Some people only know Melissa Etheridge as a famous lesbian. Honestly, those people have missed a lot of spectacular music. Sad for them. … And the woman really knows her football too.
Just playing rugby looks tough enough (although potentially fun in the mud), but underwater rugby just seems like crazy talk. Who does that?
One may enjoy politics for the art, although war fans have much the same rationale, truth be told. Politics, though, should at least in theory help us all.
Getting the boot generally means something sad. Getting the Cowboys Boots, however, could be the start of something fun and invigorating. So that’s good.
Convert “sex” to “sex ed” and you have cloaked yourself with presumably scientific legitimacy. This doesn’t mean we cannot benefit from both, of course.
Hearing openness from someone having survived a sex addict affliction may not be what you’d anticipate. Addiction differs from love, as it turns out.
Working as a noun or a verb, the simple word “strip” has a tendency to raise heartbeats on all its own. A “stripper,” though, amplifies that feeling with a particular flar.
It may be difficult to tell the difference between a Pseudo-Bisexual and a regular old garden-variety bisexual, but the goals differ markedly.
You may never have thought much about isotopes unless you watch a lot of crime shows on television — so we decided to consider them for you.