Plug category, but if you cannot brag about yourself sometimes, why in the world would anyone else want to brag about you? Besides, it ain’t bragging if you can do it, right? (OK. So that might have been a famous baseball pitcher speaking from Mid America, but the philosophy fits everywhere.) Still, we did think a bit more “illustration” might be in order, so we asked Penthouse Clubs if they had any architect renderings or anything that might class up the joint here, as it were. They did not. So instead we pulled a gallery from a giant directory of Penthouse Club photographs and went with those.

Truth be told, we cannot be 100% certain that the architect drawings do not in fact already exist, because after reading through this collection of Baltimore Dreams again, it would not surprise us if the group was angling to finagle another trip to chase down some of that fine Baltimore food again. You may also have noticed that the “header” picture on this page does not so much match the “other” pictures on this page. The Executive Edior of Online decided that the graphic art option more fit the theme of the article, to which we responded, “Maybe, but ours was a lot prettier. So we’ll use it at the end.”

Baltimore Dreams Stripper Cash

Nina Hartley

Nina Hartley: The Sex Fairy

The hand job gets no respect. It’s the Dodge Dart of sex acts, a series of motions that produces an orgasm without either party enjoying it all that much. [It seems like they might be doing it wrong. Just sayin’. -Ed.]

They can be painful, impersonal, the quickest of quickies. Men get hand jobs all the time, women (and men) dispense them, but no one brags about them. That’s why, when a female acquaintance who works in the porn industry boasted about knowing the actress who “gives the best hand jobs in the business,” I had to laugh. It may be the “best,” but it’s still a hand job. How good could it be?

Then she mentioned that the actress in question is Nina Hartley, a 56-year-old, award-winning porn veteran who’s pretty much done it all — and still does. She dominated notorious bad girl Belladonna; starred in her own how-to video, Nina Hartley’s Guide to Anal Sex; and thoroughly enjoys her open marriage. Porn star Lexington Steele has said that sex with Hartley was the best he’s ever had. If anyone could remove the stigma surrounding a hand-job, it would be Nina.

I take the bait and wonder what lies at the “heart” of Hartley’s secret.

“Nina knows what she is doing,” says my porn acquaintance. “She knows exactly how to pressure certain spots, where to rub, how hard, how soft — all of it. She gave my boyfriend a hand job, and it was incredible. I had never seen him spurt like that. I can put you in touch with her if you like.”

That’s how I find myself sitting across from THE Nina Hartley in a hotel room in downtown Los Angeles. She wears black leggings, black boots, red-framed glasses, and a button-down shirt. She’s the quintessential lusty lady next door that every young man ought to know. She takes in the room and asks, “Is it warm enough here? You’ll need to be comfortable with your pants off.”

I hop up to adjust the thermostat and can’t help but notice a small Dopp kit set down in front of Hartley. She’ll soon open it to reveal what she calls “my hand job kit.” Contained inside: black latex gloves, two kinds of lubricant (water-based and silicone-based), and a clutch of hand wipes.

Pants still on, I can’t help but wonder aloud why she bothered getting into elevating a form of sex that most people think of as, well, not quite sex.

“I’d like to change the dialogue of hand jobs,” Hartley replies. “A hand-job will hopefully result in an orgasm for the man. That automatically makes it sex. It allows me to enjoy sex without worrying about condoms, babies, diseases. It’s also a kindness to my partner. It allows me to be the sex fairy. I can give hand jobs all night and embody the whore with the heart of gold. I like to be sexually generous and pitch in. One night, with a group, I was fluffer, lube jockey, condom retriever, and cunt washer — and it was awesome. I’ll even hold your hat and coat if you need me to.”

Hartley adds, “People want sex to be spontaneous. I build a playground where you can be spontaneous, but no one is going to run out and get hit by a car.”

Hartley explains that hand jobs serve as the perfect introduction to a man and his penis: “Before getting my vulva involved, hand jobs allow me to see how my partner receives pleasure — how the energy exchange is — whether it’s a tango or a waltz. I’d much rather give a hand job than get bad dick. I know that if I’m in charge, it will be a good time for both parties. I’ve given hour-long hand jobs. I don’t think of it as a prelude to sex. It is the sex.”

And what makes a Nina Hartley hand job so good? She smiles and replies, “I’m the Vladimir Horowitz of dick.”

She’s not wrong.

[At this point we enter a rather graphic description of the author’s glee that seemed rather aside from the point of the sexuality education Nina Hartley hopes to provide. Suffice it to say that the technique involved holding some parts “like a taco” in order to set the stage, as it were. We now continue….]

“You coax an erection; you don’t force it,” she tells me. “Most women feel that just them being there is enough. But the penis has to know it’s wanted, not just required. Porn and popular culture have colluded to make you think the penis comes out of the pants and will fuck anything. But men require some emotional connection.” [Gasp!]

Nina says this while undertaking what she calls the “zipper pull”: While continuing the taco hold with one hand, she initiates a pressing-and-sliding motion with the other….

[More description better befitting Penthouse Letters than our more scientific analysis. … Then…]

Hartley’s hand job proves revelatory. It’s incredibly pleasurable and way sexier than I had previously thought possible. More than a happy ending, it’s a happy experience that makes me rethink what the act is all about. Rather than being throwaway sex, this is about connecting and having fun in a manner that full-on intercourse just isn’t. It’s like intentionally forgoing the super-serious main course for a couple of fun, umami-laced appetizers, knowing that you’ll be enjoying every bite. By applying focus, technique, and a good attitude, she takes the beleaguered hand job way beyond its consolation-prize status.

This experience has been enough to make me both forget the scene from House of Lies in which Doug’s penis gets manually jack-hammered and to consider enhancements that can elevate all forms of sex. After all, if Hartley can bedazzle a hand job so successfully, what can we do to notch-up full-on intercourse?

But truthfully, we’re already nearing the point of no return. Nina stretches out the completion a bit, and I’m left with chills running through my body.

I lie there for a moment, coming down from her digital tour de force, before feeling a little awkward and not sure of the appropriate cleanup protocol. Almost on cue, Hartley swoops in with hand wipes, then origamis the wipes and gloves into a neat, inside-out package that remains completely dry on the exterior.

“That was amazing,” I tell her. “I’m on another planet right now.”

“I’m a professional,” she replies. Then THE Nina Hartley gets dressed, hugs me good-bye, and heads out into the L.A. dusk. The sex fairy has left the building.

Being a remarkably intelligent person, Nina will often spout things that require at least mental footnotes to research later. We have no shame in saying that we had to look up “Vladimir Horowitz” to discover that he was a famous pianist (joke obviously intended in Ms. Hartley’s case, because she obviously enjoys playing with a pianist). Sadly, this famous person in an historically niche genre died years before almost anyone in this department was born. Our knowledge of deceased classical musicians was lacking. We admit. …

On a much brighter note (joke intended here too), you may also find Nina Hartley still pushing (and pulling) out good vibes these days as well. You actually may be surprised to learn that Nina Harley owns herself, once again proving that being “not young” can have distinct benefits. How many of us can claim we own the URL for our own name? … You can take this final fact to the bank too, given from someone else that owns their own name as a web address: The Gingers and the Jennas may have been more “famous” adult stars, taken in some sort of an overall, objective, societal, sort of way, but never has there been a “more popular” star than Nina Hartley. Anyone who has ever met Nina can tell you that. She has that exceptionally rare gift of speaking to you as if you are the only person in the world that matters to her at that exact moment. Somewhere in the Multiverse, Nina Hartley was probably President.

Pop Shots Ty Dolla $ign

Ty Dolla $ign Pop Shots TitleThe Penthouse World According to Ty Dolla $ign

It might seem predictable — or even cliché — that a prominent personality in the urban music scene like singer/producer Ty Dolla $ign would gravitate toward depicting hot chicks smoking weed, or wrestling around while oiled up in a girl fight, but we defy anyone to say they would have predicted that the images would be this artistic and scintillating.

Did you have a personal connection to the magazine growing up?

I heard of Penthouse, of course. Growing up, I think I found some of my dad’s one time.

Have you ever done anything like this before?

I have, but I haven’t released it yet. I have some shit coming, though.

You do? A nude photo shoot?


Tell me about it.

I can’t talk about it.

Okay, we’ll talk about this project. What were you going for?

I didn’t want to just have a super-ratchet photo shoot. If you notice, my music is kind of straight up, you know. And I didn’t want the pictures to be so straight up. All my videos are hella artsy. The song is talking about some crazy shit, but the pictures and the videos are tasteful.

Why is that?

Because that’s the way it is in life. What people do is, they will sell you a dream and make it seem like it’s all good. But in real life, they’re real ratchet. What I like to do is reverse that. I just tell you exactly what it is, but then I’ll show you the real visual of everything being perfect.

Expose the bullshit without being the bullshit.


What does Ty Dolla $ign look for in a girl?

Shit. Just swag, really. Being confident. There are a lot of cute girls out there who aren’t sure of themselves and that makes it too easy. I like it when a girl knows exactly what she is. Then it might be a challenge … but it might not be.

Do you have a particular type?

[Sings] “I ain’t got no type. Bad bitches is the only thing that I like.” You feel me? I’ll fucks with all different races, all different sizes. Maybe not too big, maybe not too small. I just like all women.

Even the more traditional models you see represented in mainstream media?

I like them, too … on those types of days. I’m not gonna lie: I’m a single man, and I’m not looking for love, but one day it’s gonna happen. I’m not hiding from it, either. Right now I’m definitely on my turn-up and I like all the different flavors. Compare it to a box of Crayola crayons. I like them all.

Any deal breakers? What would it take for a girl to turn you off?

If the coochie stink-stink, then of course I’m not fucking with her. If the breath stinks, I’m not fucking with her. If her nails are fucked up and dirty, I’m not fucking with her. I just like a woman to take care of herself and smell good. Oh. If she ain’t got no job, I ain’t fucking with her either. I don’t like broke bitches.

What exactly were you looking for when you cast Sophie Dee and Selena Santana as the models for the shoot?

For me it’s face first, so if you have a beautiful face, I’m fucking with you. Sophie and Selena definitely won as far as the face goes. And then the body comes next. Something about Sophie, probably the eyes… She just gets you.

Yeah, those eyes.

Just a thick, beautiful white girl with blue eyes and huge tits. That was cool. I think that’s everybody’s — a lot of people’s — dream white girl. And Selena as well. Selena is just a fire-ass Latin chick. Beautiful. Nice body. They’re both bad as shit. They holler at me.

What was your inspiration behind picking the set?

The weed shit definitely came from me. I’m looking into owning one of those shops, you know, and having some beautiful girls in the shop like that would probably be the everyday thing going on in there. I was like, fuck it, let’s do this first, and I’ll look into getting my license.

You weren’t into the girl fight?

I’m into it; it’s cool. They weren’t really fighting, though. They got turned-up. They started pouring that oil on each other, that baby oil.

But the dispensary was more your speed.

It’s definitely a reflection of me. It’s all good to have the girls, but just imagine: hotel with the girls, or dispensary with the girls? I’m going to choose dispensary. I don’t need the bed and all of that old-school shit. I’m down for the couch or the floor and the weed.

So your shoot actually gives people a glimpse into what Ty Dolla $ign is about?

If I weren’t working so hard every day doing music, I would probably be just chilling out in my weed shop with some chicks, getting hella stoned and trying all the different flavors.

In hindsight, would you have done anything differently?

I probably would have cast at least four to five [models]. A Spanish, a white, an Asian, a black, a Middle Eastern or an Indian or something like that. Something fly. You know you got to have all the flavors in order for it to be complete.

Sure, but if budget weren’t an issue?

Budget is never an issue for the Dolla $ign. Excuse me?

The only bad thing was that I couldn’t smoke inside, for the vibe. I was just talking about that with one of the homies yesterday. Everything that we do is based off if we can smoke or not. And I couldn’t smoke in there, so that was kinda wack, but outside wasn’t too far.

Did you hold anything back?

I definitely self-edited. I want my shit hella artistic and to get them blown up and have them hang in my crib, so right when you walk in my front door you can see them. And my daughter can walk in and see them, and my grandmother, and whoever else, and they still get the point. And it’s clean, you know what I mean?

What’s on the horizon for you professionally?

I have an album called Free TC coming out right before summer. And I got hella features dropping. God is great. I’m thankful. More tours coming. Festivals coming. Just more good music. Let’s get it.

What’s behind the title Free TC?

Free TC is dedicated to my little brother TC. He’s locked up for a murder that he didn’t do. It’s not just him who’s been [victimized by] injustice. I have other homies who are going through the same shit. All across America and in Mexico, in Canada, Africa, everywhere, and we just need to bring awareness to that shit. I’m going to take a lot of this money that I’m going to get from this album and put it toward a great team of lawyers and work on getting him out. That’s about it.

If you’re curious, The New York Times ranked that debut album at #4 for ’Best Albums of 2015” overall, and Mr. Dolla $ign just kept getting better (making our project with him look very smart, which we love, of course). You have to admire someone who has branded “Expensive” on their merchanidse — which includes one of best modern logo designs we have seen, by the way. Of course under it all live the music, but it could be that Ty Dolla $ign just might be one of those artists that proves able to trancend limited genre. Think about it: 7+ million followers cannot all be attracted by the same thing. Can they?

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Trenton Beechum

Burning Rubber with Trenton Beechum

Before we get into the mechanics – as it were – of Trenton Beechum, you might need a quick primer on his realm.

Consider that a typical Formula Drift race is over in 45 seconds, and an entire heat completes in under two minutes. Yet fans and drivers alike continually spend hours at the track, soaking in the heat and breathing in the burning rubber, all for the chance to experience the nonstop adrenaline that makes drift racing unique in the world of motorsports.

“It’s more exciting than drag racing or circuit racing or anything because [you feel the] adrenaline the whole time,” says Trenton Beechum, the sport’s newest pro racer.

“The runs aren’t very long, but we’re going 100 miles an hour, neck and neck, with like a thousand horsepower cars. So, it’s pretty crazy. It’s a good adrenaline rush.”

Beechum, 29, has been drifting — literally, not metaphorically — since 2014. In 2015, he was the TopDrift Pro-Am Champion, and in 2019, he was the Formula Drift Pro2 Champion. He got his pro card to move up to the big leagues just before COVID-19 hit, and finally in 2022 has been able to take on the sport’s biggest names in his bid to establish himself as one of drifting’s top stars.

Going from the top of the track to the new kid on the block hasn’t been an easy transition — it’s hard to give up nonstop winning and go back to paying your dues — but Beechum has seen the sport’s fan base grow, and he’s planning to be there when it blows up and takes on NASCAR and Formula 1 in a battle to be America’s favorite motorsport.

“It started off as fun, and it still is really fun because now I’m going like seven times faster and competing with the world’s best people,” Beechum says.

As a kid, Beechum watched drifters like Matt Field and James Deane, two of the sport’s most famous racers, and now, they’re his friends — and his competition. But taking on his childhood heroes hasn’t been too much of a struggle.

“I like watching them race. I’m not crazy, but I’d rather be out there driving,” laughs Beechum, who counts Penthouse as a sponsor.

Part of the rush of drifting comes from having to keep a speeding half-ton hunk of steel from spinning out of control while driving mere inches away from your competitor. You know that feeling you get when you start hydroplaning during a storm? That’s the same feeling drift racers experience every time they get behind the wheel of their car.

It goes like this: Each heat in drift racing involves only two cars, a lead car and a follow car, and two laps. The lead car takes off and has a certain set of marks to hit around the track’s outer zone. When the lead car approaches a turn, the goal is to oversteer and kick the clutch, forcing the wheels to lock up and the tires to lose traction with the asphalt. Then, instead of driving around the curve, the car drifts, the tires shredding as they slide across the pavement. As the car comes out of the curve, the driver has to quickly straighten and regain traction to pull out of the drift.

If that’s not complicated enough, this is all happening while the follow car chases after the lead car, trying to hit every mark and match the lead car’s speed and angle — while essentially tailgating the competition. Then, they switch roles and do it all over again — in less time than it took you to read this explanation.

“It’s very nerve-wracking,” Beechum admits. “I still feel that way today. Getting in the car, sitting on the line, it’s just the most nerve-wracking thing you can do. [I can’t stop thinking] ‘Is the car going to survive? Am I going to crash? How fast are we going to go?’ But then once you get out [on the track], the next 45 seconds you’re just flooring it. You have nothing else to think about except keeping the car floored and as fast as you can go.”

If you watch ride-along videos of drifters, you’ll see so much activity as the drivers hit a turn. They have nanoseconds, at best, to kick the clutch several times, quickly counter-steer against the curve, and then whip the steering wheel in the complete opposite direction to fly into the perfect drift. There’s adrenaline coursing through their bodies from the sheer excitement of it all, but also the very real danger they’re in if they fuck it up. And yet, the best drivers execute that sequence with such style that it looks effortless from the outside, almost graceful.

When Beechum meets traditional racers who’ve decided to give drifting a spin, they’re usually freaking out.

“They’re so used to driving perfect, driving straight, and then they try drifting and they’re like, ‘Holy shit! I can’t do it. My body is telling me this doesn’t feel right,’” he explains. “It takes a different kind of skill.”

To be fair, Beechum says he wasn’t quite cut out for NASCAR, either — though for a slightly different reason.

“I went and tried it out, and I thought that shit was pretty fucking easy,” he says. “You’re just going left.”

He has nothing against traditional racing, though. He gets the appeal of going 200 mph — and getting paid handsomely to do it — but he also doesn’t feel the same connection to it that most fans and racers do. He didn’t grow up with NASCAR. At 15, he wasn’t so much into going fast as going hard, crashing through his neighborhood in a car he wasn’t technically supposed to be driving and seeing just what he was capable of behind the wheel.

More and more, Beechum says, he’s meeting new fans at his races who came over from NASCAR or Formula 1 and expected to feel about drift the way he feels about straight driving. But after seeing a couple heats, he says, they became converts.

“It’s like a drug,” he explains. “Ask anyone who’s ever drifted. I have friends who can’t race anymore, and they’ll be on another drifter’s team just to be around the sport, just to be that close and be a part of it.” 

Infectious guy, that Trenton, right? … Obviously there would be an instagram. And obviously you can even find time to watch complete races, even in a forced short video format. Granted, to some of us it looks like trying to get to your girlfriend’s house before her parents get home during any Colorado winter, but these folks are doing it with 1,000 hp engines with nary any nookie at the finish line. That dedication has to count for something. And simply because we like for everyone to feel involved, we cajoled Mr. Trenton Beechum into giving us a clip from the “passenger cam” that we could share. … Better not sneeze during one of these runs. …

The Arizona that Begat Our War

WWII – Battle Against Time

Chaos, smoke and fire turned an island paradise into hell on Earth when hundreds of aircraft from the Imperial Japanese Navy rained bombs down on the United States Naval base at Pearl Harbor in Oahu, Hawaii, on Dec. 7, 1941. Enemy soldiers targeted hangars and parked aircraft on the territory’s airfields and launched torpedoes against warships moored in the harbor.

During the first five minutes of the relentless assault, four battleships were hit — including the USS Oklahoma and the USS Arizona. A 1,760-pound bomb hit the Arizona’s gunpowder stores — and when it exploded, so did the doomed ship. The blast was so intense it briefly lifted the craft out of the water and gutted the forward decks. A massive fireball blew upward and engulfed its damaged masts. The bow was split from the rest of the cratered hull. Within nine minutes, the once grand ship began to slowly sink and would ultimately entomb more than 900 of its crew.

In total, the Arizona lost 1,177 sailors — accounting for nearly half of the American casualties during the sneak attack, which devastated the U.S. Pacific fleet and dragged the formerly neutral nation into World War II.

Just 334 servicemembers assigned to the Arizona survived — including 20-year-old U.S. Navy coxswain Howard “Ken” Potts. He was working as a crane operator and tasked with shuttling supplies to the battleship — but he was ashore when the Japanese began their assault. After racing to the scene, Potts helped rescue injured men from the oily harbor, which was ablaze, and later recovered some of the dead from their watery graves.

But Potts, like so many of his fellow heroes from the Greatest Generation, recently passed away — breathing his last in April, six days after his 102nd birthday. His death leaves only one remaining survivor from the Arizona: 101-year-old Lou Conter.

The fact that America’s WWII veterans are fading fast comes as no surprise. After all, the U.S. entered the war more than 80 years ago, which means the men and women who fought and won the historic conflict are now in their 90s — or older. According to U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs statistics, in 2022 only 167,284 of the 16 million Americans who served in WWII were still alive — and their numbers are dwindling daily. As these aging veterans disappear, their memories of the war’s triumphs and terrors threaten to vanish with them. But the American Veterans Center (AVC) is honoring their sacrifices, documenting their stories, and preserving their legacy for future generations.

The Arizona Memories

In 2020, Potts shared his memories with AVC.

“When I got back to Pearl Harbor, the whole harbor was afire. Oil that leaked out [from the damaged battleships] caught on fire and was burning,” he recalled.

Potts took a boat back to the Arizona and said he and others “picked people out of the water on the way” toward the flaming vessel.

He said when the onboard ammunitions exploded, that “basically blew the ship in half” and “that’s when it started to sink.”

Potts revealed, “That’s when they got on the loudspeaker and said to abandon ship.”

In the days following the attack, young Potts joined a diving crew to recover whatever corpses could be reached from the wreckage of the Arizona, which sank entirely by Dec. 10, 1941. He called it “the worst job I ever had.”

He also confessed, “Even after I got out of the Navy, out in the open, and heard a siren, I’d shake.”

Potts is just one of thousands of former veterans — from WWII and beyond — whose stories have been documented by AVC since it was founded in 1995. Dramatic oral histories telling the real-life tales of horror and heroism are available on the nonprofit’s YouTube channel, and written stories — submitted by former military members themselves or by their families — can be found at the Home of the Brave section of American Veterans Center online.

In addition, AVC provides all of its video and audio interviews to the Library of Congress’ Veterans History Project for use by researchers. The organization also produces a variety of multimedia content, including documentaries and television specials, such as American Valor: A Salute to Our Heroes. AVC has called the Emmy-winning franchise an annual Veterans Day television tradition, which recounts the legends and heroes of the last 75 years of American military history.

AVC has also behind our nation’s largest Memorial Day event in Washington, D.C., a parade which draws an astounding 300,000 in-person spectators. This year as NASA prepares to return to the moon after more than five decades, the parade enlisted three former American astronauts — and veterans — as grand marshals: Russell “Rusty” Schweickart, lunar module pilot on Apollo 9, Charlie Duke, lunar module pilot on Apollo 16, and Harrison “Jack” Schmitt, lunar module pilot on Apollo 17. Duke and Schmitt are two of the four still living men to have walked on the moon, with Schmitt having been the very last to set foot on its surface.

Podcasts, magazines and more also reflect the AVC’s dedication to honoring our country’s WWII servicemembers.

The USS Arizona Memorial was formally dedicated on May 30, 1962. The museum and monument remain accessible only by boat and actually straddle the sunken hull of the battleship without touching it. Over 40 late survivors chose to have their ashes interred at the site to join their fallen brothers. The urns of the deceased were placed by divers in the well of the submerged barbette on gun turret No. 4. More than 2 million people visit the location annually.

The physical monument to the Arizona’s crew will remain for generations — but AVC is ensuring the memories of our WWII vets will also stand as a fitting tribute to their personal accomplishments and sacrifices.

You can learn more about The American Veterans Center of course — immersing yourself in the stories of past military heroes of all generations. If you can make it to Honolulu, though, a visit to the actual USS Arizona Memorial just migh