Penthouse Pet of the Month December 2009
Height: 5’10”
Measurements: 35C-24-36
Hometown: Long Beach, CA
Fun Fact: Big Extreme Sports Fan
Favorite food: Sushi.
Favorite drink: Sake.
What’s the hottest movie sex scene?
I like anything with Megan Fox.
Your biggest turn-on:
When a guy can make me laugh, I’m all his.
So we learned all of that years ago when Jayden did her Pet Questionnaire for the magazine. Some time has passed since that highlight, of course, so we did a little catching up with Ms. Cole, because … well, she’s still fascinating. These questions come from the ManyVids folks, which adds a different flair to them certainly. Honestly, we could not remember the last time we heard someone ask a porn star her favorite color. It sounds like Jayden’s answer should have been “marinara,” but you can judge for yourself.
What is your favorite thing about working in the adult industry?
The personal freedom that I have been able to enjoy in my career is immeasurable. I can basically work anytime, from anywhere. I love bringing my followers along for all my adventures, and the harder you work, the more results you see, no matter what your goals are!
What inspired you to work as a content creator?
I never really thought of myself as a content creator; I feel like I just naturally progressed into it. I don’t think I would have been prepared for getting to have a say in every aspect of my content when I first started shooting. I’m so happy to have gotten the experience early on in the industry shooting for other companies to gain the knowledge and experience necessary to eventually have total control over every aspect of my productions.
Who is your hero?
My hero is myself. Looking back on how I’ve handled life’s challenges and obstacles, I’m proud of how I went about everything with strength and grace, staying true to myself, and never let anyone bring me down to their level. I never let anyone or anything keep me from staying kind and finding joy every day.
What is your favorite color?
My favorite color is anything that has a blue/green/teal shade; it reminds me of the ocean and nature.
What type of movies do you enjoy watching?
I’m honestly horrible with movies. I don’t remember the last one I saw from beginning to end; no movies have really gotten my attention over the past decade, but I love documentaries and nature shows!
If you could change anything in this world, what would it be?
I feel like there are quite a few things that this world needs in order to have a bright future for the next generations to come. I’d probably start by limiting everyone’s access to the internet, myself included, and remind everyone daily that there’s no value in being better than anyone else.
What do you look for in your partners?
I really look for someone humble and true to who they are. No acts, no role- playing, no trying too hard to impress others. Just honest and comfortable in their own skin.
What is your favorite travel destination?
I like to go where there is good scuba diving! Basically, anywhere I can dive every morning, lay on the beach all afternoon and eat well every night.
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?
I’ve already knocked a few of my top destinations off my list, but when I get more experience diving, I will be going to the Galapagos Islands!
If Jayden Cole had a superpower, what would it be?
I wouldn’t mind being invisible sometimes.
What is the most important thing in your life?
Family and taking care of myself!

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Subscribe to Penthouse MagazineWhat is something you can’t resist?
Tom Ford men’s cologne. It doesn’t matter if it’s on a man or a woman; if I smell it, I’m intrigued.
What’s something nobody knows about you?
I moved to Montana this year and started a new business selling berries and other fruits and vegetables to different local vendors. I plan on expanding every year with different varieties of sustainably sourced products. Montana has a great program (Made in Montana) where they prioritize locally made products in every big commercial store and market to incentivize people to keep farming.
What’s your idea of a perfect date?
I cook a lot at home, so when I go out, I like to get dressed up, have a three-hour dinner at a fancy restaurant, then go home, put comfy clothes on and have some good dessert, whether that’s food or my date’s company. Simple, but so good!
What is the most random fact about Jayden Cole?
I’m taking cooking classes. My next one is all about ravioli!
What’s the Jayden Cole guilty pleasure?
Currently, I’m on a Woodford Reserve kick.
What is your favorite comfort food?
I lived in coastal Georgia for most of my childhood, so my favorite comfort food is gumbo and biscuits
Are you a morning or night person?
Definitely a morning person! I love being up before the world is awake.
Do you enjoy staying in or going out on the town?
Staying in 90 percent. Going out 10 percent. That’s my perfect balance.
Once a Pet, always a Pet. Give Jayden some love when you run across her. She deserves it. You can also, of course, check out the more modern (defined as chosen under owners after Friend Finder, maybe not the best carriers of the Penthouse Brand flag) Pets on these very pages.